Werf Quotes

Text Quotes
Compassion is more important than intellect in calling forth the love that the work of peace needs, and intuition can often be a far more powerful searchlight than cold reason (Werf Quotes)
One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offence to keep arms, and by substituting a regular army in the stead of a resort to the militia. The friends of a free government cannot be too watchful, to overcome the dangerous tendency of the public mind to sacrifice, for the sake of mere private convenience, this powerful check upon the designs of ambitious men (Werf Quotes)
Unlike much of orthodox medicine, alternative approaches to healing typically honor the wisdom and capability of the human body. Their goal is often to support and strengthen the powerful healing forces already at work within us (Werf Quotes)
The principles now being discovered at work in the brain may provide, in the future, machines even more powerful than those we can at present foresee (Werf Quotes)
Wherever a people have grown savage in arms so that human laws have no longer any place among it, the only powerful means of reducing it is religion (Werf Quotes)
Pity is like lust... both like to masquerade as love and it’s powerfully hard to know the difference when you’re in the throes of it (Werf Quotes)
I’m not exceptionally fast or overly powerful. But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter (Werf Quotes)
One of the principal obstacles to the rapid diffusion of a new idea lies in the difficulty of finding suitable expression to convey its essential point to other minds. Words may have to be strained into a new sense, and scientific controversies constantly resolve themselves into differences about the meaning of words. On the other hand, a happy nomenclature has sometimes been more powerful than rigorous logic in allowing a new train of thought to be quickly and generally accepted (Werf Quotes)
A person who sins neither in thought nor deed, and is fair and just, gains enormous courage and strength. As a leader, you need courage born of integrity in order to be capable of powerful leadership. To achieve this courage, you must search your heart, and make sure your conscience is clear and your behavior is beyond reproach (Werf Quotes)
... the need to overawe people and demand obedience from them is powerful and seductive. It is a part of that world that the kingdom of heaven is not of (Werf Quotes)
Humility and gratitude go hand in hand... Awareness increases so that we become grateful for everything we are given. We have to learn, literally learn, to be grateful for what we receive day by day, simply to balance the criticism that day by day we voice because of powerful emotions (Werf Quotes)
Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on earth. This good isn’t usually accomplished in bold actions, but in singular acts of kindness between people. It’s the little things that count, because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are (Werf Quotes)
At the moment of death, there are two things that count: whatever we have done in our lives, and what state of mind we are in at that very moment. Even if we have accumulated a lot of negative karma, if we are able to make a real change of heart at the moment of death, it can decisively influence our future, and transform our karma, for the moment of death is an exceptionally powerful opportunity to purify karma (Werf Quotes)
Today’s gardens have become far more than things of beauty. And today’s generation is fast finding out that backyards can be an extremely resourceful and powerful tool in not just providing food for the family but also a brilliant way of connecting children with the natural world (Werf Quotes)
Disappointment and adversity can be catalysts for greatness. There’s something particularly exciting about being the hunter, as opposed to the hunted. And that can make for powerful energy (Werf Quotes)
It’s such a rarity to have women in senior powerful positions. We can name them all. Fact is, women can handle power and handle it well. That’s something I’d like a lot more women to understand (Werf Quotes)
The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security (Werf Quotes)
Visions of one powerful scene after another parade across his inner screen, each exploding with drama and meaning (Werf Quotes)
The advantages of having decisions made by groups are often lost because of powerful psychological pressures that arise when the members work closely together, share the same set of values and, above all, face a crisis situation that puts everyone under intense stress (Werf Quotes)
We have no butter... but I ask you, would you rather have butter or guns? Preparedness makes us powerful. Butter merely makes us fat (Werf Quotes)
A century that began with children having virtually no rights is ending with children having the most powerful legal instrument that not only recognizes but protects their human rights (Werf Quotes)
Sharing our stories can also be a means of healing. Grief and loss may isolate us, and anger may alienate us. Shared with others, these emotions can be powerfully uniting, as we see that we are not alone, and realize that others weep with us (Werf Quotes)
Words are the most powerful thing in the universe... Words are containers. They contain faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind (Werf Quotes)
The human desire to know why is as powerful as the desire to know what happened next, and it is a desire of a higher order (Werf Quotes)
Mathematics is one of the deepest and most powerful expressions of pure human reason, and, at the same time, the most fundamental resource for description and analysis of the experiential world (Werf Quotes)
For what is important when we give children a theorem to use is not that they should memorize it. What matters most is that by growing up with a few very powerful theorems one comes to appreciate how certain ideas can be used as tools to think with over a lifetime. One learns to enjoy and to respect the power of powerful ideas. One learns that the most powerful idea of all is the idea of powerful ideas (Werf Quotes)
I began to realize that the camera sees the world differently than the human eye and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed (Werf Quotes)
As I became aware that all things have unique spatial and temporal qualities which visually define and relate them, I began to perceive the things I was photographing not as objects but as events. Working to develop my skills of perceiving and symbolizing these event qualities, I discovered the principle of opposites. When, for example, I photographed the smooth, luminous body of a woman behind a dirty cobwebbed window, I found that the qualities of each event were enhanced and the universal forces which they manifested were more powerfully evoked (Werf Quotes)
He that feareth is a slave, were he never so rich, were he never so powerful. But he that is without fear is king of all the world (Werf Quotes)
Human beings to me are as much a part of nature as trees or birds, and the unclothed body expresses this belongingness directly and powerfully (Werf Quotes)