What Happen Quotes

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The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself (What Happen Quotes)
Long since, the desert wind wiped away our footprints in the sand. But at every second of my existence, I remember what happened, and you still walk in my dreams and in my reality. Thank you for having crossed my path (What Happen Quotes)
Love demands everything, they say, but my love demands only this: that no matter what happens or how long it takes, you’ll keep faith in me, you’ll remember who we are, and you’ll never feel despair (What Happen Quotes)
Faith means that it doesn’t matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right (What Happen Quotes)
What happens in a certain place can stain your feelings for that location, just as ink can stain a white sheet (What Happen Quotes)
If you daren’t enter the forest, or cannot find it, then perhaps you might find one tree, or a place where a tree could be, and just stop for a quiet moment to see what happens (What Happen Quotes)
What happens in the past, is in the past. But don’t be surprised if it comes back and haunts you (What Happen Quotes)
Maybe if I didn’t say anything about what happened, we could get back to the way we were. Ignoring a problem was a perfectly acceptable way to deal with it, as long as both people agree never to bring it up again (What Happen Quotes)
The news isn’t there to tell you what happened. It’s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear (What Happen Quotes)
No matter what happens, we’ll always be together, always find a way to locate each other. No matter which guise my soul decides to wear, I will always return to you. Just like I always have returned to you (What Happen Quotes)
What happens when you let an unsatisfactory present go on long enough? It becomes your entire history (What Happen Quotes)
Up to this point your life has pretty much sucked. You’re not responsible for that. But you are responsible for what happens from here on (What Happen Quotes)
Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens. I need you to remember that I love you (What Happen Quotes)
You have to go forward: It’s the only way. You have to go forward no matter what happens. This is the universal law (What Happen Quotes)
I learned that what happened to me did not have to define who I was. My past could not control my future unless I allowed it to (What Happen Quotes)
I suspected that what happens in hotel rooms rarely lasts outside of them. I suspected that when something was a beginning and an ending at the same time, that meant it could only exist in the present (What Happen Quotes)
Last night I dreamed about you. What happened in detail I can hardly remember, all I know is that we kept merging into one another. I was you, you were me. Finally you somehow caught fire (What Happen Quotes)
It seems impossible that you can love one person so much, no matter what happens, no matter what they do (What Happen Quotes)
What happens when we get back? I don’t know. I guess we try and forget. I don’t want to forget (What Happen Quotes)
I’m simply pointing out that what happens to us isn’t the whole story. That I continue to exist even when we’re not together (What Happen Quotes)
This was what happened after you’d been together with someone a long time. You loved that it was old and worn and comfy, but sometimes it was old and worn and comfy (What Happen Quotes)
Mystery bores me. It chores me. I know what happens and so do you. It’s the machinations that wheel us there that aggravate, perplex, interest, and astound me (What Happen Quotes)
All stories are like those about the creation of the universe, no one was there, no one witnessed anything, yet everyone knows what happened (What Happen Quotes)
Madness strips you of memory and leaves you scrabbling around on the floor of your brain for the snatches and snippets of what happened, what was said, and when (What Happen Quotes)
You always look so cool, like no matter what happens, it’s got nothing to do with you, but you’re not really like that. In your own way, you’re out there fighting as hard as you can, even if other people can’t tell by looking at you (What Happen Quotes)
That’s what happens when people reach old age; nobody remembers they’ve been bastards too (What Happen Quotes)
I remember making that vow, the one not to forget. Not to remember what happened, but to remember who I was and how I felt (What Happen Quotes)
You like him because he’s a lost boy. Believe me, I’ve seen it happen before. But do you know what happens to girls who love lost boys? They become lost themselves. Without fail (What Happen Quotes)
However difficult it may be to accept what happens to us, one must understand that moments such as this give us the possibility for radical change in our behavior (What Happen Quotes)
Commitment, I finally said. Both people have to be committed. I think if two people are committed to the marriage, if they really want to make it work, then they’ll find a way to do it. No matter what happens in life (What Happen Quotes)