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When feminism falls short of our expectations, we decide the problem is with feminism rather than with the flawed people who act in the name of the movement  (Wed Quotes) In truth, feminism is flawed because it is a movement powered by people and people are inherently flawed  (Wed Quotes) This is the planet teeming, this place we’ve come to and will leave tomorrow, deepened for the long return but not the wedded reach, the losing touch of self to self, contented more or less and known not nearly well enough  (Wed Quotes) Compassion will no longer be seen as a spiritual luxury for a contemplative few; rather it will be viewed as a social necessity for the entire human family  (Wed Quotes) I love independent films, it’s the only place as an actor you’re totally allowed to breathe  (Wed Quotes) In a physical contest on the field of battle it is allowable to use tactics and strategy, to retreat as well as advance, to have recourse to a ruse as well as open attack; but in matters of principle there can be no tactics, there is one straight forward course to follow and that course must be found and followed without swerving to the end  (Wed Quotes) In recent years, we have seen technology advance at lightning speed, allowing us to accomplish lifesaving feats never imagined before. It is our responsibility to ensure that these advances are used for positive medical breakthroughs, and not allowed to restrict rights or limit access to health insurance or job opportunities  (Wed Quotes) Mountains are cathedrals: grand and pure, the houses of my religion. I go to them as humans go to worship... From their lofty summits, I view my past, dream of the future, and with unusual acuity I am allowed to experience the present moment. My strength renewed, my vision cleared, in the mountains I celebrate creation. On each journey I am reborn  (Wed Quotes) In the early 2000s, I was going through a lot. I didn’t have my head screwed on right. Where I was at as a man, I was still growing up  (Wed Quotes) In principle, any abstraction of the object is allowed which has a sufficiently strong creative power behind it  (Wed Quotes) The chemicals that are running our body and our brain are the same chemicals that are involved in emotion. And that says to me that... wed better pay more attention to emotions with respect to health  (Wed Quotes) If people are really narcissistic or have a need to be seen as more than they really are, or to be admired as having it all together, then they cannot be followed and trusted by others  (Wed Quotes) Most of our suffering comes from resisting what is already here, particularly our feelings. All any feeling wants is to be welcomed, touched, allowed. It wants attention. It wants kindness. If you treated your feelings with as much love as you treated your dog or your cat or your child, you’d feel as if you were living in heaven every day of your sweet life  (Wed Quotes) Don’t be so damn hard on yourself. Yeah, you screwed up. You’re not perfect, fine. Learn from it. But don’t punish yourself. Be kind to you, even when you screw up. You’ll bounce back eventually. You’ll make up for it  (Wed Quotes) There is no separate, inside self and no separate outside object, other or world. Rather, there is one seamless, intimate totality, always changing when viewed from the perspective of objects, never changing when viewed from the perspective of the totality  (Wed Quotes) We know that silence equals consent when atrocities are committed against innocent men, women and children. We know that indifference equals complicity when bigotry, hatred and intolerance are allowed to take root. And we know that education and hope are the most effective ways to combat ignorance and despair  (Wed Quotes) I find weddings really boring. They give speeches, your aunt kisses you on the cheek, and you’re at a boring table. But it’s different when it’s your own  (Wed Quotes) I don’t think lesbians should be allowed to use dildos, afterall they’ve made their choice  (Wed Quotes) If you are always allowed to stop training whenever you feel discomfort, you will find it too easy to give yourself permission to quit  (Wed Quotes) People forget the punk thing was really good for women. It motivated them to pick up a guitar rather than be a chanteuse. It allowed us to be aggressive  (Wed Quotes) I had never really understood what an adventure life could be, if you followed your heart and did what you really wanted to do, which is what we must all do in the end  (Wed Quotes) Nature has endowed the earth with glorious wonders and vast resources that we may use for our own ends. Regardless of our tastes or our way of living, there are none that present more variations to tax our imagination than the soil, and certainly none so important to our ancestors, to ourselves, and to our children  (Wed Quotes) As long as women are isolated one from the other, not allowed to offer other women the most personal accounts of their lives, they will not be part of any narratives of their own…women will be staving off destiny and not inviting or inventing or controlling it  (Wed Quotes) The process of liberation brings with it a profound conflict. Having the project be clear is not enough. What is necessary is a spirituality of resistance and of renewed hope to turn ever back to the struggle in the face of the defeats of the oppressed  (Wed Quotes) The gods tempt us. They offer us riches and sweet smelling women, tres leches, each milk sweeter than the one before. But you cannot beat the gods. The grander house and the bigger deal only mean more borrowed time, more risk. When you build your life on a house of cards, you never know when the joker will turn up  (Wed Quotes) If nobody talks about books, if they are not discussed or somehow contended with, literature ceases to be a conversation, ceases to be dynamic. Most of all, it ceases to be intimate. It degenerates into a monologue or a mutter. An unreviewed book is a struck bell that gives no resonance. Without reviews, literature would be oddly mute in spite of all those words on all those pages of all those books. Reviewing makes of reading a participant sport, not a spectator sport  (Wed Quotes) If we believe in the rebirth of our civilization... then clearly this renaissance must begin in the chambers of our own hearts... We cannot wait for society to change, or for our institutions to be renewed. We, as individuals, must assume responsibility for our own personal transformation  (Wed Quotes) I love revisions... We can’t go back and revise our lives, but being allowed to go back and revise what we have written comes closest  (Wed Quotes) Do not give the terrorists, the enemy combatants, the people who blow up folks at weddings, who fly airplanes into the twin towers, the ability to sue our own troops all over the country for any and everything  (Wed Quotes) That win means so much. They got back into the game but I think we showed today that we want to go to the wire. We want to go all the way  (Wed Quotes)
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