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I always believed that I never wanted to be an actor. I only did it because I was allowed to do it and I had to do something  (Wed Quotes) It defies common sense that stores are fined for selling toy guns to children, but someone who isn’t even allowed to board an airplane in this country can purchase as many real guns he wants with no questions asked  (Wed Quotes) I was taught that to create anything you had to believe in failure, simply because you had to be prepared to go through an idea without any fear. Failure, you learned, as I did in art school, to be a wonderful thing. It allowed you to get up in the morning and take the pillow off your head  (Wed Quotes) I was pretty young when my father was prime minister, so it wasn’t really a big part of my life. My folks were away a lot, meeting foreign dignitaries and that sort of thing, but it never struck me as odd. If anything it allowed me to get into all sorts of mischief  (Wed Quotes) I think everybody ought to be allowed to be engaged in athletics at whatever level the audience will accept  (Wed Quotes) We need strong public health institutions to respond to any challenge. We need to deal with critical infrastructure. The reality is that very little money has flowed to communities to help our first responders; to help our hospitals; to help the public health infrastructure  (Wed Quotes) No one should be allowed to make music as if he were made of wood. One must reproduce the musical text exactly, but not play like a stone  (Wed Quotes) I have come to understand and appreciate writers much more recently since I started working on a book last fall. Before that, I thought golf writers got up every morning, played a round of golf, had lunch, showed up for our last three holes and then went to dinner  (Wed Quotes) It is very difficult for people to believe the simple fact that every persecutor was once a victim. Yet it should be very obvious that someone who was allowed to feel free and strong from childhood does not have the need to humiliate another person  (Wed Quotes) I didn’t need clothes. I was allowed the opportunity to act out moments you don’t get the opportunity to experience in your own life, let alone as a character in a film. I didn’t feel naked  (Wed Quotes) Painting picture by picture, I followed the impressions my eye took in at heightened moments. I painted only memories, adding nothing, no details that I did not see. Hence the simplicity of the paintings, their emptiness  (Wed Quotes) Never break the neutrality of a port or place, but never consider as neutral any place from whence an attack is allowed to be made  (Wed Quotes) Sure, I’ve been a victim, but in retrospect, most of it has been of my own making. I allowed it to happen  (Wed Quotes) The latest page I’ve been working is about the organization of the pantheon of the gods. Who’s indebted to whom, how they are related, who screwed whose uncle or grandmother, all of that  (Wed Quotes) A neighborhood friend showed me how it was possible to go to a camera shop and pick up chemicals for pennies... literally... and develop your own film and make prints  (Wed Quotes) I was not allowed to talk about being adopted when growing up. I walked around feeling like I was going to explode  (Wed Quotes) Then, in the next place, we must know that every being which is endowed with reason, and transgresses its statutes and limitations, is undoubtedly involved in sin by swerving from rectitude and justice  (Wed Quotes) There’s people outside our house; you get followed by photographers; you can’t go out and have a cup of coffee with a friend without someone coming up to you  (Wed Quotes) Most people don’t have the money to spend on advertising to create awareness among readers, nor do they have the contacts at newspapers or magazines to get their books reviewed  (Wed Quotes) My parents couldn’t afford a full time drama school, but I basically just did every class I could do, and followed every drama interest I could. When I was 15 or 16 I did drama courses  (Wed Quotes) He can’t even be at a casual read and not be creating the whole thing in his mind. I remember feeling very awed about how much he still seems to be so in love with it, and so dedicated to making everything really real and really spontaneous  (Wed Quotes) Housework is the only activity at which men are allowed to be consistently inept because they are thought to be so competent at everything else  (Wed Quotes) The fire was followed by a period of grieving and then by an incredible lightness, freedom, and mobility  (Wed Quotes) Meaning is what essence becomes when it is divorced from the object of reference and wedded to the word  (Wed Quotes) They liked me so long as the liquor flowed at my house, but I haven’t seen any of them around lately  (Wed Quotes) Over the past few years, the road to confrontation has shown its consequences: loss of innocent lives, destruction and fear. Most costly, however, was the loss of hope. The most precious gift that you can present to your peoples over the coming weeks is renewed hope born out of tangible progress on the ground  (Wed Quotes) I never took a grant or borrowed a penny from anybody. It was partially because I didn’t really know how to do that, but secondly, my pride never would have allowed me to. In the beginning it was about doing it the right way, on the merits of the music  (Wed Quotes) The passionate controversies of one era are viewed as sterile preoccupations by another, for knowledge alters what we seek as well as what we find  (Wed Quotes) September 11 is one of our worst days but it brought out the best in us. It unified us as a country and showed our charitable instincts and reminded us of what we stood for and stand for  (Wed Quotes) When mental energy is allowed to follow the line of least resistance and to fall into easy channels, it is called weakness  (Wed Quotes)
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