Werner Heisenberg Quotes
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Text Quotes
We will have to abandon the philosophy of Democritus and the concept of elementary particles. We should accept instead the concept of elementary symmetries (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
There is a fundamental error in separating the parts from the whole, the mistake of atomizing what should not be atomized. Unity and complementarity constitute reality (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The problems of language here are really serious. We wish to speak in some way about the structure of the atoms. But we cannot speak about atoms in ordinary language (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it had been created (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Reality is in the observations, not in the electron (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Unless you stake your life, life will not be won (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The one who insists on never uttering an error must remain silent (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at some absolute truth (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
I think that the discovery of antimatter was perhaps the biggest jump of all the big jumps in physics in our century (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
... separation of the observer from the phenomenon to be observed is no longer possible (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning. Our scientific work in physics consists in asking questions about nature in the language that we possess and trying to get an answer from experiment by the means that are at our disposal (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The reality we can put into words is never reality itself (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it has been created (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Whenever we proceed from the known into the unknown we may hope to understand, but we may have to learn at the same time a new meaning of the word understanding (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The existing scientific concepts cover always only a very limited part of reality, and the other part that has not yet been understood is infinite (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Since the measuring device has been constructed by the observer... We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Thus, the more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known, and conversely (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The basic idea is to shove all fundamental difficulties onto the neutron and to do quantum mechanics in the nucleus (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Even for the physicist the description in plain language will be a criterion of the degree of understanding that has been reached (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The world thus appears as a complicated tissue of events, in which connections of different kinds alternate or overlap or combine and thereby determine the texture of the whole (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The more precise the measurement of position, the more imprecise the measurement of momentum, and vice versa (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
The positivists have a simple solution: the world must be divided into that which we can say clearly and the rest, which we had better pass over in silence. But can anyone conceive of a more pointless philosophy, seeing that what we can say clearly amounts to next to nothing? If we omitted all that is unclear, we would probably be left completely uninteresting and trivial tautologies (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
By getting to smaller and smaller units, we do not come to fundamental or indivisible units. But we do come to a point where further division has no meaning (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human nature, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
Where no guiding ideals are left to point the way, the scale of values disappears and with it the meaning of our deeds and sufferings, and at the end can lie only negation and despair. Religion is therefore the foundation of ethics, and ethics the presupposition of life (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
You may object that by speaking of simplicity and beauty I am introducing aesthetic criteria of truth, and I frankly admit that I am strongly attracted by the simplicity and beauty of mathematical schemes which nature presents us. You must have felt this too: the almost frightening simplicity and wholeness of the relationship, which nature suddenly spreads out before us (Werner Heisenberg Quotes)
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