Western Quotes

Text Quotes
One of finest evocations of life in Western America in recent memory... Powerful and profoundly moving (Western Quotes)
Fiction is lies; we’re writing about people who never existed and events that never happened when we write fiction, whether its science fiction or fantasy or western mystery stories or so-called literary stories. All those things are essentially untrue. But it has to have a truth at the core of it (Western Quotes)
What Bollywood lacks is scripts. A lot of the films are copies of western films (Western Quotes)
I decided that I wanted to explore all kinds of music with my cello, not just the Western classical tradition. I just wanted to try and expand my vocabulary and bring that different kind of music to my audience (Western Quotes)
The four movies I can remember seeing as a kid were ‘The Elephant Man,’ ‘The Magnificent Seven,’ ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ and ‘Mad Max!’ Two of those are westerns. So the western genre is emblazoned on my memory from childhood, and those are two great movies (Western Quotes)
Well, one thing’s very clear, that terrorism isn’t just a threat which is external to Western countries. It’s not simply a foreign menace that comes from overseas to strike our cities. It can and it does, as we now know, come from within our own countries and from inside our own populations (Western Quotes)
I started stem cells when I wanted to find a cure for my mother, who I loved very much, and western medicine was not able to cure her. If I had discovered stem cells a year before, I think that she would still be here with me (Western Quotes)
I think that in this globalised world, the local is going to become more and more important - it is a paradox. You see it in Western Europe more and more. Eastern Europe is still coming out of the Soviet uniform cultural era, but this kind of separation and nationalism is very obvious now in Western Europe (Western Quotes)
I think in the Western world we have gotten overly identified with doing, and we’ve kind of forgotten about the art of being. And we don’t see value in it; we think that if you’re not doing something all of the time, being very active and producing something, then you’re sort of wasting your time (Western Quotes)
Citizens of liberal welfare states become increasingly narcissistic. The great preoccupations of vast numbers of Brits, Frenchmen, Germans and other Western Europeans are how much vacation time they will have an how early they can retire and be supported by the state (Western Quotes)
I eternally fight internal battles about developing things that only appeal to the East Coast and the West Coast. For years I’ve been trying to do a Western, nobody’s interested in doing a Western, how can that be? (Western Quotes)
Every time someone does a Western movie, people flock to it. It’s like, we’re continually programming to people who are least likely to watch us. People in Nebraska aren’t watching things on the computer, they’re watching television. Why aren’t we programming things for them? We only program things that appeal to New York and Los Angeles and in many ways spit on the rest of the country (Western Quotes)
We are hearing the imams that are preaching in places like the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The imam preached there to the migrants go in to Western Europe, build your enclaves there, breed their women and do not associate or assimilate into the broader society (Western Quotes)
The religion that has transformed Western civilization for two millennia is a blank slate for liberals. Their closest reference point is conservative Christians, meaning people you’re not supposed to hire. And these are the people who carp about George Bush’s alleged lack of intellectual curiosity (Western Quotes)
My analysis, especially of the computer revolution, always comes back to capitalism. It’s that economic system that has led to Western civilization’s willingness to enslave ourselves to machines - because some people benefit enormously from it, while the costs are borne by other people and the planet (Western Quotes)
The eastern part of the Roman Empire spoke mostly Greek, and the western parts spoke mostly Latin. So very soon, you begin getting different emphases between the Eastern church and the Western church (Western Quotes)
So he [Shoko Asahara] was insane but managed to convince a couple thousand people that he was enlightened. Western culture, which Japan is now definitely a part of, doesn’t have an understanding of what Enlightenment is (Western Quotes)
Plenty of people say my guesses about a future drought in the western U.S. (where I live and grew up) are wrong, so I don’t see why I won’t be wrong in some people’s eyes when I go set a story on foreign shores (Western Quotes)
The sheer novelty and glamor of the Western diet, with its seventeen thousand new food products every year and the marketing power - thirty-two billion dollars a year - used to sell us those products, has overwhelmed the force of tradition and left us where we now find ourselves: relying on science and journalism and government and marketing to help us decide what to eat (Western Quotes)
I do not think there was anything abusive in my house. Yet, I stand by a lot of my critiques of Western parenting. I think there’s a lot of questions about how you instill true self-esteem (Western Quotes)
My four years in Russia end, then, in dramatic fashion: with a textbook Soviet-style expulsion. I am the first western staff correspondent to suffer this fate since the end of the Cold War. I’m stunned. But my expulsion is not, I reflect, a surprise. It’s something I have always accepted as a real, if far-fetched, possibility (Western Quotes)
The idea that modernisation makes for enhanced national power and rapid progress and helps everyone achieve greater happiness has its origins in the astonishing political, economic and military successes of western Europe in the 19th century (Western Quotes)
I think that the Western went away for a while because part of its function was that it used to be America’s action film (Western Quotes)
It’s a total failure of the Western imagination that the only enemy they can see is Adolph Hitler. (Western Quotes)
My father was a schoolteacher, and so I had the advantage of both western educational instruction in the school, as well as what you might call the process of imbibing the traditional processes of education instruction around me. (Western Quotes)
I say we must have a movement that brings those troops home and launch a crusade to transform our school buildings, we launch a crusade to see to it that every citizen has adequate and affordable housing, we launch a crusade to make universal health care. We need not soldiers anymore in the world. We’ve had enough of them in western history. (Western Quotes)
The first Western attempt to save Africa from itself was in the late 19th century. It was led by Christian missionaries who claimed to be seeking to end poverty, disease and the slave trade. (Western Quotes)
A suggestion had been made to me looking toward a professorship in some Western college, but after due consideration, I declined to consider the matter. (Western Quotes)
Well documented, the relationship of literature to myth in the Western world has undergone much change over the millennia, as first the age of gods fell away before the notion of a single God, and then, for many people, that single God slipped away, too. (Western Quotes)
The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we’ve all gone through that period. It’s not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic. (Western Quotes)