Whatabouts Quotes

Text Quotes
This is our story to tell. You’d think for all the reading I do, I would have thought about this before, but I haven’t. I’ve never once thought about the interpretative, the story telling aspect of life, of my life. I always felt like I was in a story, yes, but not like I was the author of it, or like I had any say in its telling whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
In this office we do not have problems. We have interesting developments. We have challenges. If we absolute must we may, on occasion, have a slight difficulty. But under no circumstances whatsoever do we have problems (Whatabouts Quotes)
Human beings can get used to virtually anything, given plenty of time and no choice in the matter whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
Society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundredfold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal (Whatabouts Quotes)
I confess that altruistic and cynically selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one’s neighbor as one’s self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbor; you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing (Whatabouts Quotes)
Just hit the blunt one time and see if it don’t change your perception on whats important in your life (Whatabouts Quotes)
Money is central to our lives. Yet money is not of central importance. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the lasting values that make life worth living (Whatabouts Quotes)
By freethinking I mean the use of the understanding in endeavoring to find out the meaning of any proposition whatsoever, in considering the nature of the evidence for or against, and in judging of it according to the seeming force or weakness of the evidence (Whatabouts Quotes)
Aww, whats the problem, gertrude? You mean to tell me that you can’t walk into a bar with a $100 bill on your forehead and walk with anything, either male or female? (Whatabouts Quotes)
There have been people.. ever since I’ve had any kind of position in the world.. who have accused me of being ruler of the world. I have to say that I think for the large part, I would have to decide to describe them as crack pots. It makes no sense whatsoever, and isn’t true, and won’t be true, and to raise it as a serious issue seems to me to be irresponsible (Whatabouts Quotes)
Without the land, the rivers, the oceans, the forests, the sunshine, the minerals and thousands of natural resources we would have no economy whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
In speaking of natural rights, therefore, it is essential to remember that these alleged rights have no political force whatsoever, unless recognized and enforced by the state (Whatabouts Quotes)
Whats more important than recipes is how we think about food, and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that (Whatabouts Quotes)
If you have this idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old, you are denying, if you will, everything that you can touch and see. Youre not paying attention to whats happening in the universe around you (Whatabouts Quotes)
Even though I’ve had the body of work I’ve had, and the success I’ve had, I do not rest on my laurels whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
You must show no mercy... nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you... for your greatness will silence them all (Whatabouts Quotes)
There are people who have no engaged conversation with the land whatsoever, no sense of its beauty or extremes or limits and therefore no reason to question their actions in a place that is merely backdrop (Whatabouts Quotes)
It would be difficult to convince me that leaning has no effect whatsoever on the outcome of my bowling (Whatabouts Quotes)
Insomnia is an indication, not a chaos. Its like ache. Youre not going to provide a patient ache medicine without figuring out whats reasoning the pain (Whatabouts Quotes)
All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual’s sensibilities in relation not only to one’s fellow humans everywhere, but to all living things whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
I’ve sworn off agnosticism, which I now call cowardly atheism. I’ve come to the position that in the complete absence of any supporting data whatsover for the persistence of the individual in some spiritual form, it is necessary to operate under the provisional conclusion that there is no afterlife and then be ready to amend that if I find out otherwise (Whatabouts Quotes)
Kindness and good nature unite men more effectually and with greater strength than any agreements whatsoever, since thereby the engagements of men’s hearts become stronger than the bond and obligation of words (Whatabouts Quotes)
The testimony of scripture is so plain that to add anything were superfluous, were it not that the world is almost now come to that blindness, that whatsoever pleases not the princes and the multitude, the same is rejected as doctrine newly forged, and is condemned for heresy (Whatabouts Quotes)
Oratory is good only if it has the qualities of fitness for the occasion, propriety of style, and originality of treatment, while in the case of letters there is no such need whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
A newspaper is a private enterprise owing nothing whatsoever to the public, which grants it no franchise. It is therefore affected with no public interest (Whatabouts Quotes)
Maybe its time we get a toolbox that doesnt just count whats easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible (Whatabouts Quotes)
Love isn’t as simple as you wish it would be. On the other hand, it’s nowhere near as complicated as you fear it is. My advice to you is to extinguish any itch you might have to compel love to serve any agenda whatsoever. Instead, bow down before it with all the innocence you can muster, and declare yourself ready to be its humble student and servant. Celebrate through surrender (Whatabouts Quotes)
Every man of character will have that character questioned. Every man of honor and courage will be faced with unjust criticism, but never forget that unjust criticism has no impact whatsoever upon the truth. And the only sure way to avoid criticism is to do nothing and be nothing (Whatabouts Quotes)
What is beautiful for you may not be beautiful to someone else. Or whatever is beautiful here may not be beautiful there and what is sometimes beautiful today is not necessarily beautiful tomorrow. Perhaps this is the story of fashion and what makes it move forward, the fact that there is no decision whatsoever with what’s wrong (Whatabouts Quotes)
Were designed for persistence hunting, which is a mix of running and walking. Whats built into that kind of running is a sense of pleasure. You are designed and built and perfect for this activity, and it should be enjoyable and fun (Whatabouts Quotes)