Weir Quotes

Text Quotes
I always had a weird thing with being the last person somewhere like a movie theater or a classroom. I get a weird sense of anxiety (Weir Quotes)
I knew at a young age that I wanted to do comedy, and maybe part of that was trying to fit in at school because I had a weird name, and my parents had these accents, and I was definitely a late bloomer (Weir Quotes)
Time is weird in your twenties. It’s intense, and you feel like it’s running out. But you’ll get to thirty and see you are still here on the planet (Weir Quotes)
The thing that is uncomfortable is when people kind of stare for a long time and point. That gets weird. Id much prefer someone to come up to me and say something (Weir Quotes)
My favourite vampires are all very scary indeed. So the idea of falling in love with one is just weird to me (Weir Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to be awesome. Sometimes being weird and different is good. When you think you’re working hard, there is always someone else working harder, so always be yourself and know your stuff (Weir Quotes)
There are always tons of names on a movie of people that didn’t actually do anything on that film. I feel bad for the people that busted their ass because they get the same credit as someone who did nothing. It’s kind of a weird thing (Weir Quotes)
I like the idea of being the funny guy in the dramatic thing, playing a hit man with a weird sense of humor (Weir Quotes)
I have a weird sense that people ten years younger than me don’t own a radio, or maybe they own a radio, but they don’t call it a radio (Weir Quotes)
I have frequently thought that the dead should be buried with all their belongings. It seems weirdly perverse that their clothes should still be here when the people you love best in the world have gone (Weir Quotes)
My characters live inside my head for a long time before I actually start a book. They become so real to me, I talk about them at the dinner table as if they are real. Some people consider this weird. But my family understands (Weir Quotes)
If someone is being unkind or petty or jealous or distant or weird, you don’t have to take it in. You don’t have to turn it into a big psychodrama about your worth. That behavior so often is not even about you. Don’t own other people’s crap (Weir Quotes)
I am not especially good at remembering the actualities of the world I inhabit, but I have pretty strong associative memories of how it feels to live in that world, and to wonder at its weird machinations, at any age (Weir Quotes)
You can’t know how weird your own life is until you get some distance on it. Everything seems mundane or boring or embarrassingly small (Weir Quotes)
It’s a little weird accepting your voice coming out of an animated character. You don’t buy it at first because it’s your voice and none of us like our voices when we hear them recorded back (Weir Quotes)
It’s a very weird thing to know where you want to be in life and all of a sudden to actually have taken some real steps is a very strange feeling. I’ve really done something that I’m proud of (Weir Quotes)
If you have a dream, this is your chance. We don’t always have to play it safe because people might think you’re weird (Weir Quotes)
Its not weird being recognised, but its weird having to stop what you’re doing to take pictures or sign something. But the fans are the reason you have your success, so it comes with the territory (Weir Quotes)
The most amazing thing is when you find yourself watching someone in the cafe or something doing something weird. It’s amazing what people do, isn’t it, when you just look at them, when you take the time to look (Weir Quotes)
I felt sometimes too responsible as an actor because people promote violence or weird things that I don’t want to be part of (Weir Quotes)
As opposed to trying to make a kiss look romantic or sweet or passionate, it’s kind of fun to just have the freedom to make it look weird, goofy and awkward (Weir Quotes)
I never liked stardom. It’s weird to me. I only like the creative process. I only like the work (Weir Quotes)
I did a weird thing when I was about 24. For four years I had written quite a lot of poetry, and I started reading through it and thought some of it was really good. So I burnt it all (Weir Quotes)
I’m obsessed with my 20s. I buy things that I wanted in my 20s. It’s weird; it’s a weird thing that I didn’t grow out of (Weir Quotes)
A movie set is like a petri dish for neuroses, you know? It’s just, like, egos and weird personalities and, more than anything, fear (Weir Quotes)
It’s weird that the world sees modeling as a negative. It just blows my mind how many people think that because I was a model, I think I’m pretty and that I can use my looks to get ahead. I’m not pretty! (Weir Quotes)
Im a total weirdo and have often felt like an outcast and a freak, and I love that. It makes things so much more exciting (Weir Quotes)
I actually have a weird tendency to say things to people that they were just about to say. I always freak my best friend out with that. So I might have a bit of psychic power (Weir Quotes)
Sometimes I feel weird about time. Sometimes I feel that it doesnt go in the order we perceive it. There are... repetitions that maybe we decide not to notice because it is simpler. I like to pick up on those moments (Weir Quotes)
Fairy tales, because they have a very clear structure, are easier to interfere with. Also they have this really weird logic: the kind of logic that you only really experience when you’re not feeling very well, or as a child (Weir Quotes)