Were Quotes

Text Quotes
Tell me not here, it needs not saying, what tune the enchantress plays in aftermaths of soft September or under blanching Mays, for she and I were long acquainted and I knew all her ways (Were Quotes)
Everyone writes in Tolstoy's shadow, whether one feels oneself to be Tolstoyan or not. His influence on the dissident writers of the Soviet Uniton was enormous. Figures like Grossman or Solzhenitsyn, although their language is less elevated, were dominated by a Tolstoyan desire to use fiction to tell the truth of history (Were Quotes)
Are you really gay? Yes. Do you think you were born gay or became gay? Are you asking because you want to know if it's you fault? I suppose. To one degree or another, I'm sure it's you fault. Feel better now? (Were Quotes)
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place (Were Quotes)
Here dead we lie because we did not choose To live and shame the land from which we sprung. Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose; But young men think it is, and we were young (Were Quotes)
If you were a bird, and lived on high, you'd lean on the wind when the wind came by, you'd say to the wind when it took you away: "that's where I wanted to go today!" (Were Quotes)
Here dead lie we because we did not choose to live and shame the land from which we sprung. Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose; but young men think it is, and we were young (Were Quotes)
If you read about Mussolini or Stalin or some of these other great monsters of history, they were at it all the time, that they were getting up in the morning very early. They were physically very active. They didn't eat lunch (Were Quotes)
Well, said Pooh, what I like best - and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called (Were Quotes)
The Church, during the apostolic age, did not consist of isolated, independent congregations, but was one body, of which the separate churches were constituent members, each subject to all the rest, or to an authority which extended over all (Were Quotes)
You know, the market was down yesterday. My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, time to buy (Were Quotes)
Even by common wisdom, there seem to be both people and objects in my dream that are outside myself, but clearly they were created in myself and are part of me, they are mental constructs in my own brain (Were Quotes)
Looking back, I think we were all quite mature, surprisingly responsible. In earlier wars, boys of our age had just gone off to raise hell or enlist or both, but we stayed dutifully at our desks doing tomorrow's homework (Were Quotes)
When I decided to launch my first knitwear line, it was because I saw a void in the basics category. The editors were always looking for cool, fashion forward tees and sweaters. So that's where I started (Were Quotes)
I never really had the intention of being a rock 'n' roller. It's just that all of my best friends were great musicians and they felt sorry for me so they had me (Were Quotes)
In the 1970s we got nouvelle cuisine, in which a lot of the old rules were kicked over. And then we had cuisine minceur, which people mixed up with nouvelle cuisine but was actually fancy diet cooking (Were Quotes)
I found that the recipes in most - in all - the books I had were really not adequate. They didn't tell you enough... I won't do anything unless I'm told why I'm doing it. So I felt that we needed fuller explanations so that if you followed one of those recipes, it should turn out exactly right (Were Quotes)
I was going to be a great woman novelist. Then the war came along and I think it's hard for young people today, don't you, to realize that when World War II happened we were dying to go and help our country (Were Quotes)
In my generation, except for a few people who'd gone into banking or nursing or something like that, middle class women didn't have careers. You were to marry and have children and be a nice mother. You didn't go out and do anything. I found that I got restless (Were Quotes)
In the 1960s, you could eat anything you wanted, and of course, people were smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, and there was no talk about fat and anything like that, and butter and cream were rife. Those were lovely days for gastronomy, I must say (Were Quotes)
Excluded by my birth and tastes from the social order, I was not aware of it's diversity. Nothing in the world was irrelevant: The stars on a general's sleeve, the stock market quotations, the olive harvest, the style of the judiciary, the wheat exchange, flower beds. Nothing. This order, fearful and feared, whose details were all inter related, had a meaning: my exile (Were Quotes)
Although most of us know Vincent van Gogh in Arles and Paul Gauguin in Tahiti as if they were neighbors - somewhat disreputable but endlessly fascinating - none of us can name two French generals or department store owners of that period. I take enormous pride in considering myself an artist, one of the necessaries (Were Quotes)
Physicians of the utmost fame, were called at once; but when they came they answered, as they took their fees, there is no cure for this disease (Were Quotes)
The natural capital is not income, but we spend our natural capital as if it were revenue, as if it were going to come back next year without any problems, whereas these renewals in nature can take hundreds of years (Were Quotes)
All of the philosophers I studied were white (with a few Eastern exceptions), and, for that matter, they were all male. Africa, the cradle of civilization, seemed to have no footing in the highest form of human thought (Were Quotes)
I would have been completely brainwashed by this lopsided and racist view of the world if it weren't for my father. He was a deep thinker and an irrepressible problem solver. He was a Black Socrates, asking why and then spoiling ready-made replies (Were Quotes)
My father always taught by telling stories about his experiences. His lessons were about morality and art and what insects and birds and human beings had in common. He told me what it meant to be a man and to be a Black man. He taught me about love and responsibility, about beauty, and how to make gumbo (Were Quotes)
We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men, and if we were free and developed, healthy in body and mind, as we should be under natural conditions, our motherhood would be our glory. That function gives women such wisdom and power as no male can possess (Were Quotes)
Women are always complaining about men's fascination with breasts. But what if men were absolutely indifferent to breasts? What would women do then with these things that serve one function once or twice in a lifetime, and the rest of the time are just in the way? (Were Quotes)
Yeah, I did see where the people dissing me were coming from. But, it's like, anything that happened in the past between black and white, I can't really speak on it, because I wasn't there. I don't feel like me being born the color I am makes me any less of a person (Were Quotes)