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Hitters never showed me up, as hard as I threw. And I was pretty mean out on the mound  (Wed Quotes) My short attention span has allowed me a life of diversity in work and place  (Wed Quotes) I am somehow allowed by the universe to do exactly what I want to do to make a living  (Wed Quotes) If people cannot be flawed in fiction there’s no place left for us to be human  (Wed Quotes) It is impossible to live without brains, either one’s own or borrowed  (Wed Quotes) God has bestowed two gifts on man: hope and ignorance. Ignorance is the better of the two  (Wed Quotes) I take time to watch anime. I don’t know whether I’m allowed to, but I do it anyway  (Wed Quotes) If equity and human natural reason were allowed there would be no law, there would be no lawyers  (Wed Quotes) My son has followed fashion since he was a punk. He and I agree that fashion is about sex  (Wed Quotes) Even the development of the steam engine owed but little to the advancement of science  (Wed Quotes) Once, if I remember well, my life was a feast where all hearts opened and all wines flowed  (Wed Quotes) I’ve been followed home late at night. I’ve been shot at on the highway  (Wed Quotes) I can’t explain why a bride buys her wedding dress, whereas a groom rents his tux  (Wed Quotes) Forest who is in love with fire will wear black wedding gown in her wedding!  (Wed Quotes) We must thank to all the failed people in the history as they showed us the true way to success!  (Wed Quotes) They are universal places, like churches, hallowed meeting places of all mankind  (Wed Quotes) Before you are interviewed for the job you want, try on the complete outfit you intend to wear  (Wed Quotes) The joy of being a broadcaster is, if you’re still allowed to choose your own music  (Wed Quotes) Somehow weddings bring out the most insane moments in people’s lives  (Wed Quotes) I think that consumerism is intrinsically a pretty flawed social system  (Wed Quotes) And we’ve got a toaster and everything. So there is no reason for the wedding  (Wed Quotes) It is impossible for emotion not to come on us in thinking of that time now flowed away  (Wed Quotes) Hatreds not vowed and concealed are to be feared more than those openly declared  (Wed Quotes) What gift has providence bestowed on man that is so dear to him as his children?  (Wed Quotes) The very essence of instinct is that it’s followed independently of reason  (Wed Quotes) An invitation to a wedding invokes more trouble than a summons to a police court  (Wed Quotes) He that displays too often his wife and his wallet is in danger of having both of them borrowed  (Wed Quotes) Jazz has borrowed from other genres of music and also has lent itself to other genres of music  (Wed Quotes) I’d imagine my wedding as a fairy tale... huge, beautiful and white  (Wed Quotes) By the time I was 22, I was a professional. A young and flawed professional, but not an amateur  (Wed Quotes)
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