Weak Quotes

Text Quotes
An artist is only an ordinary man with a greater potentiality--same stuff, same make up, only more force. And the strong driving force usually finds his weak spot, and he goes cranked, or goes under (Weak Quotes)
Brave people add up to an aristocracy. The democracy of thou-shalt-not is bound to be a collection of weak men (Weak Quotes)
Tis weak and vicious people who cast the blame on Fate. The right use of Fate is to bring up our conduct to the loftiness of nature (Weak Quotes)
We are born with a potential for good character - and for the dispositions and habits that make up bad or weak character. Because we are born in ignorance of moral ideals, however, we must be instructed or trained if we are to achieve a good second nature (Weak Quotes)
Whether we like it or not, one day science will take God from us! This will be especially a great destruction for the weak minds! (Weak Quotes)
I understood that menstruation - the indication that you’re a real woman - stopped if you grew weak from illness (Weak Quotes)
This president [Barack Obama] has had weak leadership, which has led to bad choices. We have got to stop worrying about being loved and start worrying about being respected. And that’s exactly how I’ll lead our country (Weak Quotes)
I came to America at the age of 17 as an exchange student, and a year later, I was a student at Dartmouth. I would say that the rather weak foundation of my Christianity was effectively battered at Dartmouth. I’ve had mostly a secular career. But I became intellectually interested in Christianity again in my mid-30s (Weak Quotes)
For value investors, General Motors is a tempting target. The company’s share of the North American auto market has steadily declined for two decades, and analysts say the company suffers from weak management and unexciting cars (Weak Quotes)
Stocks in the United States plunged in 2002 amid fears of war and terrorism, a weak economy, rising oil prices and dozens of corporate scandals. It was the third consecutive annual decline, the first time that has happened in 60 years (Weak Quotes)
Despite the fact that he has run the most incompetent administration in history, President Obama remains a solid bet for re-election in 2012. Obama’s frontrunner status springs from two crucial facts: first, by overexposing himself in the public eye, he has made himself larger than life; second, the Republican field is pathetically weak (Weak Quotes)
I don’t like weak women and I don’t find it interesting to play them. I’m inspired by them, when I see them in dramas, like with Natalie Portman, in almost every movie she’s in. It’s awesome that chicks can really go there, and it’s beautiful to watch, but I don’t think I’m interested, in any way, shape or form, in embodying those creatures (Weak Quotes)
Because I spent many years during my previous life as an academic researching game theory, some commentators rushed to presume that as Greece’s new finance minister, I was busily devising bluffs, stratagems and outside options, struggling to improve upon a weak hand. Nothing could be further from the truth (Weak Quotes)
If you see what is small as it sees itself, and accept what is weak for what strength it has, and use what is dim for the light it gives then all will go well. This is called Acting Naturally (Weak Quotes)
Get your butt in a chair and write. If it comes out weak or bad or clunky or ordinary, then accept that this happens to everyone. Everyone. Get it down, get it done, and fix it in the rewrite. Just like everyone from Stephen King to J. K. Rowling to Chuck Palahniuk does (Weak Quotes)
If an ad campaign is built around a weak idea - or as is so often the case, no idea at all - I don’t give a damn how good the execution is, it’s going to fail. (Weak Quotes)
Your challenges are like tall walls with weak foundations. They’ll fall when you dare to give them a blow. Don’t be afraid to dare... You will surely overcome! (Weak Quotes)
We look at the African-American community, for a long time those of us who be considered strong - black men - for whatever reason, haven’t done a good job of taking care of the weak. And we were doing things that render taking care of our youth and taking care of our women and our families impossible, when our lives are taken. (Weak Quotes)
This drink has a magical power. It strengthens the weak, and revives those who have fainted. Those tired after work and physical activity can return their life forces by this drink much sooner than by nourishment. ... It works as a diuretic, an appetizer, an antitoxin. (Weak Quotes)
I was asked the age old question today: why are you an author? I suppose there are lots of answers to this question that would suffice, but for me there is really only one answer that will do: the blank paper taunts me, and I am weak. (Weak Quotes)
I don’t drink at lunchtime because I’m very weak at alcohol like most Asians (Weak Quotes)
China has existed within very roughly its present borders for over two millennia and for virtually the whole of that period saw itself as a ‘civilisation state.’ It was only when it was too weak to resist the western powers in the early 20th century that it finally acquiesced in an arrangement that was alien to it. (Weak Quotes)
Keep everything simple, don’t try anything crazy and all your strikes must be hard! NOTHING WEAK, no jabs or weak attacks. (Weak Quotes)
One of the duties of fortitude is to keep the weak from receiving injury; another, to check the wrong motions of our own souls; a third, both to disregard humiliations, and to do what is right with an even mind. All these clearly ought to be fulfilled by all Christians, and especially by the clergy. (Weak Quotes)
It’s ok to say you’ve got a weak spot,you don’t always have to be on top.Better to be hated then loved(x3) for what you’re not. (Weak Quotes)
The first amazing fact about gravitation is that the ratio of inertial mass to gravitational mass is constant wherever we have checked it. The second amazing thing about gravitation is how weak it is. (Weak Quotes)
The economy is too weak right now. We need to jump-start it. The American Jobs Act will provide that jump-start, to help us into next year and the year after that. (Weak Quotes)
Don’t you find that in a weak physique it is difficult to control the sex - appetite or anger? (Weak Quotes)
Humans live in a world where the weak are dominant. This is a terrible insult to our animal nature, a sort of perversion or a deep contradiction. (Weak Quotes)
Do not say we are weak; we can do anything and everything. What can we not do? Everything can be done by us; we all have the same glorious soul, let us believe in it. (Weak Quotes)