Weight Quotes

Text Quotes
They sent me to these places to get the weight off. The diets never worked; the diets actually made it worse (Weight Quotes)
If you look at me, I’m very tall but I’m not huge or muscular. I tend to be slim and you know, I actually can lose weight quicker than I can gain it (Weight Quotes)
I think it’s time for the people and the press, in particular, to be more vigilant about not giving equal weight to lies as they give the truth (Weight Quotes)
It would be far easier to lose weight permanently if replacement parts weren’t so handy in the refrigerator (Weight Quotes)
Persons with weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits (Weight Quotes)
Because the more you write the more you’re aware of the weight of your tradition and the difficulties of the form and the more you have already done that you do not want to do again (Weight Quotes)
We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies (Weight Quotes)
Suffered from alienation, carried the weight on my own, had to be so strong, so I believed, and now I know I’ve succeeded, in finding the place I conceived (Weight Quotes)
The old man nodded, as if his neck was afraid of the weight of his head (Weight Quotes)
It is proper that we acknowledge the overwhelming weight of international opinion against the juvenile death penalty (Weight Quotes)
Now is a bearable burden. What buckles the back is the added weight of the past’s mistakes and the future’s fears (Weight Quotes)
Man is tied to the weight of his own past, and even by a great therapeutic labor little more can be accomplished than a shifting of the burden (Weight Quotes)
... If those only wrote, who were sure of being read, we should have fewer authors; and the shelves of libraries would not groan beneath the weight of dusty tomes more voluminous than luminous (Weight Quotes)
In the matter of faith, we have the added weight of hope to that of reason in the convictions which we sustain relating to a future state (Weight Quotes)
To pass their lives on fountains and on flowers, and never know the weight of human hours (Weight Quotes)
Life is constantly weighing us in very sensitive scales, and telling every one of us precisely what his real weight is to the last grain of dust (Weight Quotes)
Slight withal may be the things which bring back on the heart the weight which it would fling aside forever (Weight Quotes)
It is for little souls, that truckle under the weight of affairs, not to know how clearly to disengage themselves, and not to know how to lay them aside and take them up again (Weight Quotes)
The day that witnesses the conversion of our ministers into political and philosophical speculators or scientific lecturers, will witness the final decay of clerical weight and influence (Weight Quotes)
I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless; ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness (Weight Quotes)
Is it not a thing divine to have a smile which, none know how, has the power to lighten the weight of that enormous chain which all the living in common drag behind them? (Weight Quotes)
For the sake of health, medicines are taken by weight and measure; so ought food to be, or by some similar rule (Weight Quotes)
As the scale of the balance must give way to the weight that presses it down, so the mind must of necessity yield to demonstration (Weight Quotes)
Experience only can teach men not to prefer what strikes them for the present moment, to what will have much greater weight with the them hereafter (Weight Quotes)
Time knows not the weight of sleep or weariness, and night’s deep darkness has no chain to bind his rushing pinion (Weight Quotes)
On the attraction between man and woman society is based; but its refined is greater than its gross force, and its weight is like the gravitation of the globe (Weight Quotes)
Barley, where it succeeds, yields a larger weight of feed per acre than any other small grain crop (Weight Quotes)
I’m not losing weight. I’m getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again (Weight Quotes)
Often try what weight you can support, and what your shoulders are too weak to bear (Weight Quotes)
I don’t obsess about my weight. I just know I’ve got to watch it when my pants feel tight (Weight Quotes)