Wendy Kopp Quotes

Text Quotes
People are everything in education, just as in the corporate world (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Our laws guarantee all students the right to a K-12 education, regardless of their immigration status. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Tests that sugar-coat the truth only set up our kids to fail in worse ways down the road (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Fostering the leadership necessary for transformational outcomes in education is hard work, and in countries around the world, there is a constant search for easier solutions. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
There’s no how-to guide for how to change the world. But it’s easy to get hung up by misconceptions about what it takes to make an impact. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Education is the most powerful tool countries have for boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity, and forging more just, peaceful and equitable societies. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
I had been very focused on the issue of education disparities in our country, and literally, by the time kids are just nine years old, in low-income communities, they’re already three or four grade levels behind nine-year-olds in high-income communities. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Countries have largely been left alone to handle or ignore their educational problems as they see fit. In part, this was because we assumed that the contexts and challenges were so different from nation to nation that education could not be tackled at the international level. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
We look for people who demonstrate perseverance in the face of challenges, the ability to influence and motivate others - people who want to work relentlessly to ensure that kids who are facing the challenges of poverty have an excellent education. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Education must be the only sector that hasn’t already been completely revolutionized by technology. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Education is the gateway to the American Dream. But today our immigration laws make higher education - a virtual requirement for financial security - out of reach for more than one million undocumented students. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
It gets to whether we’re a teacher-education model or a movement for social justice. I would say we’re about the latter. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
As a white woman with a privileged education, I’m keenly aware that I founded an organization that can only realize its goal if it enlists many more leaders who share the backgrounds of the students and families we work with. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
If we’re going to see sustainable results from all the other investments we’re making in education, we need to build leadership capacity in each and every country. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
The lack of diversity in higher education is a problem we as a country must tackle if we’re going to live up to our promise. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
The evidence would suggest that there are some great alternative certification programmes and some lousy ones. There are some wonderful traditional education schools, and some that aren’t so effective. What’s important is less the pathway than the impact on students. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
I’ve heard a number of our alumni - people who are running schools and school systems - think a lot about different models for the teaching profession. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Teach For America was built on the idea that our best hope of reaching ‘One Day’ is to have thousands of alumni use their diverse experiences and ideas to effect change from inside and outside the education system. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Ending educational inequality is going to require systemic change and a long-term, sustained effort. There are no shortcuts and no silver bullets. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Technology has enormous potential to address educational needs more efficiently, help teachers improve their performance, and enrich and individualize student learning. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Effective teacher support in my mind is the same thing as effective management. Our teachers need strong management, just like anyone in any profession. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Mindsets, skills and leadership, experience and access, and critical consciousness - we need all four of these things for our students to be the leaders, people and citizens we want them to be. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
In every case where I’ve seen a transformational school, there’s a principal who really has the foundational experience of having taught successfully. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Kids who live in low income areas face extra challenges and show up at schools that were not designed to meet their extra needs. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
If we freed up all the money in the certification process, think about how much more money we’d have to put into teacher salaries. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
More often than not, the most effective leaders have been shaped by teaching successfully in high needs classrooms. Because of their experience, they know that it is possible for low-income children to achieve on an absolute scale and understand what we need to do to allow them to fulfill their potential. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
I’ll get up at 5 or 6. I try to catch up on sleep on the weekends, so I’ll try to get seven hours of sleep. During the week, my ideal is to go to bed at 9 and wake up six hours later. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
We should be individualizing instruction, utilizing that data to actually give teachers the tools necessary to meet the needs of a very diverse group of kids which exists in every class. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
Persistent inequality costs the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars a year, undermining our global competitiveness, our democracy, and our ideals as a nation. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)
The mission that unites all of the programs of the Teach For All global network is that of cultivating the leadership capacity critical to ultimately ensuring educational opportunity for all. (Wendy Kopp Quotes)