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I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps  (Weve Quotes) Dr. Johnson was a lazy learned man who liked to think and talk better than to read or write; who, however, wrote much and well, but too often by rote  (Weve Quotes) Why should we, however, in economics, have to plead ignorance of the sort of facts on which, in the case of a physical theory, a scientist would certainly be expected to give precise information?  (Weve Quotes) Like every other good thing in this world, leisure and culture have to be paid for. Fortunately, however, it is not the leisured and the cultured who have to pay  (Weve Quotes) We cannot be kind to each other here for even an hour. We whisper, and hint, and chuckle and grin at our brother’s shame; however you take it we men are a little breed  (Weve Quotes) Understand however that every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself  (Weve Quotes) Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be; custom will soon render it easy and agreeable  (Weve Quotes) A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field, however fertile, without cultivation  (Weve Quotes) It is knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of man; that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal  (Weve Quotes) The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how heartless and greedy they were  (Weve Quotes) I love to play golf, and that’s my arena. And you can characterize it and describe it however you want, but I have a love and a passion for getting that ball in the hole and beating those guys  (Weve Quotes) It is a very great mistake to imagine that the object of loyalty is the authority and interest of one individual man, however dignified by the applause or enriched by the success of popular actions  (Weve Quotes) There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death  (Weve Quotes) To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king. However, a political executive magistracy, though merely such, is a great trust  (Weve Quotes) No education is worth having that does not teach the lesson of concentration on a task, however unattractive. These lessons, if not learnt early, will be learnt, if at all, with pain and grief in later life  (Weve Quotes) I see before me the statue of a celebrated minister, who said that confidence was a plant of slow growth. But I believe, however gradual may be the growth of confidence, that of credit requires still more time to arrive at maturity  (Weve Quotes) I believe that whatever we do or live for has its causality; it is good, however, that we cannot see through to it  (Weve Quotes) Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others  (Weve Quotes) One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games  (Weve Quotes) Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that’s very beautiful. But what would they nourish their intimate talk with? However contemptible the world may be, they still need it to be able to talk together  (Weve Quotes) A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself  (Weve Quotes) Some people think that meditation takes time away from physical accomplishment. Taken to extremes, of course, that’s true. Most people, however, find that meditation creates more time than it takes  (Weve Quotes) Gnomic wisdom, however, is notoriously polychrome, and proverbs depend for their truth entirely on the occasion they are applied to. Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it  (Weve Quotes) Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us  (Weve Quotes) However great the advantages given us by nature, it is not she alone, but fortune with her, which makes heroes  (Weve Quotes) Man is a simple being, and however rich, varied, and unfathomable he may be, the cycle of his situations is soon run through  (Weve Quotes) Total freedom from error is what none of us will allow to our neighbors; however we may be inclined to flirt a little with such spotless perfection ourselves  (Weve Quotes) Ethical metaphysics is fundamentally an attempt, however disguised, to give legislative force to our own wishes  (Weve Quotes) No man would, I think, exchange his existence with any other man, however fortunate. We had as lief not be, as not be ourselves  (Weve Quotes) Of what use, however, is a general certainty that an insect will not walk with his head hindmost, when what you need to know is the play of inward stimulus that sends him hither and thither in a network of possible paths?  (Weve Quotes)
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