Werf Quotes

Text Quotes
Staying chaste until marriage, a commandment of my faith, was one of the most difficult challenges of my young life. I had a powerful sense that if I did not get a grip on my identity, my ethics, and my religion, I would go off the rails (Werf Quotes)
Why do people want to drain your energy? So they can journey to other worlds after death, where pleasures are a thousandfold. It is a fast game. Human beings are powerful and skillful (Werf Quotes)
There are people who will think of you in negative ways. You will feel it sometimes. It can actually be physically painful if they’re somewhat powerful. You simply have to remove yourself inwardly from these individuals (Werf Quotes)
It is the free alone which never changes, and the unchangeable alone which is free; for change is produced by something exterior to a thing, or within itself, which is more powerful than the surroundings (Werf Quotes)
It’s necessary for you to work out a way of living that’s very strong and very tight and very powerful, otherwise you will not be able to deal with the unknown (Werf Quotes)
The people who imprinted us are not completely happy and they are not completely powerful. So naturally, we have to fight our whole life against that imprinting (Werf Quotes)
Nature soothes us. Nature heals us, and something more, the woods are a place of power. Any woods that are still surviving on this planet, those are powerful areas to have kept themselves free from the encroachment of the industrial societies of our earth (Werf Quotes)
As you become a powerful person, it becomes increasingly important to have periods of solitude. Take a weekend by yourself. Go up into the mountains or desert and check into a little cabin. Go by yourself (Werf Quotes)
There are lots of people who work out and aren’t at all powerful in terms of their mind or their spirits (Werf Quotes)
The most powerful force to maintaining a good immune system is the power of positive thinking and not allowing yourself to be unnecessarily drained emotionally by worries and fears (Werf Quotes)
Politics is its own world. It is a court and if the king’s eye lights on you, you are a powerful figure. If the king’s eye wanders elsewhere, you are out, whatever your title (Werf Quotes)
There’s the movie you write, there’s the movie you shoot and the movie you edit, and often, you find that you’re getting the same information out of a scene that you already have and a scene that’s actually more powerful, so you have to make the tough decision to take it out (Werf Quotes)
Every medium has its advantages and weaknesses and there are many things I can put down on paper that I might not be able to put into film or into a stage performance. In each form, one can communicate powerfully in different ways (Werf Quotes)
It is not simply a transient happiness that you experience in meditation that creates balance; it is a transformative light. Inner light is the most powerful thing there is (Werf Quotes)
I’m not suggesting that everyone should meditate, far from it. Meditation is for very few individuals. I’m speaking of something that is a powerful experience (Werf Quotes)
If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. They have nothing to do but fold their arms and the world will stop. The workers are more powerful with their hands in their pockets than all the property of the capitalists (Werf Quotes)
Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it is all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you are willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you are willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you have got the essential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces (Werf Quotes)
My dear friend, to be both powerful and fair has always been difficult for mankind. Power and justice have always been seen like day and night; this being the case, when one of them is there the other disappears (Werf Quotes)
To be a lighthouse, you must be strong enough to resist every kind of storm, to every kind of loneliness and you must have a powerful light inside you! (Werf Quotes)
Just like the car headlights impressively illuminating the dark streets, wisdom words powerfully enlighten the dark minds! (Werf Quotes)
I started with the belief that every person who came to the laboratory was free to accept or to reject the dictates of authority. This view sustains a conception of human dignity insofar as it sees in each man a capacity for choosing his own behavior. And as it turned out, many subjects did, indeed, choose to reject the experimenter’s commands, providing a powerful affirmation of human ideals (Werf Quotes)
A great brand taps into emotions. Emotions drive most, if not all, of our decisions. A brand reaches out with a powerful connecting experience. It’s an emotional connecting point that transcends the product (Werf Quotes)
Ordinary men live in fear all the time. Didn’t you know that? We’re afraid of the weather, we’re afraid of powerful men, we’re afraid of the night and the monsters that lurk in the dark, we’re afraid of growing old and of dying. Sometimes we’re even afraid of living. Ordinary men are afraid almost every minute of their lives (Werf Quotes)
Nearly everyone underestimates how powerful the touch of another person’s hand can be. The need to be touched is something so primal, so fundamentally a part of our existence as human beings that its true impact upon us can be difficult to put into words. That power doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sex, either. From the time we are infants, we learn to associate the touch of a human hand with safety, with comfort, with love (Werf Quotes)
Music is powerful. It is the only thing that can speak into your mind, your heart and your soul without your permission (Werf Quotes)
If you’re writing about a character, if he’s a powerful character, unless you give him vulnerability I don’t think he’ll be as interesting to the reader (Werf Quotes)
The world tells us in a thousand different ways that the bigger we become, the freer we will be. The richer, the more beautiful, and the more powerful we grow, the more security, liberty, and happiness we will experience. And yet, the gospel tells us just the opposite, that the smaller we become, the freer we will be (Werf Quotes)
I was brought up in an environment to believe that my opinion was important, that I had something to say, and that it was no less powerful because I was young, a girl, at the time really unattractive, definitely not the smartest kid in the class (Werf Quotes)
Melting our attachment to self is the most powerful medication for bringing mental and emotional imbalances in check (Werf Quotes)
I’ve been lifting weights since I was literally 15 or 16 years old. My muscles are short and powerful and built to lift heavy weights, not to be graceful and glide around a dance floor (Werf Quotes)