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Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology: why should they be allowed to think freely about political philosophy?  (Wed Quotes) I admit I’m being paid well, but it’s no more than I deserve. After all, I’ve been screwed more times than a hooker  (Wed Quotes) The important thing to me is that I’m not driven by people’s praise and I’m not slowed down by people’s criticism. I’m just trying to work at the highest level I can  (Wed Quotes) He was so excited. He cut out pictures of these landscapes and neighborhoods and kind of really tried to give you a feel of the movie. It was kind of cute but at the same time it really showed his enthusiasm for it  (Wed Quotes) Every time I went into the studio some engineer tried to impress me with how they’re going to capture my sound with all kinds of tricks. But they limited the sound and never allowed me to play how I felt  (Wed Quotes) The world is apt to judge of everything by the success; and whoever has ill fortune will hardly be allowed a good name  (Wed Quotes) Getting older, I realize I’ve had a very fortunate life. I’ve had a budget that’s allowed me to do just about any silly little thing the mind could conjure up, and I’m still alive and here  (Wed Quotes) Watergate was unique because it allowed the public to play its democratic role in expressing its outrage at the presidency. And as a result, for the first time in history a president resigned  (Wed Quotes) Well, there’s no question that the law passed in 1996 was flawed. It deregulated the wholesale market, meaning the price that the utilities had to pay energy companies for power, but not the retail market  (Wed Quotes) Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit  (Wed Quotes) A religion so cheerless, a philosophy so sorrowful, could never have succeeded with the masses of mankind if presented only as a system of metaphysics. Buddhism owed its success to its catholic spirit and its beautiful morality  (Wed Quotes) To conceive the good, in fact, is not sufficient; it must be made to succeed among men. To accomplish this less pure paths must be followed  (Wed Quotes) Gold and silver, like other commodities, have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on their scarcity, the quantity of labour bestowed in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which produce them  (Wed Quotes) I like to think that we’ve got a plan, so let’s stick to it. That said, once we’ve stuck to it, we’re allowed as much improvisation as anyone cares to indulge themselves in  (Wed Quotes) Its about not letting the internal enemy, the real enemy, have his way because the more he does the stronger he becomes. The films about the devastating results that can manifest from the internal enemy being unbridled and allowed to unleash chaos  (Wed Quotes) I lived through a classic publishing story. My editor was fired a month before the book came out. The editor who took it over already had a full plate. It was never advertised. We didn’t get reviewed in any major outlets  (Wed Quotes) They decided to establish a museum of modern art where works by contemporary artists would be shown. Mother was viewed as a very progressive person, and not everybody liked the paintings she bought  (Wed Quotes) Somebody told me I should put a pebble in my mouth to cure my stuttering. Well, I tried it, and during a scene I swallowed the pebble. That was the end of that  (Wed Quotes) First, we will focus on the privatization of small and medium sized enterprises, followed by the medium size industry and then we will move on to the heavy industry  (Wed Quotes) Within our culture, every school has a swimming pool. We lived on the coast. People swam in the surf. It’s a very sporty nation and at that particular time anyone who had an artistic bent was very much an outsider. So if you liked reading or ideas or playing the piano then your dad viewed you as a sissy, basically  (Wed Quotes) I learned early to drink beer, wine and whiskey. And I think I was about 5 when I first chewed tobacco  (Wed Quotes) Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression  (Wed Quotes) I just consider being one of the luckiest people in the sense that creativity came to me and it flowed  (Wed Quotes) If allowed to run free of the social system, capitalism will attempt to corrupt and undermine democracy, which is after all not a natural state  (Wed Quotes) My songwriting and my style became more complex as I listened, learned, borrowed and stole and put my music together  (Wed Quotes) I couldn’t have foreseen all the good things that have followed my mother’s death. The renewed energy, the surprising sweetness of grief. The tenderness I feel for strangers on walkers. The deeper love I have for my siblings and friends. The desire to play the mandolin. The gift of a visitation  (Wed Quotes) A woman can laugh and cry in three seconds and it’s not weird. But if a man does it, it’s very disturbing. The way I’d describe it is like this: I have been allowed inside the house of womanhood, but I feel that they wouldn’t let me in any of the interesting rooms  (Wed Quotes) A masculine education cannot spare from professional study and the necessary acquisition of languages, the time and attention which I have bestowed on the compositions of my countrymen  (Wed Quotes) Being followed is weird, that people want to discuss where I ate lunch or what I wear when I go to lunch... the private life is just gone  (Wed Quotes) One of the strangest things about being an actor is that people you don’t know feel that they are allowed to comment on your hair, body, clothes, relationships  (Wed Quotes)
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