Whatabouts Quotes

Text Quotes
Whats a gonzotic frenzy? Well its me in the throes of an ink splattering attempt to capture the feeling I have at that particular time (Whatabouts Quotes)
You really want to make sure that you have fun, at the end of the day. If its not fun, whats the point (Whatabouts Quotes)
Life isn’t a music player where you choose whats being played, it is a radio where you have to enjoy whats being played (Whatabouts Quotes)
I can’t resist a pretty plant. When I see it, I want it, I buy it, take it home, and plant it where ever I can find a place. If I had a similar moral code when it comes to romance, I would be divorced several times over by now. That is the reason I grow a cottage garden. I can stick everything in with complete abandon and no discrimination whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
Every soul who comes to earth with aleg or two at birth must wrestle hisopponents knowing its not what is, butwhat can be that measures worth. Make it hard, just make it possible and throughpain, I wont complain. My spirit is unconquerable. Fearless I will face eachfoe for I know I am capable. I don’t care whats? probable, through blood sweat and tears I am unstoppable (Whatabouts Quotes)
People compose for many reasons, to become immortal; because the piano happens to be open; because they want to become a millionaire; because of the praise of friends; because they have looked into a pair of beautiful eyes; or for no reason whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
Their notion of training was to march the men up and down in parades and reviews: these were nice to look at and gave them the impression of military discipline and precision, but as a preparation for a modern war they had no value whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
The last word always belongs to the audience... that blessed connection... that is a most powerful feeling. One that is worth savouring on dark nights when the wind blows. On the other hand there is no way of ever knowing when one steps out into that circle, if the connection will be made. The promise is there, the hope is there, but no certainty whatsoever. Which is, I suppose, the attraction. That connection, when it happens, is magic. When it doesn’t... Turn out the lights (Whatabouts Quotes)
Awareness cannot be taught, and when it is present it has no context. All contexts are created by thought and are therefore corruptible by thought. Awareness simply throws light on what is, without any separation whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
I think that’s whats wrong with the world. No one says what they feel, they always hold it inside. They’re sad, but they don’t cry. They’re happy, but they don’t dance or sing. They’re angry, but they don’t scream. Because if they do, they feel ashamed. And that’s the worst feeling in the world. So everyone walks with their heads down and no one sees how beautiful the sky is (Whatabouts Quotes)
A true gentleman doesn’t prefer blondes. A true gentleman doesn’t have any preferences whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
For when the law doth give any thing to one, it giveth impliedly whatsoever is necessary for the taking and enjoying of the same (Whatabouts Quotes)
Be very very still and allow every new experience to take place in your life without any resistance whatsoever. You do not have to do anything, you simply have to be and let things happen (Whatabouts Quotes)
Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it gladly. Because there is no work, love, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave (Whatabouts Quotes)
The liberty of thinking and publishing whatsoever each one likes, without any hindrances, is not in itself an advantage over which society can wisely rejoice. On the contrary, it is the fountainhead and origin of many evils (Whatabouts Quotes)
Every good teaching may still end up producing evil bandits who have no principles whatsoever, an outcome even more likely when the teacher is also a bandit (Whatabouts Quotes)
I wonder whats wrong with me. Sometimes I just keep wanting to go deeper and deeper into the world of self destruction. Like as if I want to see myself fail completely and disappear (Whatabouts Quotes)
When men no longer have the least fear of saying something untrue, they very soon have no fear whatsoever of doing something unjust (Whatabouts Quotes)
Everybody works in a different way, and I’ve worked with actors that have no training whatsoever who are phenomenal (Whatabouts Quotes)
I realized relatively early on that I had no desire to be a mother whatsoever. I actually love children, but specifically other people’s (Whatabouts Quotes)
The divergent series are the invention of the devil, and it is a shame to base on them any demonstration whatsoever. By using them, one may draw any conclusion he pleases and that is why these series have produced so many fallacies and so many paradoxes (Whatabouts Quotes)
Unless you’ve been touched personally, it’s difficult to see, but there are millions of people who have no voice whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
My grandfather on one side was trained as a cabinetmaker but eventually worked as a coachbuilder and then built cars. I inherited from him a love of cars, but with no technical ability whatsoever, sadly! (Whatabouts Quotes)
The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit. All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual’s sensibilities in relation not only to one’s fellow humans everywhere, but to all things whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
Essentially, there’s no scientific evidence whatsoever that could ever be presented to me that would wipe out my fundamental spiritual beliefs (Whatabouts Quotes)
Some people just chase the glittery stuff and they have no substance to their life whatsoever. Actually all they really want is power. But they pretend they’re interested in enlightenment (Whatabouts Quotes)
Whatsoever you are doing, be absorbed in it so utterly that the mind thinks nothing, is just there, is just a presence. And more and more totality will be coming (Whatabouts Quotes)
It is art that makes life, and I know of no substitute whatsoever for the force and beauty of its process (Whatabouts Quotes)
Beauty is a living abiding presence completely untouchable by all the devices of man, such as moral codes, creeds, intellectual analysis, games and cliches, the acquisitive instinct, or lust for anything whatsoever (Whatabouts Quotes)
Great men are the modelers, patterns, and in a wide sense creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do and attain (Whatabouts Quotes)