What was it the French Minister said. If it is simply difficult it is done. If it is impossible, it shall be done

What was it the French Minister said. If it is simply difficult it is done. If it is impossible, it shall be done
Anthony Trollope, the renowned English novelist, was known for his prolific writing and dedication to his craft. He was a master of storytelling and his works continue to be celebrated for their rich characters and intricate plots. Trollope's commitment to his writing was unwavering, and he often faced challenges and obstacles in his career. However, he never let these difficulties deter him from pursuing his passion.The quote, "What was it the French Minister said. If it is simply difficult it is done. If it is impossible, it shall be done," resonates with Trollope's approach to his work. Trollope understood that writing was not always easy, and that there would be times when he would face seemingly insurmountable obstacles. However, he believed that with determination and perseverance, anything was possible.
Trollope's dedication to his writing is evident in the sheer volume of his work. He wrote over 47 novels, as well as numerous short stories, articles, and travel books. Despite the demands of his career and his personal life, Trollope always made time for his writing. He would wake up early every morning and write for several hours before starting his day job at the postal service. Trollope's commitment to his craft was unwavering, and he never shied away from a challenge.
Like the French Minister in the quote, Trollope believed that anything was possible with hard work and determination. He understood that writing was a difficult and often frustrating endeavor, but he never let that stop him from pursuing his passion. Trollope's resilience and perseverance continue to inspire writers to this day, and his legacy lives on through his timeless works.