Wealth Quotes

Text Quotes
Modern medicine is not scientific, it is full of prejudice, illogic and susceptible to advertising. Doctors are not taught to reason, they are programmed to believe in whatever their medical schools teach them and the leading doctors tell them. Over the past 20 years the drug companies, with their enormous wealth, have taken medicine over and now control its research, what is taught and the information released to the public (Wealth Quotes)
Why does corruption in government always surprise us? Why do we expect anything else from it? Government is organized force. It takes our wealth and makes war. And we think honest men would do that work? (Wealth Quotes)
Herein lies the real value of education. Advanced education may or may not make men and women more efficient; but it enriches personality, increases the wealth of the mind, and hence brings happiness. It is the finest insurance against old age, against the growth of physical disability, against the lack and loss of animal delights. How essential it is, then, in youth to acquire some intellectual or artistic tastes, in order to furnish the mind, to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls (Wealth Quotes)
The more princes abstain from touching the wealth of their people, the greater will be their resources in the wants of the state (Wealth Quotes)
If you thought the army was here protecting people like yourself, I’ve some news for you, we’re here to defend wealth (Wealth Quotes)
When I was young, I used to think that wealth and power would bring me happiness... I was right (Wealth Quotes)
The earlier you start, the easier it is to accumulate major wealth. Still, it’s never really too late to begin (Wealth Quotes)
The uneven distribution of wealth in the world is due to the uneven distribution of capitalism (Wealth Quotes)
The real wealth of a nation is its people. And the purpose of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy, and creative lives. This simple but powerful truth is too often forgotten in the pursuit of material and financial wealth (Wealth Quotes)
I regard large inherited wealth as a misfortune, which merely serves to dull men’s faculties. A man who possesses great wealth should, therefore, allow only a small portion to descend to his relatives. Even if he has children, I consider it a mistake to hand over to them considerable sums of money beyond what is necessary for their education. To do so merely encourages laziness and impedes the healthy development of the individual’s capacity to make an independent position for himself (Wealth Quotes)
Being grateful is the bridge between the world of nightmares and the world where we are free to say no. It’s the bridge between the world of delusions and the world of creativity.It’s the power that brings death back to life, the power that turns poverty to wealth and anger to compassion (Wealth Quotes)
If you are a gamer, it’s time to get over any regret you might feel about spending so much time playing games. You have not been wasting your time. You have been building up a wealth of virtual experience that, as the first half of this book will show you, can teach you about your true self: what your core strengths are, what really motivates you, and what make you happiest (Wealth Quotes)
Every human being I have ever met, irrespective of the business, the job or life situation they are in, possesses at least one and normally multiple instant jackpots that are within their grasp. All they have to do is recognize them, believe that they are there, and believe that they are entitled to harvest them and the financial and the personal wealth and riches that come along with them (Wealth Quotes)
Entrepreneurial knowledge has little to do with certified expertise, advanced degrees, or the learning of establishment schools. The fashionably educated and cultivated spurn the kind of fanatically focused learning commanded by the innovators. Wealth all too often comes from doing what other people consider insufferably boring or unendurably hard (Wealth Quotes)
If a man has wealth, he has to make a choice, because there is the money heaping up. He can keep it together in a bunch, and then leave it for others to administer after he is dead. Or he can get it into action and have fun, while he is still alive. I prefer getting it into action and adapting it to human needs, and making the plan work (Wealth Quotes)
Throughout the 20th century, we created wealth through vertically integrated corporations. Now, we create wealth through networks. We are at a turning point in human history, where the industrial age has finally run out of gas (Wealth Quotes)
My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth, the most important kind. I value each moment that is not spent in pain, desperation, hunger, thirst, or loneliness (Wealth Quotes)
It’s false. There is absolutely no evidence that extreme weather events are on the increase. None. The argument that more and more dollar damages accrue is a reflection of the greater amount of wealth we’ve created (Wealth Quotes)
A man’s wealth can... also be measured by what he doesn’t have and doesn’t want. When he wants little, he is a rich man (Wealth Quotes)
In a world where inequality of ability is inevitable, anarchists do not sanction any attempt to produce equality by artificial or authoritarian means. The only equality they posit and will strive their utmost to defend is the equality of opportunity. This necessitates the maximum amount of freedom for each individual. This will not necessarily result in equality of incomes or wealth but will result in returns proportionate to service rendered (Wealth Quotes)
Time is the truest form of wealth. And the beauty is, we are all born equally rich in time (Wealth Quotes)
Capitalism is like math. It is amoral. It is good at producing wealth; it’s bad at distributing wealth. Unless it operates within a moral framework it will produce an unjust society (Wealth Quotes)
A grateful and generous heart is like a magnet. When you take the time to acknowledge the abundance in your life and share the wealth, you attract even more blessings and reasons to feel grateful. In this way, receiving and giving creates a circle of energy that serves us all (Wealth Quotes)
I have no desire for wealth or possessions, and so I have nothing. I do not experience the initial suffering of having to accumulate possessions, the intermediate suffering of having to guard and keep up possessions, nor the final suffering of loosing the possessions (Wealth Quotes)
Generations of human beings were transformed into machines in the relentless pursuit of material wealth: We lived to work (Wealth Quotes)
Someday our grandchildren will very likely look back at the individual, selfish control of the wealth of the world by a small elite the same way we view slavery today (Wealth Quotes)
The media propagates a message that corporations want, and there’s a belittling and mocking of the poor and celebration of wealth. A kind of cutthroat, rapacious capitalism is celebrated on reality television shows where you betray and manipulate and push aside your competitors for fleeting fame and money. These are sick values, but they’re disseminated through corporate media in almost every program you watch (Wealth Quotes)
Many people are very intelligent in accomplishing worldly attainments. This intelligence is not wisdom because worldly attainments such as a high position, reputation, wealth and success in business are deceptive. If we die tomorrow they will disappear tomorrow, and nothing will be left for our future. Wisdom, however, will never deceive us (Wealth Quotes)
With wealth, one is in a position of responsibility. You must try to help others. It is as simple as that (Wealth Quotes)
Getting out and staying out of debt is key. debt is the biggest barrier, a parasite to wealth (Wealth Quotes)