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Alas, how quickly the gratitude owed to the dead flows off, how quick to be proved a deceiver  (Wed Quotes) If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?  (Wed Quotes) My life is slowed up by thought and the need to understand what I am living  (Wed Quotes) Geography is just physics slowed down, with a couple of trees stuck in it  (Wed Quotes) Two things are owed to truthfulness: lasting marriages and short friendships  (Wed Quotes) It is easy to mistake being ready for a wedding with being ready for marriage  (Wed Quotes) A blogger is constantly looking over his shoulder, for fear that he is not being followed  (Wed Quotes) Parenthood is the passing of a baton, followed by a lifelong disagreement as to who dropped it  (Wed Quotes) There is nothing so extreme that is not allowed by the custom of some nation or other  (Wed Quotes) That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it  (Wed Quotes) That sorrow which is the harbinger of joy is preferable to the joy which is followed by sorrow  (Wed Quotes) Every man who is worth thirty millions and is not wedded to them, is dangerous to the government  (Wed Quotes) O virtue, I have followed you through life, and find you at last but a shade  (Wed Quotes) I consider time as an in immense ocean, in which many noble authors are entirely swallowed up  (Wed Quotes) Ridicule has followed the vestiges of truth, but never usurped her place  (Wed Quotes) The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more  (Wed Quotes) Where there is much pretension, much has been borrowed; nature never pretends  (Wed Quotes) To forget, or pretend to do so, to return a borrowed article, is the meanest sort of petty theft  (Wed Quotes) Whenever something good happens to me, it’s usually followed by something terrible  (Wed Quotes) We all get old, but I always say the skinny, pretty girls will be screwed  (Wed Quotes) I was a good kid. My parents laid rules out for me, and I followed them  (Wed Quotes) All I can say is that I’m getting married in the future. I’ve narrowed it down to that  (Wed Quotes) A word spoken is a terrible thing when it suddenly utters what the heart has long allowed  (Wed Quotes) Here we stop. On the threshold of wedding nights stands an angel smiling, a finger to his lips  (Wed Quotes) Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it  (Wed Quotes) If light is outlawed, then only outlaws will be able to see where they’re going  (Wed Quotes) I did not bow down to you, I bowed down to all the suffering of humanity  (Wed Quotes) I had a dream that all the babies prevented by the pill showed up. They were mad  (Wed Quotes) My dad used to say that life’s a journey, but somebody screwed up and lost the map  (Wed Quotes) It isn’t that we do what we want. It’s that we’re allowed to want at all  (Wed Quotes)
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