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Death is a sleep that ends our dreaming. Oh, that we may be allowed to wake before death wakes us  (Wed Quotes) Freedom of speech is a great thing and we have said nothing that is not allowed  (Wed Quotes) Pride may be allowed to this or that degree, else a man cannot keep up his dignity  (Wed Quotes) The president has borrowed more money to spend to less effect than anybody on the planet  (Wed Quotes) I probably have mellowed down a bit. But when it comes to principles, I still have to make a stand  (Wed Quotes) Air racing may not be better than your wedding night, but it’s better than the second night  (Wed Quotes) Design has allowed us to stand out; to look different and show that difference boldy  (Wed Quotes) I always cry at weddings; they’re beautiful, and I’m always moved  (Wed Quotes) The history of media is the market share of advertising dollars has followed.. albeit with a lag  (Wed Quotes) You should be allowed to be a modern city dweller and still care about the environment  (Wed Quotes) To a police officer, a sawed off shotgun is the ultimate nightmare. You can blow someone in half!  (Wed Quotes) Photography, like alcohol, should only be allowed to those who can do without it  (Wed Quotes) I plowed fields with horses and worked as a hired hand in high school for 50 cents a day  (Wed Quotes) If you steadfastly refused to quit, you rapidly narrowed your options to only winning  (Wed Quotes) It is through beauty, poetry and visionary power that the world will be renewed  (Wed Quotes) When we appreciate something, that means we have allowed ourselves to relax and take it in  (Wed Quotes) If you hunch your shoulders too long against a storm your shoulders will grow bowed.…  (Wed Quotes) I’m not allowed to get a big head, I’ve still got to do the simple things in life  (Wed Quotes) Divorce is the key that opens the strongbox where the bonds of matrimony are kept under wedlock  (Wed Quotes) Where I was raised a woman’s word was law. I ain’t quite outgrowed that yet  (Wed Quotes) Are we allowed to sing? I imagine that at times, it might improve the tone of the debate  (Wed Quotes) At a very young age I was allowed to go into the cinema and watch adult films  (Wed Quotes) Never in the annals of software engineering was so much owed by so many to so few lines of code  (Wed Quotes) Taking drugs to overcome nerves is the thin edge of the wedge going in there  (Wed Quotes) Never shall I recollect the occasion he gave me of displeasure, without feeling it renewed  (Wed Quotes) Our fathers and ourselves sowed dragon’s teeth. Our children know and suffer the armed men  (Wed Quotes) Somehow it just don’t seem fitting for a man to spend his wedding night in a tree  (Wed Quotes) When you’re not allowed to stay up late, the secret is to just wake up really, really early  (Wed Quotes) You create a fearful culture where you spend a lot of time looking at where you screwed up  (Wed Quotes) No economy, no matter how bad, can hold down a goal that is followed by enough action  (Wed Quotes)
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