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And, hungry for the old, familiar ways, I turned aside and bowed my head and wept  (Wed Quotes) Stale is stale and borrowed is borrowed, no matter how original your models may have been  (Wed Quotes) Picasso said once when being interviewed that one should not be one’s own connoisseur  (Wed Quotes) Men naturally resent it when women take greater liberties in dress than men are allowed  (Wed Quotes) There’s tons of people with talent; it’s the system that’s all screwed up  (Wed Quotes) We grew to know the meaning of love. That is what allowed me and my family to stay close together  (Wed Quotes) Statistically, people who have been happily married and then widowed tend to remarry  (Wed Quotes) I’m pretty aware that the pursuit of perfection is, inherently, a flawed concept  (Wed Quotes) Code is followed by commentary, and commentary by revision, and thus the task is never done  (Wed Quotes) Mostly I’m interviewed by white people, and identified with white society  (Wed Quotes) Fine worries, like fine wines, are at their best only after they have been properly mellowed  (Wed Quotes) Nature is rarely allowed to enter the sacred portals of civilized society  (Wed Quotes) To be unwed and female was to succumb to an illness with only one known cure: marriage  (Wed Quotes) Romance, like alcohol, should be enjoyed but must not be allowed to become necessary  (Wed Quotes) If I had followed my better judgment always, my life would have been a very dull one  (Wed Quotes) One can always trust to time. Insert a wedge of time and nearly everything straightens itself out  (Wed Quotes) Avowed work, even when uncongenial, is far less trying to patience than feigned pleasure  (Wed Quotes) All the rarest hues of human life take radiance and are rainbowed out in tears  (Wed Quotes) Goethe said there would be little left of him if he were to discard what he owed to others  (Wed Quotes) A kindly gesture bestowed by us on an animal arouses prodigies of understanding and gratitude  (Wed Quotes) A favor tardily bestowed is no favor; for a favor quickly granted is a more agreeable favor  (Wed Quotes) Guests can be, and often are, delightful, but they should never be allowed to get the upper hand  (Wed Quotes) From mere success nothing can be concluded in favor of any nation upon whom it is bestowed  (Wed Quotes) Our good purposes foreslowed are become our tormentors upon our deathbed  (Wed Quotes) Women endowed with remarkable sensibilities enjoy much; but they also suffer much  (Wed Quotes) It’s hard to find female leads that are flawed and interesting and dynamic  (Wed Quotes) It’s not easy being a father, but I’ve been allowed a comeback  (Wed Quotes) I have only ever borrowed money for investment. I have been sound money all my life  (Wed Quotes) I have my head screwed on right. I haven’t been this way in a long time  (Wed Quotes) To us, the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed ground  (Wed Quotes)
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