Wendell Phillips Quotes

Text Quotes
Thrice happy time, best portion of the various year, in which nature rejoyceth, smiling on her works lovely, to full perfection wrought! (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
I will utter what I believe today, if it should contradict all I said yesterday (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Freedom to preach was first gained, dragging in its train freedom to print (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Health lies in labor, and there is no royal road to it but through toil (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
The heart beats louder and the soul hears quicker in silence and solitude (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
To be as good as our fathers we must be better, imitation is not discipleship (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Republics exist only on the tenure of being constantly agitated.... There is no republican road to safety but in constant distrust (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Common sense does not ask an impossible chessboard, but takes the one before it and plays the game (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Let us always remember that he does not really believe his own opinion, who dares not give free scope to his opponent (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
No class is safe unless government is so arranged that each class has in its hands the means of protecting itself. That is the idea of republics (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Statutes are mere milestone, telling how far yesterday’s thought had traveled; and the talk of the sidewalk today is the law of the land. With us, law in nothing unless close behind it stands a warm, living public opinion (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Agitation prevents rebellion, keeps the peace, and secures progress. Every step she gains is gained forever. Muskets are the weapons of animals. Agitation is the atmosphere of the brains (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
The community which does not protect its humblest and most hated member in the free utterance of his opinions, no matter how false or hateful, is only a gang of slaves. If there is anything in the universe that can’t stand discussion, let it crack (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
No free people can lose their liberties while they are jealous of liberty. But the liberties of the freest people are in danger when they set up symbols of liberty as fetishes, worshipping the symbol instead of the principle it represents (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
Organize, and stand together. Claim something together, and at once; let the nation hear a united demand from the laboring voice, and then, when you have got that, go on after another; but get something (Wendell Phillips Quotes)
The best use of good laws is to teach men to trample bad laws under their feet (Wendell Phillips Quotes)