Wealth Quotes

Text Quotes
We form cities in order to enhance interaction, to facilitate growth, wealth creation, ideas, innovation, but in so doing, we create, from a physicists viewpoint, entropy (Wealth Quotes)
How unfortunate and how narrowing a thing it is for a man to have wealth who makes a God of it instead of a servant (Wealth Quotes)
People who pay greater respect to a wealthy villain than to an honest, upright man in poverty, almost deserve to be enslaved; they plainly show that wealth, however it may be acquired, is, in their esteem, to be preferred to virtue (Wealth Quotes)
It requires more than a day’s devotion to know and to possess the wealth of a day (Wealth Quotes)
There are many excuses for the person who made the mistake of confounding money and wealth. Like many others they mistook the sign for the thing signified (Wealth Quotes)
No man is any the worse off because another acquires wealth by trade, or by the exercise of a profession; on the contrary, he cannot have acquired his wealth except by benefiting others to the extent of what they considered to be its value (Wealth Quotes)
The proper amount of wealth is that which neither descends to poverty nor is far distant from it (Wealth Quotes)
The true wealth of a state consists in the number of its inhabitants, in their toil and industry (Wealth Quotes)
By refusing to pay too much for an investment, you minimize the chances that your wealth will ever disappear or suddenly be destroyed (Wealth Quotes)
One night alone in prayer might make us new men, changed from poverty of soul to spiritual wealth, from trembling to triumphing (Wealth Quotes)
I am convinced that the unwritten knowledge scattered among men of different callings surpasses in quantity and in importance anything we find in books, and that the greater part of our wealth has yet to be recorded (Wealth Quotes)
Be not anxious to avoid poverty. In this way the wealth of the universe may be securely invested (Wealth Quotes)
The fame which is based on wealth or beauty is a frail and fleeting thing; but virtue shines for ages with undiminished lustre (Wealth Quotes)
I have had wealth, rank and power, but, if these were all I had, how wretched I should be (Wealth Quotes)
What is the proper limit for wealth? It is, first, to have what is necessary; and, second, to have what is enough (Wealth Quotes)
Engineers, medical people, scientific people, have an obsession with solving the problems of reality, when actually... once you reach a basic level of wealth in society, most problems are actually problems of perception (Wealth Quotes)
Introverts often work more slowly and deliberately. They like to focus on one task at a time and can have mighty powers of concentration. They’re relatively immune to the lures of wealth and fame (Wealth Quotes)
There exists a false aristocracy based on family name, property, and inherited wealth. But there likewise exists a true aristocracy based on intelligence, talent and virtue (Wealth Quotes)
Sometimes man seeks for wealth for eighty years, but cannot find, and then realises that life itself is the wealth itself! (Wealth Quotes)
If there is neither excessive wealth nor immoderate poverty in a nation, then justice may be said to prevail (Wealth Quotes)
In the race for wealth, a neighbor tries to outdo his neighbor, but this strife is good for men. For the potter envies potter, and the carpenter the carpenter, and the beggar rivals the beggar, and the singer the singer (Wealth Quotes)
If every rich person gave 50 percent of their wealth to charity, I would not say they should pay more taxes (Wealth Quotes)
To me, that’s the wealth of my life: my friends and family and the experience I get to share with them (Wealth Quotes)
Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community (Wealth Quotes)
To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world (Wealth Quotes)
War can really cause no economic boom, at least not directly, since an increase in wealth never does result from destruction of goods (Wealth Quotes)
Every good act is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows (Wealth Quotes)
Get place and wealth, if possible with grace; if not, by any means get wealth and place (Wealth Quotes)
The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little (Wealth Quotes)
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed (Wealth Quotes)