Werf Quotes

Text Quotes
The minority has discovered a powerful help in influencing majorities. It has been found possible so to mold the mind of the masses that they will throw their newly gained strength in the desired direction. In the present structure of society, this practice is inevitable. Whatever of social importance is done today, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture, charity, education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda. Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government (Werf Quotes)
While few judges or prosecutors would be afraid to exercise their perfectly legitimate discretion in favour of an ordinary man, not to mention a minority group member, most would be terrified to exercise the same discretion for someone politically, financially or socially powerful (Werf Quotes)
No centralized government, no matter how big, how smart or how powerful, can effectively and efficiently control much of society in a beneficial way. On the contrary, big governments are inherently inefficient and harmful (Werf Quotes)
Science is so powerful that it drags us kicking and screaming towards the truth despite our best efforts to avoid it (Werf Quotes)
Embedded in every technology there is a powerful idea, sometimes two or three powerful ideas. Like language itself, a technology predisposes us to favor and value certain perspectives and accomplishments and to subordinate others. Every technology has a philosophy, which is given expression in how the technology makes people use their minds, in how it codifies the world, in which of our senses it amplifies, in which of our emotional and intellectual tendencies it disregards (Werf Quotes)
As long as we are alive, we feel fear. It is an intrinsic part of our makeup, as natural as a bitter cold winter day or the winds that rip branches off trees. If we resist it or push it aside, we miss a powerful opportunity for awakening (Werf Quotes)
Business is the most powerful institution on earth today. It is more powerful than politics. Business serves us very well in some ways, but it doesn’t serve us as fully as it should; it doesn’t serve us fully as people (Werf Quotes)
It sometimes takes a while for executives to figure out that the reporters they think of as little bugs to be squashed or spun can be more powerful than they are (Werf Quotes)
If you know what’s going on and know how society can be improved and happiness advanced, you tend to focus on how to get things done that will help health, safety, opportunity, justice, accountability of powerful institutions to the people they are supposed to serve (Werf Quotes)
Rationality tied to moral decency is the most powerful joint instrument for good that our planet has ever known (Werf Quotes)
It’s not so much about powerful women. In some cases, there are stereotypes about women. I often don’t hear men talked about in the same way. It’s more a sexist stereotype than a powerful stereotype (Werf Quotes)
The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison (Werf Quotes)
Use every letter you write, every conversation you have, every meeting you attend, to express your fundamental beliefs and dreams. Affirm to others the vision of the world you want. You are a free, immensely powerful source of life and goodness. Affirm it. Spread it. Radiate it. Think day and night about it and you will see a miracle happen: the greatness of your own life (Werf Quotes)
Occupying my mind with complex problems has been my best and most powerful and most reliable defense against my mental illness (Werf Quotes)
Like all art forms, film is a media as powerful as weapons of mass destruction; the only difference is that war destroys and film inspires (Werf Quotes)
It is a very powerful feeling to know that my work is affecting people and to hear it from them directly (Werf Quotes)
With a nonviolent movement we are still inviting a strong reaction from the government or ruling authorities. We are inviting a powerful reaction against ourselves. But it undermines the moral legitimacy of our current government. That is the path we need to pursue. Rather than reinforcing their legitimacy we need to undermine their legitimacy (Werf Quotes)
I don’t think there is any mystery to understanding the passionate feelings people have for guns. Nobody really believes it’s about maintaining a militia. It’s about having possession of a tool that makes a person feel powerful nearly to the point of exaltation (Werf Quotes)
It’s difficult for the public to realize how powerful the mind is, and how much pain the mind can give you. When you’re depressed, it’s as though this committee has taken over your mind, leaving you one depressing thought after the other. You don’t shave, you don’t shower, you don’t brush your teeth. You don’t care. The one thing I did do, I still ate a little bit. But I didn’t have much of an appetite. I know a lot of people who say they didn’t eat at all (Werf Quotes)
I know in my heart the dream will be realized. I choose to believe. And choosing is a powerful thing. It’s available to you at every moment. You can choose understanding over anger, believing over nonbelieving, action over inaction. It gives meaning to every choice we make (Werf Quotes)
Certainly. My whole life has been decided by fate. I think something more powerful than we are decides our fates for us. I know one thing – I’ve never planned anything that ever happened to me (Werf Quotes)
If I wanted to connect like I do now, I’d have to write 500,000 letters, get 500,000 stamps, send them out and wait for them all to come back. This stuff is instantaneous. I can see if someone is having a bad day and send them a smiley face and have an effect on them. It’s fun, but it’s also a very powerful thing (Werf Quotes)
My entire purpose is trying to be the best in the game, and if that exudes beauty too, that’s pretty powerful (Werf Quotes)
Living a life with meaning means spreading the word. Even if you can’t move, you can have a powerful effect with what you say (Werf Quotes)
The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious twentieth century scientific theory has become a reality for evolutionary biologists (Werf Quotes)
The photograph is an undeniably powerful medium. Free from the constraints of language, and harnessing the unique qualities of a single moment frozen in time (Werf Quotes)
If I could forgive, it meant I was a strong good person who could take responsibility for the path I had chosen for myself, and all the consequences that accompanied that choice. And it gave me the simple but powerful satisfaction of extending a kindness to another person in a tough spot (Werf Quotes)
Because powerful images are fixed in the mind more readily than words, the photographer needs no interpreter. A photograph means the same thing all over the world and no translator is required. Photography is truly a universal language, transcending all boundaries of race, politics and nationality (Werf Quotes)
If all women on earth woke up tomorrow feeling truly positive and powerful in their own bodies, the economies of the globe would collapse overnight (Werf Quotes)
I grow stronger with every moment. I will be wild. I will be brutal. I will encircle you and conquer you. I will be more powerful than your boats and your swords and your blood lust. I will be inevitable (Werf Quotes)