Were Quotes

Text Quotes
The thing was to wear a bathing suit and look good in it, to somehow make yourself worthy of the scenario you were volunteering for (Were Quotes)
Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known? (Were Quotes)
As if adult males were completely self-sufficient beings, as if a penis and a five o'clock shadow were all they would ever need to get by (Were Quotes)
In the far corner of the yard, two squirrels raced up a tree trunk, their little feet scrabbling frantically on the bark. He couldn't tell if they were having a good time or trying to kill each other (Were Quotes)
I've always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other (Were Quotes)
They were good listeners, worldly yet easily shocked, hungry for details, curious and nonjudgmental at the same time, always happy to give advice, but only if it was requested (Were Quotes)
Except for a small strip of shin that poked out from between the top of his socks and the bottom of his pants, his legs were purely theoretical (Were Quotes)
When I was a ten year old book worm and used to kiss the dust jacket pictures of authors as if they were icons, it used to amaze me that these remote people could provoke me to love (Were Quotes)
Lies were like having a pregnant rabbit. One day you had one, but before you knew it, there were rabbits all over the place (Were Quotes)
I loved Aphrodite from the first and steeped myself in her legends. My mother told me that in ancient times her rituals were bloody and cruel, but I only half believed it (Were Quotes)
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world (Were Quotes)
The humble were the elect of God. Did not the priests teach so, in their gemmed, kingly robes, from their towering pulpits? (Were Quotes)
I hate the way, once you start to know someone, care about them, their behavior can distress you, even when it's unreasonable and not your fault, even if you were really trying to be careful, tactful (Were Quotes)
The family we choose for ourselves is more important than the one we were born into; that people have to earn our respect and trust, not have it handed to them simply because of genetics (Were Quotes)
The affair simply amounted to this, that they were to eat their dinner uncomfortably in a field instead of comfortably in the dining room (Were Quotes)
It was admitted by all her friends, and also by her enemies - who were in truth the more numerous and active body of the two - that Lizzie Greystock had done very well with herself (Were Quotes)
If I wrote that women could be unkind, I was considered a traitor - as if it were not worse treachery to pretend that all women were kind (Were Quotes)
One of her instructors in fashion had given her to understand that curls were not the thing. They'll always pass muster, miss Dunstable had replied, when they are done up with bank notes (Were Quotes)
If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims (Were Quotes)
You men find so many angels in your travels. You have been honester than some. You have generally been off with the old angel before you were with the new, as far at least as I knew (Were Quotes)
Because the work we're doing now is better than the work we were doing six months ago. And the work we'll be doing six months from now will be better than the work we're doing today (Were Quotes)
Some music has words, and rock had words that at times aspired to poetry, but the words were always sounds first, spoken to the body before the mind (Were Quotes)
Were a man to live as long as Methuselah, and to spend all his days in the highest delights sin can offer, one hour of the anguish and tribulation that must follow, would far outweigh them (Were Quotes)
There were seven of them. They smiled seven identical smiles, and the message behind each was identical, as well. It read: bloodbath (Were Quotes)
They were always together, but I dare say it was platonic. I believe these kind of things generally are platonic (Were Quotes)
I remember thinking that the Germans must have had a very fine view of all the neighborhoods they were obliterating (Were Quotes)
I love you. Even more than gold and dreams, I love you. It seems insane you haven't realize it. You were the one who first informed me of it (Were Quotes)
Upon the present occasion London was full of clergymen. The specially clerical clubs, the Oxford and Cambridge, the Old University, and the Athenaeum, were black with them (Were Quotes)
Some few sublime and hot headed gentleman muttered the word impeachment. Others, who were more practical and less dignified, suggested that the Prime Minister ought to have his head punched (Were Quotes)
There were always those among the Israelites that were not Israelites, and there are still hypocrites in the church, who make a deal of mischief, but will be shaken off at last (Were Quotes)