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Whatever one wishes to say, there is one noun only by which to express it, one verb only to give it life, one adjective only which will describe it. One must search until one has discovered them, this noun, this verb, this adjective, and never rest content with approximations, never resort to trickery, however happy, or to vulgarism, in order to dodge the difficulty  (Weve Quotes) Whether it is done quickly or slowly, however splendid the results, the process of writing fiction is inherently, inevitably, indistinguishable from wasting time  (Weve Quotes) If we are to achieve a world free from nuclear weapons, we need the involvement of young people. Youth have energy, enthusiasm and many good ideas to share. Most importantly, however, it is young people who will be inheriting the problems which have been left to them by the generations past  (Weve Quotes) I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger  (Weve Quotes) Whatever machine you use, however sophisticated your technology, it’s ideas that count. In the beginning was the idea. No machine will give you the ability to spot an opening, take a new idea, and see it through to profitable fruition  (Weve Quotes) Capablanca used to talk calmly and moderately about everything. However, when our conversation turned to the problems of the battle for the world championship, in front of me was a quite different person: an enraged lion, although with the fervour typical only of a southerner, with his temperamental patter, which made it hard to follow the torrent of his indignant exclamations and words  (Weve Quotes) However, I must stress that my own interest is immediate and in the picture. What I am conscious of and what I feel is the picture I am making, the relation of that picture to others I have made and, more generally, its relation to others I have experienced  (Weve Quotes) No image, however accomplished, could have captured the agonizing poignancy of that moment. It was a moment to be lived, not framed, analysed or reduced in any way  (Weve Quotes) It can be argued that rapists deserve to be raped, that mutilators deserve to be mutilated. Most societies, however, refrain from responding in this way because the punishment is not only degrading to those on whom it is imposed, but it is also degrading to the society that engages in the same behavior as the criminals  (Weve Quotes) Alliances are crucial to success in the political sphere. However, if we are to approach other organizations to propose alliances for the public good, we must be prepared to assert a far more important role for the library. We must clearly define what we do and establish and assert the relationship of libraries to basic democratic freedoms, to the fundamental humanistic principles that are central to our very way of life  (Weve Quotes) However, the fact that an economist offers a theoretical analysis does not and should not automatically command respect. What is needed is some assurance that the analysis is actually relevant  (Weve Quotes) By explanation the scientist understands nothing except the reduction to the least and simplest basic laws possible, beyond which he cannot go, but must plainly demand them; from them however he deduces the phenomena absolutely completely as necessary  (Weve Quotes) Gases are distinguished from other forms of matter, not only by their power of indefinite expansion so as to fill any vessel, however large, and by the great effect heat has in dilating them, but by the uniformity and simplicity of the laws which regulate these changes  (Weve Quotes) Films have been my only passion in life. I have always been proud of making films and will continue taking pride in all my films. I have never made a movie I have not believed in. However, though I love all my films, one tends to get attached to films that do well. But I do not have any regrets about making films that did not really do well at the box office  (Weve Quotes) I think that I sort of see other actresses are kind of proud of the way they look and show it off. That’s never really been my style. I really don’t think that it’s disgusting or wrong, if you’re 18 you’re 18, it’s your body, it’s your right to show yourself, however, I don’t really take a part in that. I like to look nice, but I think that there’s ways of doing it that are more tasteful than just wearing a bikini wherever you go  (Weve Quotes) It does help to actually realize that however stunning the person who is, you know, fluttering eyelashes at you, she doesn’t do anything to match up to your wife  (Weve Quotes) If the image one holds of one’s self contains elements that don’t square with reality, one is best advised to let go of them, however difficult that may be  (Weve Quotes) I don’t think everyone should vote. If you have to be dragged into the polls, carried into the polls and smelling salts have to be used, you probably shouldn’t be voting. However, we shouldn’t be putting up barriers to voting that target certain groups  (Weve Quotes) Youll come to see that a man learns nothing from winning. The act of losing, however, can elicit great wisdom. Not least of which is how much more enjoyable it is to win. Its inevitable to lose now and again. The trick is not to make a habit of it  (Weve Quotes) Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer. However, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it  (Weve Quotes) I’ve acted with all types, I’ve directed all types. What you want to understand, as a director, is what actors have to offer. They’ll get at it however they get at it. If you can understand that, you can get your work done  (Weve Quotes) The best thing as an actor, the best tool you have is your imagination. That you kind of take things that have happened, and then go and expand on them. However small it is, you use your imagination to create what that reality is. There’s something kind of fun when you’re not old enough to do anything, driving a car, getting into a bar, drinking, going to a party you don’t belong to, something when you’re young in that innocent way  (Weve Quotes) It’s hard to explaining exactly what happened, but I felt in that moment that the divine, however we may choose to define such a thing, surely dwells as much in the concrete and taxi cabs as it does in the rivers, lakes, and mountains. Grace, I realized, is neither time nor place dependent. All we need is the right soundtrack  (Weve Quotes) The wandering photographer sees the same show that everyone else sees. He, however, stops to watch it  (Weve Quotes) In the past, most wars were motivated by the idea of nationhood. Today, however, wars are incited above all using religion as an excuse  (Weve Quotes) The most common objection to changes in public policy which would increase a user’s control of housing at the expense of centralized institutions is that standards would be lowered as a result. The standards the objectors have in mind, however, are not something that cam be achieved with available resources, but, rather, represent the objector’s own notion of what housing ought to be  (Weve Quotes) I don’t myself believe that, even when we fulfill our minimum obligations not to cause pain, we have the right to kill animals. I know I would not have the right to kill you, however painlessly, just because I liked your flavour, and I am not in a position to judge that your life is worth more to you than the animal’s to it  (Weve Quotes) It is always the first and last steps that are the hardest to take. We walk away and try not to turn back, or we stand just outside the gates, terrified to find what’s waiting for us now that we’ve returned. In between, we stumble blindly from one place and life to the next. We try to do the best we can. There are moments like this, however, when we are neither coming nor going, and all we have to do is sit and look back on the life we have made  (Weve Quotes) Psychology cannot tell people how they ought to live their lives. It can however, provide them with the means for effecting personal and social change  (Weve Quotes) A hard truth: that courage can be without meaning or impact, need not be rewarded, or even known. The world has not been made in that way. Perhaps, however, within the self there might come a resonance, the awareness of having done something difficult, of having done... something  (Weve Quotes)
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