What Is Right Quotes

Text Quotes
If a man remembers what is right at the sign of profit, is ready to lay down his life in the face of danger, and does not forget sentiments he has repeated all his life when he has been in straitened circumstances for a long time, he may be said to be a complete man (What Is Right Quotes)
The art of governing consists simply of being honest, exercising common sense, following principle, and doing what is right and just (What Is Right Quotes)
How does humility manifest itself in leadership and in life? A humble person is more concerned about what is right than about being right, about acting on good ideas than having the ideas, about embracing new truth than defending outdated position, about building the team than exalting self, about recognizing contribution than being recognized for making it (What Is Right Quotes)
You can lie to yourself and fool yourself and rationalize that the choice you’re making is what is right and what is true and what leads to liberation, when it’s actually only the fulfillment of desire (What Is Right Quotes)
Everyone is growing and developing. Everyone has to go through a trial and eror process of finding what is right (What Is Right Quotes)
What is right or duty without power? To tell a man it is his duty to submit his judgment to the judgment of the church, is like telling a wife it is her duty to love her husband a thing easy to say, but meaning simply nothing. Affection must be won, not commanded (What Is Right Quotes)
Do what is right, and the reward will be immediate and multitudinous. Think what is right, and your authority will grow (What Is Right Quotes)
I have always been a firm believer in working hard for what is right and for making your own breaks if you want things to change (What Is Right Quotes)
Because sometimes the best leaders are the ones who have no interest in leading. Those are often the ones who are most interested in doing what is right, not what is popular (What Is Right Quotes)
I smile when I’m angry, I cheat and I lie. I do what I have to do to get by. But I know what is wrong and I know what is right, and I’d die for the truth in my secret life (What Is Right Quotes)
What is all your studying worth, all your learning, all your knowledge, if it doesn’t lead to wisdom? And what’s wisdom but knowing what is right, and what is the right thing to do? (What Is Right Quotes)
Mountains and oceans have whole worlds of innumerable wondrous features. We should understand that it is not only our distant surroundings that are like this, but even what is right here, even a single drop of water (What Is Right Quotes)
It’s no wonder human beings are so narcissistic. The way our ears are constructed, we can hear only what is right next to us or else the internal monologue inside (What Is Right Quotes)
We will stand up for what is right, for what is fair and what is just. Health care is a right and not a privilege (What Is Right Quotes)
My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right (What Is Right Quotes)
Doing is the great thing, for if people resolutely do what is right, they come in time to like doing it (What Is Right Quotes)
A portion of mankind take pride in their vices and pursue their purpose; many more waver between doing what is right and complying with what is wrong (What Is Right Quotes)
The vices respectively fall short of or exceed what is right in both passions and actions, while virtue both finds and chooses that which is intermediate (What Is Right Quotes)
Even when we know what is right, too often we fail to act. More often we grab greedily for the day, letting tomorrow bring what it will, putting off the unpleasant and unpopular (What Is Right Quotes)
We uniformly applaud what is right and condemn what is wrong, when it costs us nothing but the sentiment (What Is Right Quotes)
Conservatism is not the problem. Conservatism is the founding of this country, essentially. Conservatism isn’t even really an ideology. Conservatism is just what is right, proper, decent, and moral. That’s all it is (What Is Right Quotes)
Wisdom you don’t get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong (What Is Right Quotes)
Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don’t miss it (What Is Right Quotes)
Sometimes, what is right for you at the beginning of your life is not the right thing for you at the end of your life (What Is Right Quotes)
Scold your children, and they will know what is wrong; but correct them with love, and they will know what is right (What Is Right Quotes)
Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenseless if there isn’t the will to do what is right (What Is Right Quotes)
Our part is to pursue with steadiness what is right, turning neither to right nor left for the intrigues or popular delusions of the day, assured that the public approbation will in the end be with us (What Is Right Quotes)
I will not yield to any man contrary to what is right, for fear of death, even if I should die at once for not yielding (What Is Right Quotes)
Hence it demands the emptiness of all the faculties. And when the faculties are empty, then the whole being listens. There is then a direct grasp of what is right there before you that can never be heard with the ear or understood with the mind (What Is Right Quotes)
Passionate conviction... sparks romances, wins battles, and drives people to pursue dreams others wouldn’t dare. Belief in ourselves and in what is right catapults us over hurdles, and our lives unfold (What Is Right Quotes)