Wealth Quotes

Text Quotes
When blessed with wealth, let them withdraw from the competition of vanity and be modest, retiring from ostentation, and not be the slaves of fashion (Wealth Quotes)
I continually find it necessary to guard against that natural love of wealth and grandeur which prompts us always, when we come to apply our general doctrine to our own case, to claim an exception (Wealth Quotes)
The personal wealth that’s coming is absolutely secondary to the stories that I hear about our users who have given themselves some financial independence as well by starting businesses, and all the lives we’ve touched positively (Wealth Quotes)
The question many have in the region is how not to squander the wealth like they did in the 1970s (Wealth Quotes)
Let him avoid,the acquisition of wealth and,the gratification of his desires, if they are opposed to the sacred law, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to men (Wealth Quotes)
To lose one’s health renders science null, are inglorious, strength unavailing, wealth useless, and eloquence powerless (Wealth Quotes)
As labor creates the wealth of the country, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect it in all its rights (Wealth Quotes)
In the long run men inevitably become the victims of their wealth. They adapt their lives and habits to their money, not their money to their lives. It preoccupies their thoughts, creates artificial needs, and draws a curtain between them and the world (Wealth Quotes)
The financial wealth that has been created is unprecedented. Even if the stock market, for argument’s sake, leveled off here, there’s been so much wealth built up that we really can feel spending for some time (Wealth Quotes)
When freedom prevails, the ingenuity and inventiveness of people creates incredible wealth. This is the source of the natural improvement of the human condition (Wealth Quotes)
We will not regard any great power as necessarily right in a given dispute unless we are convinced of this, yet at the same time we will not view the great powers with perennial suspicion merely on account of their size, their wealth, or their nuclear potential. We will be friends of all, satellites of none (Wealth Quotes)
The siren song of redistribution of wealth by centralized government never ceases for those who seek irreversible and unusurpable control over the lives and liberties of private citizens (Wealth Quotes)
No nation as rich as ours should have so many people isolated on islands of poverty in such a sea of material wealth (Wealth Quotes)
When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless (Wealth Quotes)
If you want to succeed in the world must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time a coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence (Wealth Quotes)
Rich people should consider that they are only trustees for what they possess, and should show their wealth to be more in doing good than merely in having it. They should not reserve their benevolence for purposes after they are dead, for those who give not of their property till they die show that they would not then if they could keep it any longer (Wealth Quotes)
In the early stages of wealth, up to 10 years after individuals became very rich, they display a bit of reluctance to spend money. It’s a lot easier rationalizing spending a lot for a house (Wealth Quotes)
There is a wealth of information built into us... tucked away in the genetic material in every one of our cells... without some means of access, there is no way even to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature (Wealth Quotes)
A drunkard is the annoyance of modesty, the trouble of civility, the spoil of wealth, the distraction of reason. He is the brewer’s agent, the tavern and alehouse benefactor, the beggar’s companion, the constable’s trouble, his wife’s woe, his children’s sorrow, his neighbours scoff, his own shame (Wealth Quotes)
No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there (Wealth Quotes)
Money is only unused power. The real purpose of wealth, after food, clothing and shelter, is philanthropy (Wealth Quotes)
Psychological wealth includes life satisfaction, the feeling that life is full of meaning, a sense of engagement in interesting activities, the pursuit of important goals, the experience of positive emotional feelings, and a sense of spirituality that connects people to things larger than themselves (Wealth Quotes)
The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity... that’s all there is. That’s the whole economy. That’s where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world (Wealth Quotes)
People, you see... are ruthless and foolish. When they’re young, in order to have money and power, they give up everything like health and youth. And when they get sick, become old, and have all the money and power... in order to find their health and youth again, they spend all of the wealth they’ve wasted so much energy and time to accumulate (Wealth Quotes)
Government is, at every level, a means to gather in the labor and wealth of the people, and then instruct the people about new restrictions or monitoring of their lives (Wealth Quotes)
If you don’t put a value on money and seek wealth, you most probably won’t receive it. You must seek wealth for it to seek you. If no burning desire for wealth arises within you, wealth will not arise around you. Having definiteness of purpose for acquiring wealth is essential for its acquisition (Wealth Quotes)
I do not believe that the present flowering of science is due in the least to a real appreciation of the beauty and intellectual discipline of the subject. It is due simply to the fact that power, wealth and prestige can only be obtained by the correct application of science (Wealth Quotes)
You can see that a city is prosperous by the wealth of goods for sale in the market. Land too we call prosperous if it bears rich fruit. And so also the soul may be counted prosperous if it is full of good works of every kind (Wealth Quotes)
I think a lot of us are not on a path; we’re in a rut. We have confused comfort with peace, belief with faith, safety with wisdom, wealth with blessing, and existence with life (Wealth Quotes)
I looked at all friends, and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience (Wealth Quotes)