Weight Quotes

Text Quotes
Weight has never been a problem with me because when you dance, it just stays off (Weight Quotes)
For a man’s counsel cannot have equal weight or worth, when he alone has no children to risk in the general danger. (Weight Quotes)
Time knows not the weight of sleep or weariness, and night’s deep darkness has no chain to bind his rushing pinion. (Weight Quotes)
Dating is fun. It’s light: There’s courting; there’s the interesting, exciting text messaging and flirting. There’s no weight. When you start getting into relationships, you really start having to consider each other in your lives, and I think that’s really important. (Weight Quotes)
I spend around three hours on the track and two hours in the weight room, five or six days a week (Weight Quotes)
I love working out at the gym, especially weight training. Therefore, my personal de-stress mantra is exercising. (Weight Quotes)
Every lie a person tells is an emotional dead end road that puts weight on the heart. Satisfaction is always in the truth. (Weight Quotes)
The Atkins’ diet is where you eat bacon for six or seven months...and the end result is that you lose weight. Because you’re dead. (Weight Quotes)
Women always think you need a man, you need a father, as if they’d be the slightest use. Men are a dead weight, they’re clumsy and maladjusted. (Weight Quotes)
I, for one, hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us. (Weight Quotes)
If you’re unlucky enough not to have alcoholic parents, it takes you a whole lifetime of intoxication to overcome the dead weight of their virtues. (Weight Quotes)
When you’re dead weight, in the right position, you win. And in reality, you wouldn’t see someone my size kicking seven martial arts experts and winning. (Weight Quotes)
Higher thought forms trump lower ones. In the presence of a high frequency of human consciousness, all lower thought forms ultimately drop of their own dead weight. (Weight Quotes)
We are failing to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . a dead weight of human waste . . .an ever-increasing spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all (Weight Quotes)
A ‘real’ person, profoundly as we may sympathise with him, is in a great measure perceptible only through our senses, that is to say, he remains opaque, offers a dead weight which our sensibilities have not the strength to lift. (Weight Quotes)
If watching your child die is a parent’s worst nightmare, imagine having to tell your other child that his sister is dead... Although I am certain that he cried, that we all cried, what I remember more is how we collapsed into each other, as if the weight of our loss literally crushed us. (Weight Quotes)
I wanted color. I wanted to soar with happiness even if it meant dealing with the weight of fear and guilt, too. I wanted to live. (Weight Quotes)
My doctor told me that I drastically needed to lose weight. Fear of death and dying motivated meto make many lifestyle changes that led me to eventually shed over 100 pounds. (Weight Quotes)
I didn’t have any aspirations of becoming famous or successful; in fact I was scared to death of all that. I remember somebody once said that if a rock musician goes on tour, he goes insane. I was very impressionable and I carried this useless weight of fear around with me about going on tour, all because of this thing somebody said. (Weight Quotes)
Each child’s story is worthy of telling. There shouldn’t be a sliding scale of death. The weight of it is crushing. (Weight Quotes)
Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not... with regard to abortion and euthanasia. (Weight Quotes)
We get death threats, kidnapping threats. The press criticizes my weight. It’s just the English way. (Weight Quotes)
Once the dollar begins to collapse beneath the weight of all this new deficit spending, accumulation of contingency liabilities and the socialization of our economy, commodity prices and interest rates will head skyward. (Weight Quotes)
Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey. (Weight Quotes)
You cannot immunize sick, malnourished children and expect them to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection...It needs to be appreciated that children in developing countries are at a much greater risk of complications from vaccination and from mercury toxicity...because poor nutrition, parasitic and bacterial infections and low birth weight. (Weight Quotes)
I know what I have to do if I want to lose weight and stay healthy: eat a proper diet and exercise. All I’ve got to do is apply it. (Weight Quotes)
There’s no quick or magical way to lose weight. You just have to do it the natural way - diet and exercise and stick to it - and be able to do it at your own pace. (Weight Quotes)
Objectivity is a fallacy...there are different opinions, but you don’t give them equal weight. (Weight Quotes)
I think there’s something unfortunate about the attention that performers get in our media, but the weight of government propaganda is so heavy that anyone with a different point of view who has access to the media has a responsibility to use it. (Weight Quotes)
Huge’ is a show about self-discovery and follows kids at a weight loss camp. My character is shy, so when she meets Nikki Blonsky’s character Willamena Rader, who’s not, they become friends. (Weight Quotes)