Web Quotes

Text Quotes
I think that the richer and deeper documentation is on the web, the better off we all are (Web Quotes)
You can’t get away, you can’t escape. You’ll jump through a plate-glass window several times and end up being right back in the spider’s web (Web Quotes)
Obviously, everybody’s favorite form of web content is more story with principal actors. But the economics of the web do not yet support (Web Quotes)
Anytime you open a business, you have to be effective in promoting whether it’s a franchise or not. You’ll need to learn to be a Web marketer extraordinaire. There’s plenty of material out there (Web Quotes)
I think the key difference between the web and print medium is, on the web or any digital medium, you’re dealing with this added element of behavior (Web Quotes)
Everyone is caught in the web of his or her own actions and is bound by past karmas (actions). Good and bad are relative terms. Every action takes one to the next place (Web Quotes)
Because we are not separate and we are a strand in the web of this existence, there is nothing about us - which includes who we are and what we do - that is not happening perfectly (Web Quotes)
A library takes the gift of reading one step further by offering personalized learning opportunities second to none, a powerful antidote to the isolation of the Web (Web Quotes)
Barbarians, we call them, while all the while we timidly cling to our Web like Visigoths crouching in the ruins of Rome’s faded glory and proclaim ourselves civilized (Web Quotes)
Facebook is not an unstoppable juggernaut. There are a lot of other things people can do on the web (Web Quotes)
Why is it when you run into a spider web, you suddenly turn into a ninja (Web Quotes)
I liked teaching Henry James. When you look down at a Henry James novel from a helicopter height, you find an intricate spider web that all clings together (Web Quotes)
We have a pretty ambitious goal for the world. What we think will make the Web better. What we think will make all these businesses that integrate with us run more effectively. I think if we stay focused on doing that, that’s really the main thing that we need to do (Web Quotes)
For some students, especially in the sciences, the knowledge gained in college may be directly relevant to graduate study. For almost all students, a liberal arts education works in subtle ways to create a web of knowledge that will illumine problems and enlighten judgment on innumerable occasions in later life (Web Quotes)
The Hawley Book of the Dead had me completely spellbound from beginning to end. A storytelling virtuosa, Chrysler Szarlan has woven a wondrous, scintillating web of suspense, love, history, and magic that will keep you eagerly turning the pages late into the night. Even readers not normally drawn to the supernatural will be swept away by this book; it has everything a great adventure should have-and so much more (Web Quotes)
I was inspired by the Hole in the Wall project, where a computer with an internet connection was put in a Delhi slum. When the slum was revisited after a month, the children of that slum had learned how to use the worldwide web (Web Quotes)
Crackdowns on Internet content make clear the need for an anonymized Web. Now, someone just needs to implement it (Web Quotes)
Google has placed its faith in data, while Apple worships the power of design. This dichotomy made the two companies complementary. Apple would ship the phones and computers, while Google would provide Maps, Search, YouTube, and other web tools that made the devices more useful (Web Quotes)
The Cairo conferenceis about a complicated web of education and employment, consumption and poverty, development and health care. It is also about whether governments will follow where women have so clearly led them, toward safe, simple and reliable choices in family planning. While Cairo crackles with conflict, in the homes of the world the orthodoxies have been duly heard, and roundly ignored (Web Quotes)
I was really just a hard-core geek, if you will, in 1996, and was building websites as a hobby. I started doing a lot of web design and development and built my first website on the now-defunct GeoCities platform (Web Quotes)
While the web is very much the first draft of history, a rough-cut, it still has to be good journalism, well-sourced, reliable. Clearly, the printed form is going to have more effort put into it, going to be more reflective and relevant (Web Quotes)
In our fast-forward culture, we have lost the art of eating well. Food is often little more than fuel to pour down the hatch while doing other stuff - surfing the Web, driving, walking along the street. Dining al desko is now the norm in many workplaces. All of this speed takes a toll. Obesity, eating disorders and poor nutrition are rife (Web Quotes)
The web and physical world is plagued with abundance - people need help sorting through all the good and bad stuff out there. The tyranny of choice is causing major psychic pain and frustration for people (Web Quotes)
I’m transitioning to television and film, but ultimately, I want to have a stronger presence on the web and be able to curate the content that I want to see. To bring attention to other filmmakers and writers (Web Quotes)
In the early 2000s, people expected that anonymity on the Internet would be positive for the development of democracy in South Korea. In a Confucian culture like South Korea’s, hierarchy can block the free exchange of opinions in face-to-face situations. The web offered a way around that (Web Quotes)
I don’t listen to music throughout the day very often. I don’t own a record player. I don’t really have a stereo system. Most of the music I listen to these days is on the web or on MySpace pages, stuff like that (Web Quotes)
Computer games are like any other form of media and entertainment - you have to exercise some moderation. In the same way you can invest a lot of time in a computer game, you can invest a lot of time in watching TV or browsing the Web. So it’s an issue of recognizing that this is something you should consume in moderation (Web Quotes)
I started designing book jackets, which was great because I was good at it. And then from there I decided to become a freelance graphic designer and I needed to expand beyond book jackets, so I taught myself web design, and then in 1999 some friends of mine decided to start a company called, which was a very early kind of social network slash blogging community (Web Quotes)
You have this really powerful technological infrastructure that can do really tremendous things. At the same time, it’s never going to be as flexible as we’d like it to be. Just by nature of web technology (Web Quotes)
CNN has given me a platform to share my experiences. My Web site, YouTube Channel and Facebook page have exposed me to thousands of voters who share my concerns. My lack of seniority has not impeded my ability to communicate in any way (Web Quotes)