Werf Quotes

Text Quotes
As a consumer, you want to associate with brands whose powerful presence creates a halo effect that rubs off on you (Werf Quotes)
It is so powerful when we can leave behind our ordinary identities, no longer think of ourselves primarily as a conductor, or writer, or salesclerk, and go to a supportive environment to deeply immerse in meditation practice (Werf Quotes)
If governments did not mislead their citizens so often, there would be less need for secrecy, and if leaders knew they could not rely on keeping the public in the dark about what they are doing, they would have a powerful incentive to behave better (Werf Quotes)
In examining witnesses, I learned to ask general questions so as to elicit details with powerful sensory associations: the colors, the sounds, the smells that lodge an image in the mind and put the listener in the burning house (Werf Quotes)
Technological innovation has dramatically lowered the cost of computing, making it possible for large numbers of consumers to own powerful new technologies at reasonably low prices (Werf Quotes)
The cool thing about reading is that when you read a short story or you read something that takes your mind and expands where your thoughts can go, that’s powerful (Werf Quotes)
That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person (Werf Quotes)
It’s about your heart and about your consciousness. It’s not about length of time you pray. Some of the most powerful prayers I’ve ever heard come from children, who can barely speak (Werf Quotes)
It’s almost as if men who get tribal tattoos are trying to signal that they are dangerous, they’re to be respected, and they’re powerful (Werf Quotes)
The powerful wind swept his hair away from his face; he leaned his chest into the wind, as if he stood on the deck of a ship heading into the wind, slicing through the waves of an ocean he’d not yet seen (Werf Quotes)
It was less like seeing than like being for the first time seen, knocked breathless by a powerful glance (Werf Quotes)
The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because it’s only intangibles, ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die (Werf Quotes)
Grace is the most perplexing, powerful force in the universe, and, I believe, the only hope for our twisted, violent planet (Werf Quotes)
She was fascinated with words. To her, words were things of beauty, each like a magical powder or potion that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells (Werf Quotes)
Maybe when all was said and done, the imagination was the most powerful of all weapons. It was the imagination of the human race that had allowed it to dream of a life beyond cold caves and of a possible future in the stars (Werf Quotes)
The person I am in the company of my sisters has been entirely different from the person I am in the company of other people. Fearless, powerful, surprising, moved as I otherwise am only when I write (Werf Quotes)
Love, as we have already discussed, is a powerful, wonderful, ridiculous thing, capable of moving mountains. And spools of thread (Werf Quotes)
I think now that being free is not being powerful or rich or well regarded or without obligation but being able to love. To love someone else enough to forget about yourself even for one moment is to be free (Werf Quotes)
There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it’s going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it (Werf Quotes)
Sometimes the shifting of rocks is deep, deep below, and it’s powerful and scary down there, but that all we feel on the surface is a slight tremor. Only a slight tremor (Werf Quotes)
You become most powerful in whatever you do if the action is performed for its own sake rather than as a means to protect, enhance, or conform to your role identity (Werf Quotes)
Never before did I realize that mental illness could have the aspect of power, power. Think of it: perhaps the more insane a man is, the more powerful he could become. Hitler an example. Fair makes the old brain reel, doesn’t it? (Werf Quotes)
There is an energy which springs from sickness and debility: it has a more powerful effect than the real, but, sadly, expires in an even greater infirmity (Werf Quotes)
Language is very powerful. Language does not just describe reality. Language creates the reality it describes (Werf Quotes)
The more powerful you become, the more others will find ways to master you. They’ll do it through those you love and those you hate. They will find the bit and the bridle that fits your mouth and will make you yield (Werf Quotes)
This is the danger of loving: No matter how powerful you are, no matter how many kingdoms you rule, you cannot stop those you love from dying (Werf Quotes)
Homework is not an option. My bed is sending out serious nap rays. I can’t help myself. The fluffy pillows and warm comforter are more powerful than I am. I have no choice but to snuggle under the covers (Werf Quotes)
Fear is such a powerful emotion for humans that when we allow it to take us over, it drives compassion right out of our hearts (Werf Quotes)
Our powerful hunger for myth is a hunger for community. The person without a myth is a person without a home... To be a member of one’s community is to share in its myths (Werf Quotes)
Potentially evil. Potentially good, too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality waiting to be shaped (Werf Quotes)