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Whatever Quotes

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Whatever dramas are going on in my life, I always find that place inside my head where I see myself as the cleanest, tallest, strongest, wisest person that I can be  (Whatever Quotes) Child actors come off as work being their life and doing it 24/7, but I still have those days where it’s totally, like, whatever: shopping, movies, adventures  (Whatever Quotes) I think it’s very important that whatever you’re trying to make or sell or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won’t be here in ten years  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever talent I had, I’m sure it helped that my parents were in the business and that I grew up around actors, comedians and directors  (Whatever Quotes) Because the casual music listeners are the ones who turn on the radio and they don’t really care what’s playing, they just know that they kinda like it or it’s easy to drive to or it’s easy to sing along to or whatever  (Whatever Quotes) A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must, in practice, be a bad government  (Whatever Quotes) I can be whatever. I can wear shoes or don’t wear shoes. I can tie my hair up or wear it down. It doesn’t matter  (Whatever Quotes) I’m very happy to sing whatever I’m singing. I’ve always enjoyed any role I’ve been given at a certain time. They’ve all been favourites, they’ve all been wonderful pieces to play  (Whatever Quotes) Sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder. I think it should be. Absolutely. My sex appeal, whatever it might be, isn’t obvious... at least to me  (Whatever Quotes) You must surrender whatever preconceptions you have about music if you’re really interested in it  (Whatever Quotes) Good acting is about being as natural and calm as possible. These days producers have such definite ideas that you have to be prepared to do whatever they ask  (Whatever Quotes) Unfortunately, the reality was that, for political reasons or whatever, there was a need to enforce antidiscrimination laws, or at least there was a perceived need to do that  (Whatever Quotes) Ircumcision, an archaic ritual mutilation that has no justification whatever and no place in a civilized society  (Whatever Quotes) They say that even the brightest star won’t shine forever. But in fact, the brightest star would live the shortest amount of time. Feel free to extract whatever life lesson you want from that  (Whatever Quotes) For price is everywhere regulated by the return obtained by this last portion of capital, for which no rent whatever is paid  (Whatever Quotes) In every case do the opposite to whatever technology does today. Then you will always be on the right track  (Whatever Quotes) I have always striven to fix beauty in wood, stone, glass or pottery, in oil or watercolor by using whatever seemed fittest for the expression of beauty, that has been my creed  (Whatever Quotes) The strength of the poetry as we enter into whatever it is we are entering into, will be determined by the clarity of the thinking we put into it  (Whatever Quotes) An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes  (Whatever Quotes) With whatever talent and resources I have, I’m trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel  (Whatever Quotes) It’s not fair that the accused is not protected from adverse publicity whilst the accuser is guaranteed anonymity, whatever the verdict  (Whatever Quotes) In fact what I would like to see is thousands of computer scientists let loose to do whatever they want. That’s what really advances the field  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever an artist’s personal feelings are, as soon as an artist fills a certain area on the canvas or circumscribes it, he becomes historical. He acts from or upon other artists  (Whatever Quotes) I would say this is not negative this is h, a hard part in gymnastics. You can’t eat, whatever you want to eat. And what kind of meal you’re supposed to have, you can’t  (Whatever Quotes) I’m very wary of large groups of people getting together and trying to believe the same thing. It never seems to end well, whether it’s political or religious or whatever  (Whatever Quotes) I mean, making art is about objectifying your experience of the world, transforming the flow of moments into something visual, or textual, or musical, whatever. Art creates a kind of commentary  (Whatever Quotes) As I’ve often said, you can shop online and find whatever you’re looking for, but bookstores are where you find what you weren’t looking for  (Whatever Quotes) You have to be cautious of eating continuously the same thing. Beef comes to mind right away, and there’s nothing wrong with beef, but you’ve got to do whatever you’re doing in moderation. So try to break it up a little bit. Eat some fish or some shellfish at least a couple of times a week  (Whatever Quotes) I’ve probably gone a month or two without playing guitar, just because I’ve gotten so burnt on it touring all year or whatever  (Whatever Quotes) Every player has the option to have metal spikes or other spikes or whatever they feel most comfortable in  (Whatever Quotes)
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