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Every kind of prayer, not intercessory prayer only, which is the highest kind of prayer, but all prayer, from the lowest kind to the highest, is impossible in a life of known and allowed sin  (Wed Quotes) I have no idea of submitting tamely to injustice inflicted either on me or on the slave. I will oppose it with all the moral powers with which I am endowed. I am no advocate of passivity  (Wed Quotes) The smell of coffee cooking was a reason for growing up, because children were never allowed to have it and nothing haunted the nostrils all the way out to the barn as did the aroma of boiling coffee  (Wed Quotes) You can’t undo yesterday, you can work on today, tomorrow, you will wonder how you screwed up 2 days in a row  (Wed Quotes) ... I vowed that I would always respect the right of an individual to kill himself. Whether suicide was a moral or immoral act I no longer felt sure, but of the dignity of its intransigence I was convinced  (Wed Quotes) The history of acceptance of new theories frequently shows the following steps: At first the new idea is treated as pure nonsense, not worth looking at. Then comes a time when a multitude of contradictory objections are raised, such as: the new theory is too fancy, or merely a new terminology; it is not fruitful, or simply wrong. Finally a state is reached when everyone seems to claim that he had always followed this theory. This usually marks the last state before general acceptance  (Wed Quotes) It’s a good start. Seems like all the lines have chemistry right now. It’s tough to tell after one game, but with only one practice all the guys looked like the flowed pretty good out there after the first period  (Wed Quotes) The camera has always been a guide, and it’s allowed me to see things and focus on things that maybe an average person wouldn’t even notice  (Wed Quotes) Gardeners celebrate the influence of time. If we have had a late cold spring followed by a desiccating drought, autumn may be the most soft and golden for years; one poor season will sooner or later be compensated for by another  (Wed Quotes) She was luxuriously tired and her muscles felt sore from the unaccustomed strain of riding astride. Nothing had ever tasted so good as the cool golden ale she swallowed from a pewter tankard. She slept deeply that night and longer than she had intended  (Wed Quotes) I screwed up. It’s all on me. I know that... All these hiccups I have, they must be for a reason. All this is just a test. I just don’t know what the test is yet  (Wed Quotes) Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they’ve stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments  (Wed Quotes) I’m like a chameleon. I adapt to my situation. It’s very slowed down here. I like it that way. I’m a guy that’s very reserved, quiet and shy myself  (Wed Quotes) Our vision of interconnectedness resonates with new networks of world citizens in nongovernmental organizations linking from numberless centers of energy, expressing the emergence of a new organic whole, seeking unity within and across national lines... If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of an emerging world consciousness for cooperation, for peace and for sustainability, they may become irrelevant  (Wed Quotes) The mechanism of primary emotions does not describe the full range of emotional behaviors. They are, to be sure, the basic mechanism. However, I believe that in terms of an individual’s development they are followed by mechanisms of secondary emotions, which occur once we begin experiencing feelings and forming systematic connections between categories of objects and situations, on the one hand, and primary emotions, on the other  (Wed Quotes) We’re putting all of our energy into making it right. And we have already had several software updates. We’ve got a huge plan to make it even better. It will get better and better over time. We screwed up. That’s the fact  (Wed Quotes) I had to learn to forgive myself, not to judge, but to learn from the past. They showed me how vital it is to accept, be truthful, and love myself. So I could do the same with others  (Wed Quotes) Becoming a mom allowed me to just relax in a way I never had before. I used to care a lot about what I looked like in public or what people thought of me. I care at least 40 percent less now  (Wed Quotes) Now, a living organism is nothing but a wonderful machine endowed with the most marvellous properties and set going by means of the most complex and delicate mechanism  (Wed Quotes) History, if viewed as a repository for more than anecdote or chronology, could produce a decisive transformation in the image of science by which we are now possessed  (Wed Quotes) We may say that life has borrowed from inanimate processes the same mechanism used in producing these striking structures that are crystals  (Wed Quotes) Mathematics is an interesting intellectual sport but it should not be allowed to stand in the way of obtaining sensible information about physical processes  (Wed Quotes) Clothes as text, clothes as narration, clothes as a story. Clothes as the story of our lives. And if you were to gather all the clothes you have ever owned in all your life, each baby shoe and winter coat and wedding dress, you would have your autobiography  (Wed Quotes) Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what’s happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms  (Wed Quotes) Most modern biologists, having reviewed with satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left with nothing  (Wed Quotes) That impossible dream you dreamed when you were young but got talked out of, the one you thought you outgrew, might be the key to awakening your genius. That special talent you never followed through on might be an important source of delight, the one you should commit to. That old dream might be the one thing that will bring the magic of meaning to your life  (Wed Quotes) On quiet nights, when I’m alone, I like to run our wedding video backwards, just to watch myself walk out of the church a free man  (Wed Quotes) My mom would never let us quit. She always taught us the importance of sticking with it, even when times are tough. We didn’t just hear her, we watched her. I know what to do because she led the way. She showed us that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish the world. No matter where you’re from and what you’re up against  (Wed Quotes) Everyone wants to win, but I think winners believe they deserve to win. They’ve made the commitment, they’ve followed the right path, and they’ve taken the right steps to be successful  (Wed Quotes) A child can live with anything as long as he or she is told the truth and is allowed to share with loved ones the natural feelings people have when they are suffering  (Wed Quotes)
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