What To Say Quotes

Text Quotes
Moon, moon, when you leave me alone all the darkness is an utter blackness, a pit of fear, a stench, hands unreasonable never to touch. But I love you. Do you love me. What to say when you see me (What To Say Quotes)
In composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds, in improvisation you have 15 seconds (What To Say Quotes)
I had got this far, and was thinking of what to say next, and as my habit is, I was pricking the paper idly with my pen. And I thought how, between one dip of the pen and the next, time goes on, and I hurry, drive myself, and speed toward death. We are always dying. I while I write, you while you read, and others while they listen or stop their ears, they are all dying (What To Say Quotes)
Unless we are prepared to search our souls to discover what to say, and then how to say it effectively, we cannot expect to deal successfully with today’s domestic and personal problems, not to mention those international issues on which our very lives depend (What To Say Quotes)
Be still my tongue, for I know not what to say; My life is lived in darkness and here I will remain (What To Say Quotes)
The parts of me that hurt the worst want me to write something for them, but I can’t. I don’t know what to say. I’m lost in all this sadness, and so are they (What To Say Quotes)
Many musicians are fabulously skilled at playing the black dots on the printed page, but mystified by how the dots got there in the first place and apprehensive of playing without dots. Music theory does not help here; it teaches rules of the grammar, but not what to say. When people ask me how to improvise, only a little of what I can say is about music. The real story is about spontaneous expression, and it is therefore a spiritual and a psychological story rather than a story about the technique of one art form or another (What To Say Quotes)
My technique is laughable at times. I have developed a style of my own, I suppose, which creeps around. I don’t have to have too much technique for it. I’ve developed the parts of my technique that are useful to me. I’ll never be a very fast guitar player. I don’t really know what to say about my style. There’s always a melodic intent in there (What To Say Quotes)
Don’t tell me what to do, don’t tell me what to say. And please, when I go out with you, don’t put me on display (What To Say Quotes)
I don’t know what to say when I have a crush on somebody. I kind of lose my words. I really try to start a conversation, and I can’t. It’s horrible (What To Say Quotes)
In a relationship when things are really great you don’t need to say anything and just enjoy the other person. Sometimes with a couple, it gets dark and you don’t know what to say and that silence can last all day. Other times you don’t want to stop talking because you don’t want to lose one another (What To Say Quotes)
I don’t have anybody telling me what to say. I have people who would suggest, maybe, that I shouldn’t do this, that or the other, but that’s strictly up to me (What To Say Quotes)
No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her (What To Say Quotes)
I’ve learned my lesson over the years about what to say and what not to say in interviews, that’s for sure (What To Say Quotes)
I used to always crack jokes in class. I was a good liar and a good talker. I was just good. I was my father’s son. I was slick. When it comes to knowing what to say, to charm, I always had it (What To Say Quotes)
When I was 20, I thought anyone in the music business over 25 is past it. Then at 30, you think anyone still doing it at 35 is ridiculous. Suddenly, you find yourself at 48 and still doing it, so I don’t know what to say, really (What To Say Quotes)
It always seems crazy to tell people what to expect. That never works! So, I don’t know what to say, other than that they can expect me (What To Say Quotes)
I love to meet the fans. I just get embarrassed with those who weep. I don’t know what to do or what to say. It’s a very embarrassing situation (What To Say Quotes)
Telling us what to think has evolved into telling us what to say, so telling us what to do can’t be far behind (What To Say Quotes)
Technology gives us power, but it does not and cannot tell us how to use that power. Thanks to technology, we can instantly communicate across the world, but it still doesn’t help us know what to say (What To Say Quotes)
I don’t know what to say about literary critics. I think it’s probably best to say nothing (What To Say Quotes)
I do think there was a period there when my sanity was under intense pressure, and I didn’t know what to say or do or how to act. I was literally living from day to day (What To Say Quotes)
Someone can break your heart, leave you dead on the lawn, and still you never learn what to say to stop it all over again (What To Say Quotes)
I didn’t know what to say to her. What do you say to people when they ask how it feels to lose everything? When every planet in your solar system has exploded? (What To Say Quotes)
She tried to remind herself that beauty was only skin deep, but that didn’t offer any helpful excuses when she was berating herself for never knowing what to say to people. There was nothing more depressing than an ugly girl with no personality (What To Say Quotes)
Kat didn’t know what to say. It’s good to see you too? Thanks for getting me kicked out? Is it possible you’ve gotten even hotter? I think I might have missed you? (What To Say Quotes)
I’m not used to girls, or familiar with their customs. I feel awkward around them, I don’t know what to say. I know the unspoken rules of boys, but with girls I sense that I am always on the verge of some unforeseen, calamitous blunder (What To Say Quotes)
English is the perfect language for preachers because it allows you to talk until you think of what to say (What To Say Quotes)
You don’t expect me to know what to say about a play when I don’t know who the author is, do you?... If it’s by a good author, it’s a good play, naturally. That stands to reason (What To Say Quotes)
Music fills in for words a lot of the time when people don’t know what to say, and I think music can be more eloquent than words (What To Say Quotes)