Well Quotes

Text Quotes
You do not become a dissident just because you decide one day to take up this most unusual career. You are thrown into it by your personal sense of responsibility, combined with a complex set of external circumstances. You are cast out of the existing structures and placed in a position of conflict with them. It begins as an attempt to do your work well, and ends with being branded an enemy of society (Well Quotes)
And then the image, that well-nigh erased over the castle-gate he did behold, above a door well wrought in coloured gold again he saw; a naked girl with wings enfolded in a serpent's scaly rings (Well Quotes)
Go and try to save a soul, and you will see how well it is worth saving, how capable it is of the most complete salvation. Not by pondering about it, nor by talking of it, but by saving it, you learn its preciousness (Well Quotes)
A bureaucracy is sure to think that its duty is to augment official power, official business, or official members, rather than to leave free the energies of mankind; it overdoes the quantity of government, as well as impairs its quality. The truth is, that a skilled bureaucracy is, though it boasts of an appearance of science, quite inconsistent with the true principles of the art of business (Well Quotes)
A man at work, making something which he feels will exist because he is working at it and wills it, is exercising the energies of his mind and soul as well as of his body. Memory and imagination help him as he works (Well Quotes)
I'm clearly most well known for my music. Eventually, ultimately, I'll be writing books. I'm still writing articles now. I just consider myself a writer (Well Quotes)
They calls me yellow like yellow be my name. They calls me yellow like yellow be my name. But if yellow is a name why ain't black the same. Well, if I say hey black girl lord, she try to ruin my game (Well Quotes)
Well, I think indigenous peoples have ways of living on the Earth that they've had forever. And they've been overrun by organized religion, which has had a lot of money and power (Well Quotes)
Therefore, let us be patient, patient; and let God our father teach his own lesson, his own way. Let us try to learn it well and quickly; but do not let us fancy that he will ring the school-bell, and send us to play before our lesson is learnt (Well Quotes)
Do not fancy, as too many do, that thou canst praise God by singing hymns to him in church once a week, and disobeying him all the week long. He asks of thee works as well as words; and more, he asks of thee works first and words after (Well Quotes)
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they? (Well Quotes)
And verily, a woman need know but one man well, in order to understand all men; whereas a man may know all women and understand not one of them (Well Quotes)
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning (Well Quotes)
If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own (Well Quotes)
If you are not being bullied all I would say - cause I like to talk about the other side of it as well - is you know, be someone that nurtures, and if there's someone in your class that maybe doesn't have a lot of friends, be the person that sits with them in the cafeteria sometimes; be the bigger person (Well Quotes)
Where I come from it was really unheard of to be at a party and someone says, 'what kind of music do you make?', and you say, 'pop music.' you may as well have 'i'm not cool' stamped on your forehead (Well Quotes)
Well, in order for me to be successful. In order to be a great artist - musician, actor, painter, whatever - you must be able to be private in public at all times (Well Quotes)
All great expression, which on a superficial survey seems so easy as well as so simple, furnishes after a while, to the faithful observer, its own standard by which to appreciate it (Well Quotes)
A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body (Well Quotes)
Be able to meet any deadline, even if your work is done less well than it would be if you had all the time you would have preferred (Well Quotes)
Well, just being stupid and politically incorrect doesn't work. You can be politically incorrect if you're smart (Well Quotes)
In a competition of love we'll all share in the victory, no matter who comes first (Well Quotes)
You know, when you have a father who's pretty well known but you don't see him, the last thing you want to do is start talking about him all the time to people (Well Quotes)
On the first album I was saying, that's just one part of me. And then I was thinking, well, am I going to hide the rest of me now just because I'm afraid of something? No. I'm just going to be myself (Well Quotes)
I like records that flow really well and you don't have to skip around because there's lot of different jumps (Well Quotes)
I didn't think it was fair to my music to label me as the daughter of somebody - I didn't think it described me very well and I didn't think it had anything to do with my music (Well Quotes)
If I were a young man and young was my lily, a smart girl, a bold young man, both of us silly. And though from time before I knew she'd stab me with pain, though well I knew she'd not be true, i'd love her again (Well Quotes)
A well chosen anthology is a complete dispensary of medicine for the more common mental disorders, and may be used as much for prevention as cure (Well Quotes)
It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done (Well Quotes)
The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality, and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault (Well Quotes)