Western Quotes

Text Quotes
Most people in the Western world grow up with the received wisdom that Mozart was a genius. But few people necessarily know why. More than anyone else, he captured this something which is the human condition, the fine line that we all constantly dance between joy and pain, between absolute happiness and absolute heartbreak. (Western Quotes)
While Hollywood has had a huge influence on the Indian industry, Bollywood and its actors, too, are garnering a lot of attention in the western film world. (Western Quotes)
When I first went to college, I went to Western Michigan. I had been rejected by a bunch of schools for theater. I was like, ‘I’m obviously not cut out for this, so I might as well just go into film.’ (Western Quotes)
There is a difference between Iraq, where you have Sunni, Shia, and Kurds put together after the First World War by the Western powers. It doesn’t work. It needs to break up into three parts. (Western Quotes)
Islam takes advantage of two structural flaws that exist in the Western society. One is political correctness and other is the decline of morality. (Western Quotes)
Some Western demographers have posited, due to the female shortage created by the one-child policy, that China will be forced to field a vast force - as in tens of millions strong - of wifeless men who’ll gladly wage wars around the planet to burn off all those unrequited hormones. (Western Quotes)
I think forgiveness plays a very important part in Western society and it comes from the Judeo Christian heritage. (Western Quotes)
I like the analogy that the way that we live in Western Society, the energy that we consume in the form of fossil fuels, is the energy equivalent in pre-fossil fuel terms of having 500 slaves. (Western Quotes)
It is true that a large percentage of the Western world hopes that I am imprisoned or dead. But all my people, the Palestinians and the Arabs, wish me long life and freedom. (Western Quotes)
It is the West that has liberated women, racial minorities, religious minorities, and gays and lesbians, recognizing and defending their rights. The notions of freedom and human rights were present at the dawn of Western civilization, as ideals at least, but have gradually come to fruition through supreme acts of self-criticism. (Western Quotes)
We have a very foolish notion in Western countries that progress delivers freedom. But progress doesn’t necessarily bring moral virtue. (Western Quotes)
Freedom from discrimination for women, ensuring that female children can learn to read, these are human needs for half the human race, not western values. (Western Quotes)
The vision that we and the Rothschilds have for India is to link Indian fields to the world and put the produce, as fresh as it can be, on Western tables in 4-5 days. (Western Quotes)
All things in my novels are real for me. Some western critics said that Garcia Marquez’s novels are magic realism. However, I believe that Marquez must have experienced everything in his novels. (Western Quotes)
We see a new generation of Russian authors who are not divided from their Western contemporaries either culturally or philosophically. (Western Quotes)
After all, [female genital mutilation is] a key pillar of institutional misogyny in Islam: its entire purpose is to deny women sexual pleasure. True, a lot of us hapless western men find we deny women sexual pleasure without even trying, but we don’t demand genital mutilation to guarantee it. On such slender distinctions does civilization rest. (Western Quotes)
I grew up kind of in the country, in western Georgia. And then I moved a lot closer to Atlanta, and I started doing plays, and when I started doing film, I think I really started to love it. (Western Quotes)
Hours before the Georgian invasion, Russia had been working to secure a United Nations Security Council statement calling for a renunciation of force by both Georgia and South Ossetians. The statement that could have averted bloodshed was blocked by western countries. (Western Quotes)
Western Costume, and the old Universal wardrobe that is huge and they’re getting rid of so much of it now, which is sad. (Western Quotes)
You will have Time, that rare and lovely gift that your Western countries have lost the more they have pursued it. (Western Quotes)
Easterly, a celebrated economist, presents one side in what has become an ongoing debate with fellow star-economist Jeffrey Sachs about the role of international aid in global poverty. Easterly argues that existing aid strategies have not and will not reduce poverty, because they don’t seriously take into account feedback from those who need the aid and because they perpetuate western colonial tendencies. (Western Quotes)
It’s not going to be a straight upward progression, but there’s no doubt that consciousness is growing. Prejudices die regularly in the Western world. We don’t burn witches anymore. (Western Quotes)
Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years. (Western Quotes)
Yes, hypothetically, western Catholicism could revise the theme of celibacy. ... But for the moment, I am in favor of maintaining celibacy, with the pros and the cons it has, because we have ten centuries of more good experiences than bad ones. (Western Quotes)
But the weakness comes from these Westernised co-opted Muslim leaders who just want to look good in the eyes of the West and Western media. (Western Quotes)
It’s pretty obvious that Western lifestyles which rely on gigantic amounts of electricity use up far more resources than a subsistence-based life. A little more poverty would be a good thing. (Western Quotes)
Some Libertarians argue that Western occupation fans the flames of radical Islam; I agree. But I don’t agree that, absent Western occupation, that radical Islam ‘goes quietly into that good night.’ (Western Quotes)
It’s a mistake to assume that Islamists always come from the slums. Indeed, many come from affluent families but for some reason just couldn’t manage to integrate into Western society, even though they had good opportunities for advancement. (Western Quotes)
If I just produce the transparent ideal accepted by the Western experts, a process of privatization which will be very good but never happen, that means nothing. (Western Quotes)
The commerce between India and Africa will be of ideas and services, not of the manufactured goods against raw materials after the fashion of the Western exploiters. (Western Quotes)