Weight Quotes

Text Quotes
I am vegetarian. I have a sweet tooth, so I try and avoid desserts. I binge maybe once a month. I eat every two hours, whether it is a Marie biscuit or just a slice of apple. As a result, my metabolism has improved, and this is a huge contributor to weight loss. (Weight Quotes)
I started running around my 30th birthday. I wanted to lose weight; I didn’t anticipate the serenity. Being in motion, suddenly my body was busy and so my head could work out some issues I had swept under a carpet of wine and cheese. Good therapy, that’s a good run. (Weight Quotes)
A deep, black grief gripped Robert Kennedy in the months following his brother’s assassination. He lost weight, fell into melancholy silences, wore his brother’s clothes, smoked the cigars his brother had liked, and imitated his mannerisms. (Weight Quotes)
All my life, Americans have been accustomed to thinking of theirs as ‘the richest, freest’ country in the world. By most measurements, it was long a contender for that honor, and - among the larger countries, if equal weight were given to wealth and indices of freedom - probably did deserve to be so described. (Weight Quotes)
Some people see Black Friday as a much-needed break for their wallet. I see it as retail outlets showing the customers the full weight of their contempt. The frenzy to buy cheap crap from China, the human downgrade of people fighting with each other over items they can probably live without, to me, is an insult. (Weight Quotes)
Beneath all the rhetoric about relevance lies a profoundly disturbing possibility - that people may base their lives upon an illusion, upon a blatant lie. The attractiveness of a belief is all too often inversely proportional to its truth... To allow relevance to be given greater weight than truth is a mark of intellectual shallowness and moral irresponsibility. (Weight Quotes)
Whether it’s playing catch or going to the weight room, you’ve just got to blend in and introduce yourself as you go along. (Weight Quotes)
I do think that the emotional weight of ‘Biutiful’ has blinded some viewers to the beauty and complexity of the film. (Weight Quotes)
History is full of the dead weight of things which have escaped the control of the mind, yet drive man on with a blind force. (Weight Quotes)
They say blood is thicker than water. It’s also more treacherous, prone to betrayal, full of shit and quite honestly, I wouldn’t put much weight into it at all. (Weight Quotes)
The night sky in Egypt is a swirling mass of stars so bright and numerous the sky seems to tremble with the ice-blue weight of them. (Weight Quotes)
When you dance, your body just wants to find its natural weight. I’m naturally a lot more Tommy Tune than I am Wolverine. (Weight Quotes)
Every human body has its optimum weight and contour, which only health and efficiency can establish. Whenever we treat women’s bodies as aesthetic objects without function we deform them. (Weight Quotes)
It’s fun to change your body and find new things that your body does because of the weight (Weight Quotes)
If you look at body fat, it seems to increase with age, even though your weight does not. That’s a physiological fact of aging, they say. Heck it is. It is an adaptive effect of aging. (Weight Quotes)
I’ve been on both sides: the victim and the villain. I was the victimised model, and everything from my weight to my fertility was held up for discussion. And then I was the person that could garner some kind of positive outcome, by taking on the role of vice chairman of the British Fashion Council and becoming an activist of body image. (Weight Quotes)
I’ve long struggled with my body image and have worked hard to achieve a healthy weight (Weight Quotes)
We’ve got a recipe for disaster. It’s huge -- this combination of body image issues and the drug’s weight loss appeal. (Weight Quotes)
I grew up with a lot of body image issues - not just about my weight, but I would always see these perfect orb, domed boobs on television, and think, Mine don’t look like that. I thought there was something wrong with me. (Weight Quotes)
I do cardio. I run. I strength-train using my own body weight. I don’t like free weights, because I build muscle easily. (Weight Quotes)
I’m honest. If someone asks about my weight loss, I tell them I have five people working on me, plus there’s Photoshop. I tell them I can’t eat everything and look good. I was unhealthy when I was fat, and now I’m a normal body type. I’m not special; I’m just an actress, and boys and girls are intelligent enough to recognise that. (Weight Quotes)
I inherited my weight problem from my mum. She was always on diets. If there was a box of chocolates in the house, she’d eat half a chocolate, then put the other half back. She loved me, but she did encourage me to diet in my teens. (Weight Quotes)
The skin of the coward changes color all the time, he can’t get a grip on himself, he can’t sit still, he squats and rocks, shifting his weight from foot to foot, his heart racing, pounding inside the fellow’s ribs, his teeth chattering. He dreads some grisly death. But the skin of a brave soldier never blanches. He’s all control. Tense but no great fear. (Weight Quotes)
I don’t know about your true form, but the weight of your ego sure is pushing the crust of the earth toward the breaking point. (Weight Quotes)
I’m a gentleman and I was always taught it’s rude, to talk about a woman’s age or weight unless you are breaking up with her. (Weight Quotes)
When I tell people that I lost my baby weight through breastfeeding, they think I’m exaggerating. But it was brilliant for that. It is great for bonding with your baby. It is hard when no one else can feed her, but it was worth it for me. I loved it. (Weight Quotes)
I lost most of my weight from breastfeeding and I encourage women to do it; It’s just so good for the baby and good for yourself. (Weight Quotes)
I think the good thing about the Internet is to give something away and to sell something else. Get a business model like that because the old brick and mortar record stores are falling apart, and the big record companies are collapsing under their own weight. (Weight Quotes)
Every bride and groom in the history of civilization has gained weight after their wedding day. It is only a matter of time until archaeologists unearth a married caveman who’s wearing a pair of old tux pants that were so tight he couldn’t get the zipper closed. (Weight Quotes)
Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions and I lost weight and my skin cleared up and I got bright eyes and I just became stronger and healthier and happier. Can’t think of anything better in the world to be but be vegan. (Weight Quotes)