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We are all interconnected in a web of kindness from which it is impossible to separate ourself  (Web Quotes) The immediacy of the technology of the web allows us, as songwriters, to write something very sharp and quick. That has a lot to do with helping a songwriter be more reflective of reality, instead of being in an area where you have to process things. It’s the difference between processing fish and catching it in a boat  (Web Quotes) To gain paying customers you’ll need to focus on attracting the right followers, and not just on attracting the most. Communicate often with useful information to increase your value, and focus on pitching your product in a genuine way. Make sure you have a professional web presence, and with any luck, you should start noticing your efforts pay off  (Web Quotes) He was trapped in the electrochemical web of cognition, wherein curiosity leads into temptation, temptation leads into fear, and fear is considered an impulse to be mastered  (Web Quotes) Many people do not know that they can strengthen or diminish the life around them. The way we live day to day simply may not reflect back to us our power to influence life or the web of relationships that connects us. Life responds to us anyway. We all have the power to affect others. We may affect those we know and those we do not even know at all... Without our knowing, we may influence the lives of others in very simple ways  (Web Quotes) I’d like the reader to decide if he is willing to pay minute sums for content. I’d like the economics of web to be controlled between authors and readers, not advertiser  (Web Quotes) Just as we accumulate memories of facts by integrating them into a network, we accumulate life experiences by integrating them into a web of other chronological memories. The denser the web, the denser the experience of time  (Web Quotes) Websites are kind of useless. There’s so much great web content and design out there, but the ways in which they are being experienced are not being maximized  (Web Quotes) Facebook is so ubiquitous now that it’s like another manifestation of the web itself  (Web Quotes) There’s a lot of vitriolic ranting out there, but there are literally hundreds of critics on the web who care deeply about film and having something to say about it  (Web Quotes) All the universes are bound together by a web, a matrix, which is our perception. And our perception actually has colors; it has bands. We call them bands of attention  (Web Quotes) As the web becomes more and more of a part of our every day lives, it would be a horrible tragedy if it was locked up inside of companies and proprietary software  (Web Quotes) I’m making plans to go away for a month to focus on my sobriety and to continue my life in recovery. Please enjoy making fun of me on the world wide web  (Web Quotes) We came up with the notion that not all web pages are created equal. People are – but not web pages  (Web Quotes) I think we are all coming to realize the web in all its manifestations is a sucking time hole  (Web Quotes) Five years from now on the web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university  (Web Quotes) The day I was born songs were on records, phones were tied down, computers needed rooms and the web was fiction. Change the world. You can  (Web Quotes) I think that the web and its various facets are incredibly useful in just building a fan base and getting your chops better  (Web Quotes) We have to live like people in a web of knives, we mustn’t reach out our hands or we get them gashed  (Web Quotes) An ingenious web of probabilities is the surest screen a wise man can place between himself and the truth  (Web Quotes) Somebody out there is going to do something that’s far more surprising than anything that I would do. I was surprised by the whole web thing in the first place  (Web Quotes) All paths lie together in the hand of God like a web endlessly woven, and yours and mine are no greater or less than the beetle’s or the squirrel’s or the sparrow’s. All are held together  (Web Quotes) Implication is thus the very texture of our web of belief, and logic is the theory that traces it  (Web Quotes) The pace of digital innovation is astonishing. It’s impossible to imagine life without the web, smartphones, social networks. And yet the consumer products and everyday objects all around us are still essentially dumb  (Web Quotes) It requires but a few threads of hope, for the heart that is skilled in the secret, to weave a web of happiness  (Web Quotes) The social web can’t exist until you are your real self online. I have to be me. You have to be you. Once we are online as ourselves, connected to each other and our other friends, then you can have the evolution of what becomes the social web  (Web Quotes) When illness enters a home, not only does it take hold of a body. It also weaves a dark web between hearts, a web where hope is trapped  (Web Quotes) So many of man’s actions appear to have no immediate consequence but, concealed, do their work until finally all catches up and forms a complex web of cause and effect  (Web Quotes) Some people are so into web standards that they’ve removed all the tables from their houses  (Web Quotes) In the rush to industrialize farming, we’ve lost the understanding, implicit since the beginning of agriculture, that food is a process, a web of relationships, not an individual ingredient or commodity  (Web Quotes)
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