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Wes Quotes

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I go by the role pretty much. And I think the only genre I haven’t gotten to do but I’d love to is a western, but no one has ever asked me to do that. Unfortunately they are very few and far between these days, but that is one type of film I’d love to do  (Wes Quotes) Western society has accepted as unquestionable a technological imperative that is quite as arbitrary as the most primitive taboo: not merely the duty to foster invention and constantly to create technological novelties, but equally the duty to surrender to these novelties unconditionally, just because they are offered, without respect to their human consequences  (Wes Quotes) The speed of the fleet is not determined by the fastest vessel; rather it is determined by the slowest one  (Wes Quotes) Western civilization, because of fortuitous historical circumstances, has spread itself more widely than any other local group that has so far been known  (Wes Quotes) The more skillful the performance of false cheer, the more pleasing the effect is upon one’s public and on that private audience to whom one owes even more  (Wes Quotes) Monotheism owes its existence not to philosophic speculation about the nature of reality or knowledge or virtue, but to acceptance of reality identified with a supreme being  (Wes Quotes) America loves the representation of its heroes to be not just larger than life, but stupendously, awesomely bigger than anything else. If blue whales built statues to each other they’d be smaller then these  (Wes Quotes) True courage scorns to vent her prowess in a storm of words; and to the valiant action speaks alone  (Wes Quotes) Christian! thou knowest thou carriest gunpowder about thee. Desire them that carry fire to keep at a distance. It is a dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips  (Wes Quotes) Wounds and hardships provoke our courage, and when our fortunes are at the lowest, our wits and minds are commonly at the best  (Wes Quotes) If your record doesn’t sell that well, man, who cares? All the satisfaction I need... comes when I step out onstage and see the people. That’s awesome. I love that  (Wes Quotes) I definitely love that all these car brands are coming out with hybrid forms of every car that they have. It’s very awesome because I think it does make a difference, and it doesn’t hurt that you save a lot of money on gas  (Wes Quotes) Maybe it’s due to my west coast liberal upbringing, but, the idea of parallel universes doesn’t strike me as being too far out there  (Wes Quotes) I’m just trying to be the me that I am and not all of this other crap. I just want to be the family man, and if somehow I can make the money to get my ranch and get the hell away from everybody else, that would be awesome  (Wes Quotes) You don’t need money to look fabulous. There are so many awesome new designers, so many designers doing collections for mass retailers  (Wes Quotes) Some of my lowest points were the most exciting opportunities to push through to be a better person  (Wes Quotes) The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we’ve all gone through that period. It’s not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic  (Wes Quotes) I’m an anarchist. I’m implacably opposed to heirarchical systems of power and control. I also mistrust crowds, as they often operate according to their lowest common denominator. In terms of evolutionary psychology, the crowd is very close to a herd of stampeding wildebeest  (Wes Quotes) Men impose deception on women and punish them for being deceived, force them down to the lowest level and punish them for falling so low, bind them in marriage and then chastise them with menial service for life, or insults, or blows  (Wes Quotes) Yet not for a single moment did I have any doubts about my own integrity and honour as a woman. I knew that my profession had been invented by men, and that men were in control of both our worlds, the one on earth, and the one in heaven. That men force women to sell their bodies at a price, and that the lowest paid body is that of a wife. All women are prostitutes of one kind or another  (Wes Quotes) I grew up with landscape as a recourse, with the possibility of exiting the horizontal realm of social relations for a vertical alignment with earth and sky, matter and spirit. Vast open spaces speak best to this craving, the spaces I myself first found in the desert and then in the western grasslands  (Wes Quotes) And at that moment a wind came out of the northwest, and entered the woods and bared the golden branches, and danced over the downs, and led a company of scarlet and golden leaves, that had dreaded this day but danced now it had come; and away with a riot of dancing and glory of colour, high in the light of the sun that had set from the sight of the fields, went wind and leaves together  (Wes Quotes) People in general attach too much importance to words. They are under the illusion that talking effects great results. As a matter of fact, words are, as a rule, the shallowest portion of all the argument. They but dimly represent the great surging feelings and desires which lie behind. When the distraction of the tongue is removed, the heart listens  (Wes Quotes) What a midwesterner he was, a thoroughly unhip guy with his heart in the usual place, on the sleeve, in plain sight  (Wes Quotes) For it is often the way we look at other people that imprisons them within their own narrowest allegiances. And it is also the way we look at them that may set them free  (Wes Quotes) ... because when beauty awes you, you must halt and try to catch your breath and your staggered heart  (Wes Quotes) Bright colours in the west, giant butterflies dancing as night crept like a cripple toward the east  (Wes Quotes) There are many days when all the awful things that happen make you sick at heart, when the path before you is so steep you can’t bear to look. Not even love can rescue a person from that. Still, enveloped in the twilight coming from the west, there she was, watering the plants with her slender, graceful hands, in the midst of a light so sweet it seemed to form a rainbow in the transparent water she poured  (Wes Quotes) I have written letters that are failures, but I have written few, I think, that are lies. Trying to reach a person means asking the same question over and over again: Is this the truth, or not? I begin this letter to you, then, in the western tradition. If I understand it, the western tradition is: Put your cards on the table  (Wes Quotes) The full moon rises. The fog clings to the lowest branches of the spruce trees. The man steps out of the darkest corner of the forest and finds himself transformed into... A monkey? I think not  (Wes Quotes)
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