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he stank more than any human joe had ever smelled, as if he had been dipped in some ungodly confection of camembert and rancid gasoline brewed up in a spit filled cuspidor  (Wed Quotes) I was only allowed to wear a sock. But the only way to do the shot was to be naked. It's been my worst nightmare ever since the showers at school - I couldn't believe I was living it  (Wed Quotes) Duty, honor, country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be  (Wed Quotes) The perfect weather of Indian Summer lengthened and lingered, warm sunny days were followed by brisk nights with Halloween a presentiment in the air  (Wed Quotes) What little strength he had left flowed out of him and was soaked up; his bones and veins and skin held nothing but tiredness and pain  (Wed Quotes) Unless we are wedded to Jesus Christ by the simple act of trust in His mercy and His power, christ is nothing to us  (Wed Quotes) I've always believed phone calls from kids must be allowed if mothers are to feel welcome in the workplace, as anyone who has worked in my chambers can attest  (Wed Quotes) We're the only ones who care now. The likes of you and me, Ono, when we look back over our lives and see they were flawed, we're the only ones who care now  (Wed Quotes) I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here. So, how can I find my way? Is there a chain saw of the soul, an ax I can take to my memories or fears?  (Wed Quotes) A man's got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring  (Wed Quotes) Many a humble soul will be amazed to find that the seed it sowed in weakness, in the dust of daily life, has blossomed into immortal flowers under the eye of the Lord  (Wed Quotes) The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. and I put them in a book. If you don't like their rules, whose would you use?  (Wed Quotes) People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead  (Wed Quotes) Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring and half of my heart is the part of a man who's never truly loved anything  (Wed Quotes) There was once a caustic comment from someone suggesting I was breeding a new race. Fans from different countries have married, amazing things like that. I've been to some of the weddings. I went to one here the other day, a pagan ceremony  (Wed Quotes) We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness  (Wed Quotes) The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues. You can't separate them. They're wedded  (Wed Quotes) What is wedlock forced but a hell, an age of discord and continual strife? Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss and is a pattern of celestial peace  (Wed Quotes) There will be no lasting peace either in the heart of individuals or in social customs until death is outlawed  (Wed Quotes) We can choose a future where we export more products and outsource fewer jobs. After a decade that was defined by what we bought and borrowed, we're getting back to basics, and doing what America has always done best: We're making things again  (Wed Quotes) Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim  (Wed Quotes) The first thing I did when I sold my book was buy a new wedding ring for my wife and asked her to marry me all over again  (Wed Quotes) By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet  (Wed Quotes) The game of golf would lose a great deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green  (Wed Quotes) I'm a firm believer that lighting affects mood, and twinkly lights on strings bring something magical to occasions ranging from concerts to weddings, though I'm fond of using them as year round home decor  (Wed Quotes) The teeming Autumn big with rich increase, bearing the wanton burden of the prime like widowed wombs after their lords decease  (Wed Quotes) Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns  (Wed Quotes) American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U. S. Cannot fix the fate of every nation  (Wed Quotes) Will you not suffer me? Nay, now I see she is your treasure, she must have a husband; I must dance barefoot on her wedding day, and for your love to her lead apes in hell  (Wed Quotes) No. Leonato, I never tempted her with word too large, but, as brother to his sister, showed bashful sincerity and comely love  (Wed Quotes)
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