Weeks Quotes

Text Quotes
I teach classes 28 weeks of the year, but the rest of the time I do research and write books (Weeks Quotes)
I want a cheeseburger so badly, but I have to be a vampire in a few weeks (Weeks Quotes)
Every few weeks she would shut herself up in her room, put on her scribbling suit, and fall into a vortex, as she expressed it, writing away at her novel with all her heart and soul, for till that was finished she could find no peace (Weeks Quotes)
A few weeks after the worst day, I started writing lots of letters. I don’t know why, but it was one of the only things that made my boots lighter (Weeks Quotes)
Human beings can withstand a week without water, two weeks without food, many years of homelessness, but not loneliness. It is the worst of all tortures, the worst of all sufferings (Weeks Quotes)
I didn’t wash today. I wasn’t dirty. If I’m not dirty, I don’t wash. Some weeks I don’t have to shower at all. I just groom my three basic areas: teeth, hair, and asshole. And to save time, I use the same brush (Weeks Quotes)
Each day has been chained to the previous one. But the weeks have wings. Anyone who believes that a second is faster than a decade did not live my life (Weeks Quotes)
And actually, about three weeks ago, Micky, Peter and I were in Vegas at the MGM Grand. And we did about 12 shows in seven days. It was quite an experience (Weeks Quotes)
Andrew Wood’s death changed things for a few weeks. I probably got even heavier into drugs after that (Weeks Quotes)
You want useless, you have come to the right guy. I can be useless for hours at a time. Weeks even. I’m currently closing in on a month of being totally useless, which is by way of being a personal best (Weeks Quotes)
A man came up to me the other day and said he hadn’t had a bite in weeks. So you know what I did? I walked by him like he didn’t even exist (Weeks Quotes)
They spent days, nights, weeks, and years talking, never accepting the fact that, good or bad, an idea only exists when someone tries to put it into practice (Weeks Quotes)
I was in the shopping mall because that’s where I go lately. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been going there every day, trying to figure out why people go there. It’s kind of a personal project (Weeks Quotes)
Six weeks is a long time to wait, and a still longer time for a girl to keep a secret… (Weeks Quotes)
There was just no good way for a dead son to greet his mother almost two weeks after his funeral (Weeks Quotes)
Matthew wanted hours, days, weeks alone with her... he wanted all her thoughts and smiles and secrets. The freedom to lay his soul bare before her (Weeks Quotes)
Most of the time one night blends into the next and weeks blend into weeks and months into other months. And sooner or later we all die. But at the beginning of the night anything’s possible (Weeks Quotes)
An idea fell like a seed and over the next weeks it went on growing like a fig vine lush and conquering twining round her old beliefs and covering them in new growth until they were as invisible as a tiger in a thicket and just as deadly (Weeks Quotes)
Allie noticed it all, every sound, every thought. Her senses had come alive, invigorating her, and she felt her mind drifting through the last few weeks (Weeks Quotes)
One plays at being immortal and after a few weeks one doesn’t even know whether or not one can hang on till the next day (Weeks Quotes)
What does it cost to lose those weeks, that light, the very nights in the year preferred over all others? Can you evade the dying of the brightness? Or do you evade only its warning? Where are you left if you miss the message the blue nights bring? (Weeks Quotes)
I love you. I don’t know when it started, years ago or weeks. But I know my heart’s lost to you, and I wouldn’t have it another way. You’re what I want, all there is of you (Weeks Quotes)
Weeks passed like boats waiting to sail into the starless dawn, we were full of aimless endless darkness (Weeks Quotes)
Dissonance, n. Nights when I need to sleep and you can’t. Days when I want to talk to you and you won’t. Hours when every noise you make interferes with my silence. Weeks when there is a buzzing in the air, and we both pretend we don’t here it (Weeks Quotes)
If I lost him here, to this idiotic fight, after I fought and guarded him for two weeks, after I cried and thought he was dying, I would find him in the afterlife and I would murder him again (Weeks Quotes)
The colors of living things begin to fade with the last breath, and the soft, springy skin and supple muscle rot within weeks. But the bones sometimes remain, faithful echoes of the shape, to bear some last faint witness to the glory of what was (Weeks Quotes)
I would give you everything of myself. I would give you more in two weeks than most men would give you in a lifetime (Weeks Quotes)
Two weeks together, that’s all it took, two weeks for me to fall in love with you.? (Weeks Quotes)
... the fact is it didn’t happen in the first month, the first six weeks, in a way that was at all acceptable. And since I’m in charge, obviously, we screwed it up (Weeks Quotes)
Whole days and weeks have I spent prostrate on the ground in silent or vocal prayer (Weeks Quotes)