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Wes Quotes

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To be always doubting your ability to get what you long for is like trying to reach east by traveling west  (Wes Quotes) The uncut sheets of colored glass are really seductive, awesome, and unarguably lovely things. Naturally, the temptation to cut and damage all that pristine beauty is too much for me to resist  (Wes Quotes) In the creative arts you draw a special power. The discipline required is awesome to be an actor or an actress, to be really good, not just another one waiting tables  (Wes Quotes) So, Captain. How’d you get that name, anyway? Gave it to myself. A real man chooses his own name. Well, pleased to meet you, Captain. I’m Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville  (Wes Quotes) The man who remains in his sin will be damned just as surely as the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west  (Wes Quotes) I learned from a very young age that no one owes you anything and nobody’s gonna give you a damn thing. But you can have anything you want, if you work hard enough for it  (Wes Quotes) It’s awesome to realize that if your greatest potential talent is for riding a bicycle upside down on a high wire, you will somehow discover it  (Wes Quotes) Moscow seethes and bubbles and gasps for air. It’s always thirsting for something new, the newest events, the latest sensation. Everyone wants to be the first to know. It’s the rhythm of life today  (Wes Quotes) Don’t be afraid to be awesome. Sometimes being weird and different is good. When you think you’re working hard, there is always someone else working harder, so always be yourself and know your stuff  (Wes Quotes) Whatever helps you sleep is my opinion on the subject, and that’s what I like about the western world’s most popular religion, it has helped put so many people to sleep, although most of them permanently and without their approval  (Wes Quotes) Californians tend to be outspoken. When the great migration began, the more timid people must have stayed home, and the bolder ones headed west  (Wes Quotes) You just want to make something that’s awesome and that people dig, and I’m excited about it  (Wes Quotes) Different people are afforded different opportunities. I’ve been given some awesome opportunities, and I feel that I’ve always knocked them out of the park. But I’ve always been scaled back after that  (Wes Quotes) Gospel singing... is the rawest, sweetest, uninhibited and exquisite sounds a person can make or hear. It isn’t music, it’s an entire experience you feel and live. A sound to rise you up again  (Wes Quotes) It is a wise provision that youth cannot see what it owes the previous generation. This is a chicken that comes back to roost in heavier years  (Wes Quotes) Anatomize the character of a successful hostess and the knife will lay bare the fact that she owes her position to one of three things: either she is liked, or she is feared, or she is important  (Wes Quotes) Truth is the hardest substance in the world to pin down. But the one certainty is the awesome penalty exacted sooner or later from a society whose reporters stop trying  (Wes Quotes) There’s something great about terrible westerns. They look like gay dancers and bad, overwrought dialogue and overacting, black and white sped up horses  (Wes Quotes) I feel so confident and awesome and sexy when I’m with people who are older than me, and I’ve always been surrounded by people who are older than me. But to be vital in comedy, you have to exist in a world that’s dominated by young people  (Wes Quotes) I was homeless. I lived in a car for a couple of years. That was the worst. But nothing was worse than when I was 40 and my mom passed away. My mother was the best person I ever knew. Those were the two lowest points  (Wes Quotes) The difference between western and eastern intellectuals is that the former have not been kicked in the ass enough  (Wes Quotes) Economically, legally, and politically powerless throughout much of western history, women have been linked to nature and the unknowable through metaphors of the body while the masculine has signified culture and mental activity  (Wes Quotes) I was not awesome at dancing. For a ballerina, I probably started too late. Plus I enjoyed entertaining people too much  (Wes Quotes) It’s just, people recognize you for your work, you know? They love you for your work, and they judge you for your work. It’s awesome to have people quoting you. I love it  (Wes Quotes) It’s true in life, as in the movies, that the greatest highs are often followed by the lowest lows  (Wes Quotes) Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity. It becomes cheap as it becomes vulgar, and will no longer raise expectation or animate enterprise  (Wes Quotes) A good home owes it, as an expression of thankfulness for its own happiness, to try and make up something of the lack that is in other homes  (Wes Quotes) Even as human vitality is at its lowest ebb in the early morning, so it is with plant life in the early spring  (Wes Quotes) The days of infinity are endless. Its hours cannot be counted or found on a clock. There is no north, south, east, or west. These are just concepts. Infinity is forever, everywhere all at once. And that’s all there is  (Wes Quotes) Ultimately, meditation can allow us to have happiness independent of conditions and that is one heck of an awesome claim  (Wes Quotes)
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