Wentworth Miller Quotes

Text Quotes
Everyone has their challenges (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I have my own personal wish list (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
You develop a lot of scars, being interracial (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I hadn’t worked for a year when I had my Prison Break audition and it was the easiest audition I’ve ever had. I got the script on Friday, went to the audition on Monday and got the part on Tuesday. I was shooting the pilot a week later. I didn’t have time to be nervous - it happened so quickly (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
Professionally speaking, the proudest moment was when I booked the ‘Human Stain.’ I knew it had Nicole Kidman, Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris and Gary Sinise on board, and the director Robert Benton was an academy award winner for ‘Kramer vs Kramer.’ (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
You might look at my CV and see I’ve had 12 jobs, but I’ve been to over 450 auditions so I’ve heard ‘no’ a lot more than I’ve heard ‘yes’. So if I go in looking only to meet my own standards, then that will make taking that rejection a little bit easier. And when I do get that job it will seem like icing on the cake (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people’s plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I think what you learn, working on a film or TV set, is how to tune certain things out. You’ve got 60-100 people swirling around you, each of them with a very important job to do (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
There’ll be moments when I’m out in the prison yard, chatting with the cast and the crew, getting ready to shoot a scene. And then I’ll remember if I were actually an inmate, I’d only be out there an hour. The other 23 hours of the day, I’d be in my cell. It’s kind of a downer (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I’ve never seen American Idol but I am grateful to them. That show is one of Fox’s biggest moneymakers, and some of that money goes to pay for shows like Prison Break. Simon Cowell’s been signing my paychecks and for that I say thanks (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I’m kind of a dork. I don’t have much game. I’m not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble, having dinner with a couple friends, going to see a movie, or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I worked with the same trainer that worked with Denzel Washington in THe Hurricane. It was three months of training, five days a week, 4 to 5 hours a day. This was followed by a month of choreography (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I made a decision not to work out because I’m lazy and also, the character is not a superhero. I didn’t want him to be a buff guy with Jackie Chan moves because the point is he’s smarter than your average Joe (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
Growing up, I was a target. Speaking the right way, standing the right way, holding your wrist the right way. Every day was a test, and there were a thousand ways to fail, a thousand ways to betray yourself, to not live up to someone else’s standards of what was accepted, of what was normal (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
In my career as an actor, there is a catchphrase that Scofield always says often in regards to his brother, ‘Have a little faith.’ In my own career as an actor, there were times when I was the only one who believed in myself in the face of the odds (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I think that’s the beauty of the current setup, is that Legends is meant to be a bit of a revolving door (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
On Flash, I thought of myself as a spice character; come in, do a little dance, and I go (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I had my one guest star on The Flash, and that became several guest stars, and then they mentioned this new show (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I think ultimately that’s why the audience will tune in longterm, for the characters and the relationships (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
There was no script, but I said, ‘I’m in, regardless’ and was committed to Legends before I saw a single page.It was a lovely surprise to find so much meat on the bone (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
A racial community provides not only a sense of identity, that luxury of looking into another’s face and seeing yourself reflected back, but a sense of security and support. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
The mail amazes me. I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and ‘Dear so and so, be good. WM.’ It never feels like enough. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I had my one guest star on The Flash, and that became several guest stars, and then they mentioned this new show. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people like myself are being systematically denied their basic right to live and love openly, (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
There’s nothing the Internet can tell me about myself that I don’t already know. The rest is foolishness and people killing time. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
My encounters with racism are sort of second-hand situations where I might be standing around with a group of white friends and someone makes a comment that they wouldn’t make at my family reunion. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I acted all the way up until Princeton. It was just one of my favorite extracurricular activities. Then I got to Princeton and had a really conservative vibe. All my friends were planning on law school, med school, or Wall Street, and suddenly acting seem like a really risky proposition. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
An actor’s job is to embrace emotions and situations that in real life we spend all of our time running away from. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I want to aspire to something like what Denzel Washington does, which is try to find scripts written for white actors - or Jodie Foster, who reads scripts for male actors. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)
I’m a very competitive person, but competitive with myself. I want to be the best that I can be, and if that means that I’m eventually better than everyone else, then so be it. But I don’t go around comparing and contrasting myself with other actors if I can help it. It’s also, I think, the key to my success. (Wentworth Miller Quotes)