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Westlife Quotes

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Few people asking about my post Westlife plans!? I’ll be making a solo album of course! The process has already started actually ;)  (Westlife Quotes) It’s amazing how lucky Westlife were and what we achieved. It’s very rare to have seven number ones in a row. Ridiculous in fact.  (Westlife Quotes) For Westlife, the music will never stop as long as our fans are around inspiring us to keep on making beautiful music together.  (Westlife Quotes) The couple of years before I was declared bankrupt were the roughest. The bank letters, the pressure, the stress was awful. You’re in this twilight zone of not knowing where your life is going, and yet you’re in Westlife. Everything was great with the band. I was earning money, and it looked good.  (Westlife Quotes) I didn’t really like ‘You Raise Me Up’ at the time we recorded it; now it’s my favourite Westlife song.  (Westlife Quotes) I think that as a band, we find joy, and we love what we are doing. We are very good friends, so we get on very well, and we have a lot of respect for each other. We have a lot of respect for what Westlife is. We have a very, very solid and strong fan base all over the world.  (Westlife Quotes) Every year, we couldn’t believe it, and even when I look back on it now, to sell 14 million singles, 50 million albums and sell out arenas and stadiums, what Westlife achieved was crazy. It’s like One Direction probably don’t realise how big they are. They’ll look back one day and think, ‘Holy God, that was pretty amazing.’  (Westlife Quotes) You shouldn’t end a band like Westlife and not be financially secure to some extent, but I wasn’t at all - it was the complete opposite. But you look at stuff then, ‘Well, what do I have? I don’t have money but I have a great marriage, three healthy kids, and I have my voice. I’ll just start again.’  (Westlife Quotes)