Weekend Quotes

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Thursday is my favorite day to plan how I’m going to get out of the plans I already made for the weekend (Weekend Quotes)
I enjoy spending weekend nights reading about interesting things I could have been doing (Weekend Quotes)
I can’t wait to get away from the city this weekend to the same place as everyone else from the city (Weekend Quotes)
I long for the days when grosses were not even known. There was no weekend competition (Weekend Quotes)
Let’s celebrate the weekend by working in an office for people out celebrating the weekend (Weekend Quotes)
Girls who don’t smoke, drink, party every weekend, sleep around, or start drama for attention. They are the true ladies (Weekend Quotes)
I don’t make enough money to go on vacation, so I’m just going to get drunk this weekend until I don’t know where I am (Weekend Quotes)
In celebration of our ancestors wandering the desert for 40 years, let’s try to make it out of the house this weekend (Weekend Quotes)
As we enjoy this memorial day weekend let us never forget those who have served and those serving who give us the privilege of freedom (Weekend Quotes)
Happy birthday weekend to someone who’s already received the gift of not having to endure an office birthday celebration (Weekend Quotes)
Let’s kick off summer with a holiday weekend that isn’t warm enough for summer activities (Weekend Quotes)
Thanks for not ruining the upcoming summer weekend by getting married during it (Weekend Quotes)
Just a heads up that you’re running out of time to invite me to your summer house this weekend (Weekend Quotes)
I can’t wait to hang out with you this weekend before completely ditching you for a random hookup (Weekend Quotes)
One of the best moments I’ve ever had in New Orleans is seeing Bourbon Street filled on a weekend night not long ago. Just watching the city breathe again (Weekend Quotes)
The Porsche was just a vehicle to get to another place. I used it to change people’s perceptions of me. I had grown up really middle class. USC was filled with elitists, richies who would go skiing every weekend. So I pretended like I was part of that world - to be accepted (Weekend Quotes)
What I was really overwhelmed with by Africa was its tremendous natural beauty; I got to go to some pretty amazing places. Every other weekend we got a day or two off and go on a safari or the natural wonders of Africa and if anyone gets the opportunity to go there, it’s something you have to do in your lifetime (Weekend Quotes)
Are you getting a big kick out of the Enron scandal? I find this interesting that whenever a big crisis starts, people start showing up in church. So, Ken Lay shows up in church this weekend. Church officials are still looking for the collection plates (Weekend Quotes)
Over the weekend, former Enron executives Jeffrey Skilling and Rebecca Carter married each other during a huge ceremony in Houston. The happy couple is planning to honeymoon for three weeks in front of Congress (Weekend Quotes)
A great Dermalogica facial every few weeks, and lots of sleep over the weekend are essentials. I also drink lots of water which really helps to hydrate the skin and keep it looking fresh (Weekend Quotes)
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry came down pretty hard on fellow candidate Howard Dean this weekend. After Dean misspoke several times, Kerry said you can’t misspeak 15 times in a week and be president. And Bush said, ‘You can’t’? (Weekend Quotes)
I go to the theater, all the time. I’m not one of these secret movie, watch a 35mm print in my living the weekend it comes out guys. I’m not Jon Bon Jovi. I go to the Arclight, like a regular asshole (Weekend Quotes)
There is nothing in this world that I love more than my family. To be able to share the joy of running with them at the Runner’s World Half Marathon and Running Festival where we can all participate together is as close as you can get to a perfect weekend (Weekend Quotes)
No place better than Indiana on July 4th. Looking forward to a great weekend (Weekend Quotes)
Work isn’t really work for me. I hate to tell you this, but I’ve never liked the weekend in my life. I was enthusiastic about Monday morning from the day I left college (Weekend Quotes)
Jesse Jackson was involved in a three-car crash this weekend. I understand that no one was hurt, but I understand that two of the women in the other cars are now pregnant (Weekend Quotes)
I flew this past weekend. I went through airport security and said to the guy, ‘Is everything okay?’ He said, ‘You might want to have that mole on your ass checked out.’ That seems a little personal to me (Weekend Quotes)
Bush fell off his bike while mountain biking on his ranch over the weekend. He hit a rough spot in the trail. There’s a switch - the environment hurting Bush (Weekend Quotes)
President Bush fell off his bicycle this weekend and you know what was really sad? It’s a stationary bike (Weekend Quotes)
With Iraq plunging into chaos and gas prices at record highs President Bush took time out this weekend for a ride on his bicycle, but unfortunately he fell off and sustained cuts to his face and hands. Apparently Bush was distracted by the enormous responsibilities of the presidency. I’m just kidding. He hit some gravel or something (Weekend Quotes)