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Not a few patients, however, suffering from certain forms of mental disorder, regain a high degree of insight into their mental condition in what might be termed a flash of divine enlightenment  (Weve Quotes) One of the first pieces of advice I was ever given, on my first job was, you should always buy something to treat yourself to say well done for getting the job! However I’ve not followed on that through yet... I’ve always wanted a tattoo, something to mark my experience  (Weve Quotes) I once fell 20 feet from a tree, was knocked unconscious, and when I picked myself up and straggled home, my parents thought I was making it up. However, when my brother and I fabricated a story about an encounter with a bear, they believed that! So maybe I learned very early on that fiction was more interesting to listeners!  (Weve Quotes) I have written a memoir here and there, and that takes its own form of selfishness and courage. However, generally speaking, I have no interest in writing about my own life or intruding in the privacy of those around me  (Weve Quotes) There tends to be this hierarchy of film and television, and theater is somewhere else in its own milieu. However, as actors, yes, we love to do theater because it’s our story. Nobody can edit it, the curtain goes up, and it’s ours for two hours or three, or whatever. And we tell it  (Weve Quotes) I’m not easy to live with and I know that it’s true. However, you’re no picnic either, babe, and that’s one of the things I liked about you  (Weve Quotes) I do still see that my nature is not to be quite conquered, but will esteem pleasure above all things, though yet in the middle of it, it has reluctances after my business, which is neglected by my following my pleasure. However musique and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business is  (Weve Quotes) It is, however, an argument of no weight to say that natural bodies are first generated or compounded out of those things into which they are at the last broken down or dissolved  (Weve Quotes) However, I have a low opinion of people with narrow political horizons. Someone who talks about the environment and knows nothing about economics can make as many mistakes as someone who does the opposite  (Weve Quotes) Now, I’m the most impatient person that ever walked the planet. However: for the best, you always wait  (Weve Quotes) I have to be very careful, however, because I have no intention of providing an excuse for this behavior. It’s an attempt to explain how so many women come from backgrounds where the pressure to be a good mother is so severe that if they can’t do it, something really snaps  (Weve Quotes) While analogies are useful, however, they can also be misleading. They smuggle in assumptions that can be wrong  (Weve Quotes) I look for the humanity in people, however big the politics or oppressive the situation may be, whether it’s subsumed within a human being or between two human beings. I want to help us hold a mirror to ourselves  (Weve Quotes) I will probably only give birth to two and then the rest will come to our family however it happens. I can only hold two, but you never know. I really want a boy because boys love their mamas!  (Weve Quotes) Well, I’ve been a professional racer for nine years. And if I could get it to pay me as much as acting, I’d give up all the rest in a second. Working in television, however, has made me accustomed to a certain lifestyle that I’d like to maintain  (Weve Quotes) I realized that there was something internal that I could gain from pursuing this career as an actor. However, once I got into the business I just really abhorred what this career can drum up inside of a person  (Weve Quotes) Our society loves to romanticize the idea of the single, solo inventor who, working late in the lab one night, makes an earthshaking discovery, and voila, overnight everything’s changed. That’s a very appealing picture; however, it’s just not true. Medicine today is a team sport  (Weve Quotes) Toasting is basically what you call rapping. It came off of playing the beats at the parties, however it be. You find a space in the beat, and you have somebody live just basically saying rhymes over the beat  (Weve Quotes) First person allows deeper insight into the protagonist’s character. It allows the reader to identify more fully with the protagonist and to share her world quite intimately. So it suits a story focused on one character’s personal journey. However, first person shuts out insights into other characters  (Weve Quotes) Fast food is both evil and genius. Because of it we can feed a large number of people fairly decently at an affordable price. However, all the artificial flavors and artificial ingredients in some of their products are unacceptable. And it’s designed so you can eat fast so you get back to work more quickly. Not good  (Weve Quotes) A standing army, however necessary it may be at some times, is always dangerous to the liberties of the people. Such power should be watched with a jealous eye  (Weve Quotes) If we marvel at the artist who has written a great book, we must marvel more at those people whose lives are works of art and who don’t even know it, who wouldn’t believe it if they were told. However hard work good writing may be, it is easier than good living  (Weve Quotes) However appalling to consider, however tedious to enact, every novel requires furniture, whether it is to be named or unnamed, for the characters will be unable to remain in standing position for the duration of the story  (Weve Quotes) However, everything has an end, everything passes away, even the hunger of people who have not eaten  (Weve Quotes) However, the balloon, lightened of heavy articles, such as ammunition, arms, and provisions, had risen into the higher layers of the atmosphere, to a height of 4,500 feet. The voyagers, after having discovered that the sea extended beneath them, and thinking the dangers above less dreadful than those below, did not hesitate to throw overboard even their most useful articles, while they endeavored to lose no more of that fluid, the life of their enterprise, which sustained them above the abyss  (Weve Quotes) However strenuously the world pulls us apart, however long the absence, we are not changed for being dashed upon the rocks. I knew you then, I know you now, I shall know you again when you come home  (Weve Quotes) I do think that exercise is important, not only to keep you in shape but also for your state of mind. However, I am not fanatical about it  (Weve Quotes) To be acceptable is for one to ignore his weakness while knowing his strength, to cover the scar even though it’s always there, however, to be impossible is for one to see his weakness as, not an adversary, but the cherry on top of his strength, to rearrange the scar so that it compliments his features  (Weve Quotes) What you learn when you direct a film, even more so than as a producer, it’s a marriage. It’s like a relationship with that film so you’ve got to make sure that it’s really something that you want to live with for three years or however long it is. So I haven’t found the right thing to marry yet  (Weve Quotes) There is no reason to live in fear of crime and violence. There is however reason to take reasonable precautions. And in doing so, you will have deterred most criminals from choosing you as their victim  (Weve Quotes)
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