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I grew up in a family where we weren’t allowed to talk about beauty or to put any emphasis on physical appearance  (Wed Quotes) I just wanna give a big shout out to all the fans out there who have followed my work up until now. You guys are amazing!! Hearing from fans is the best feeling in the world  (Wed Quotes) I really did put up all my wedding pictures on my website. And I swear to you, my wedding pictures got downloaded just as much as my bikini pictures  (Wed Quotes) I think illness is a family journey, no matter what the outcome. Everybody has to be allowed to process it and mourn and deal with it in their own way  (Wed Quotes) I used to work all the time, and now if there is a wedding, there’s a concert, I’m there  (Wed Quotes) I wanted to define the vocabulary of a wedding both visually and intellectually. The book is about more than weddings or wedding dresses. It’s a metaphor for women’s lives, their creativity  (Wed Quotes) I was a pretty angry kid, and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. I’m just trying to understand where it came from  (Wed Quotes) I was never a girl who dreamed about what her wedding day would be like, but I’ve always dreamed about decorating my baby’s nursery  (Wed Quotes) I wear my wedding ring. We talk about when we’re going to get married again, which we hope is going to take place some time in this incredibly hectic calendar year  (Wed Quotes) I would absolutely, definitely never sell my wedding pictures to a magazine. I’d like it to be a special day, not a photo shoot. And once you’ve done that, your marriage becomes everybody else’s business  (Wed Quotes) I’ll get pretty much everything the way I want it. I’ve always dreamed of a beach wedding  (Wed Quotes) I’m taking one thing at a time. With the children and launching my solo career it would drive me to a nervous breakdown if I tried to organise a wedding on top of that  (Wed Quotes) If I start outsourcing all my navigation to a little talking box in my car, I’m sort of screwed. I’m going to lose my car in the parking lot every single time  (Wed Quotes) In my forties, my optimism was boundless. I had really good health and tremendous success which allowed me to do anything I wanted  (Wed Quotes) It was only literally hours after the wedding when he felt he didn’t have to keep up the facade  (Wed Quotes) It’s nice because success has allowed me to have a blast on stage, to be in the studio with amazing people, but I find it all a bit bizarre  (Wed Quotes) Law is stable the societies we are speaking of are progressive. The greater or less happiness of a people depends on the degree of promptitude with which the gulf is narrowed  (Wed Quotes) Let’s remember the children who come from broken homes, surrounded by crime, drugs, temptation, their peers having babies out of wedlock, but who still manage to get a good education despite the many obstacles they face every day  (Wed Quotes) Material loss can be made up through renewed labor, but the moral wrong which has been inflicted upon the conquered peoples, in the peace dictates, leaves a burning scar on the people’s conscience  (Wed Quotes) Most of the movies I saw growing up were viewed as totally disposable, fine for quick consumption, but they have survived 50 years and are still growing  (Wed Quotes) Most women are pragmatists who have allowed extremists on the left and right to manipulate the family issue for their own purposes  (Wed Quotes) My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening  (Wed Quotes) My relationship to reality has been so utterly skewed for so long that I don’t even notice it any more. It’s just my reality  (Wed Quotes) My youth passed at the time of the country’s reconstruction from the ruins and ashes of the war in which my nation never bowed to the enemy paying the highest price in the struggle  (Wed Quotes) Newlyweds shooting budget: 5k for actors, 2k insurance, 2k food and drink. 9k in the can. We only shot 12 days. That’s how to make an independent film  (Wed Quotes) No single man can be taken as a model for a perfect figure, for no man lives on earth who is endowed with the whole of beauty  (Wed Quotes) No, you’re not allowed to be bossy when you’re married. You have to learn compromise, and compassion and patience  (Wed Quotes) Novel technologies and ideas that impinge on human biology and their perceived impact on human values have renewed strains in the relationship between science and society  (Wed Quotes) One time I went into a restroom and a girl followed me in. I signed an autograph for her in the sink. It was pretty funny because she was in a guy’s restroom and she wasn’t embarrassed at all  (Wed Quotes) One time when somebody showed up in a wedding dress, but I never knew if it was a joke, or she was serious. She asked me to marry her. She was serious. It was pretty funny  (Wed Quotes)
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