Wear Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t really like pants, man. I like tights. I’m not really a pants person. I choose not to wear pants. (Wear Quotes)
I choose what to wear depending on how I feel and what I’m comfortable in. That’s when you look your best. (Wear Quotes)
There are some people who need to wear a label round their necks to show that they are Christians at all, or else we might mistake them for sinners, their actions are so like those of the ungodly. (Wear Quotes)
I don’t wear base, as I don’t like to cover up my freckles, but I couldn’t live without YSL Touche Eclat for hiding my under-eye circles. I love the smoky-eye look, so I use Dior’s 5-Colour Eyeshadow in Night Dust and lashings of mascara. I finish with a dash of bronzer for a healthy glow. (Wear Quotes)
Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. . . . We might as well require a man to wear the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain forever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors. (Wear Quotes)
My style overall is whatever is comfy, whatever I feel like wearing that day that I feel good in. I have some really classic pieces that I can dress up, dress down, wear to the movies or wear to a really nice dinner. And I love a really good leather jacket. (Wear Quotes)
I found that jazz musicians, possibly more than their classical counterparts, wear long-standing friendships easily and gracefully. (Wear Quotes)
Wear scarlet! Tear the green lemonsoff the tree! I don’t wantto forget who I am, what has burned in me,and hang limp and clean, an empty dress - (Wear Quotes)
My wife changes the way that I dress. She makes me dress nicer than I want to dress. I feel like I perpetually dress like a 14-year-old boy, and she makes me stand up straight and wear clean clothes. (Wear Quotes)
I shop at thrift stores and consignment shoppes. I wear my clothes as is, and maybe get them dry cleaned whenever possible. (Wear Quotes)
I like things clean, and I have a biannual clean-out of my apartment. I throw out raggedy things and things I never wear, and there’s a Goodwill around the corner for anything worthwhile. (Wear Quotes)
I never, never lend any of my own clothes for parts any more because you lose your clothes; they become the characters’ clothes, and you can never wear them again. (Wear Quotes)
I don’t pick my roles based on what clothes I have to wear. I pick roles because of the character I have to portray, and the public have enjoyed seeing me in those roles. (Wear Quotes)
I actually love doing period pieces, purely because it takes you into a different world, mentally. The clothes you have to wear are so far from our everyday clothes that it immediately helps with the character and putting you in that mind frame. (Wear Quotes)
I came from the stage so it was a different kind of acting, or a different arena of acting, and I just loved to do it as a kid. It’s really gratifying to get to create these different characters and to get to create different voices and to get to wear different clothes. (Wear Quotes)
I think of clothes a lot like costumes. I think of what I wear in real life as being my real life character’s costume. (Wear Quotes)
It’s just really important I think for fashion to be affordable, because everyone should have the opportunity to wear cute things and be happy and comfortable in what they are wearing. That’s definitely how I like to shop and how I like to think about clothes and fashion. (Wear Quotes)
I love fashion and there is no easier way to express yourself than through the clothes you wear (Wear Quotes)
When you don’t understand the fashion world you’re just grateful you get to wear good clothes. (Wear Quotes)
If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. (Wear Quotes)
Whether it’s fashion or it’s home, it’s all about style. The clothes we wear send a message about how we are perceived, and our home does the same thing. (Wear Quotes)
I’ve always loved clothes, especially handbags and shoes. I’d rather save my money on clothing and wear crap, but have the handbags and shoes. (Wear Quotes)
I like to wear short-sleeved collared shirts and high-waist trousers with shiny shoes. And at night, when I’m playing, I’ll often wear suits. But it started with my uncle’s vintage clothes. (Wear Quotes)
People think I only wear new clothes, that I’m very trendy, but I like classic things on me, to mix with a trendy pair of shoes. (Wear Quotes)
I absolutely hate clothes shopping, though I love clothes. It’s my idea of heaven to be handed things to wear. (Wear Quotes)
I want my wardrobe to be full of good clothes, so that when I’m deciding what to wear, I don’t run out of options. I love shopping! (Wear Quotes)
What I wear is constantly evolving. I am really big on comfortable clothes. I love soft, loose-fitting clothing that has some edge or something new/fresh to it. (Wear Quotes)
I like how my body feels when I’m in shape; I love how it feels after I work out each day. Fitting in the clothes I like to wear comfortably and living a healthy lifestyle is important to me. (Wear Quotes)
During the Olympics they’re really strict about what you’re allowed to wear. You get a lot of clothes, but everything is pre-ordered. We had a fitting over the summer. You’re not allowed to wear your own clothes. No logos, nothing. You get fined if you wear something you’re not supposed to wear. (Wear Quotes)
It doesn’t matter where you live...It doesn’t matter how you live. It doesn’t matter what car you drive. It doesn’t matter what kind of clothes you wear. (Wear Quotes)