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Whatever Quotes

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You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there’s no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you’ve got  (Whatever Quotes) The thing people don’t understand is that touring or travelling or whatever you do in my position means you go to all these cool places all over the world, but you see everything from a car window. You don’t get to see much of the city or meet people at all  (Whatever Quotes) It’s good to focus on the universal suffering that goes on in any war. Whatever the right and wrongs of the war, there is always universal suffering  (Whatever Quotes) Yeah, I’m a giver. I’ve learned to be selective of the people in my world, because if I love someone, I will give them my blood, whatever they need. In doing so, one can end up with little left for themselves  (Whatever Quotes) It’s hard being bisexual, omnisexual, multisexual, whatever you want to call it, when people have their agenda and expect you to just represent their agenda  (Whatever Quotes) You never know what you do that could be totally out of left field, which actually might work and give something fresh to the whole scene, to the character, whatever. If you have that with a director who then knows how to shape it, either in the direction, in the moment, or in the editing, then that’s good  (Whatever Quotes) My approach with actors is to try and give them whatever it is they need from me. Direction to me is about listening and responding and realizing how much they need to know from me and how much they have figured out for themselves, really  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever luck I had, I made. I was never a natural athlete, but I paid my dues in sweat and concentration and took the time necessary to learn karate and become world champion  (Whatever Quotes) I’ve always liked the idea of taking old dramatic ideas and devices and making them feel relevant or contemporary or whatever  (Whatever Quotes) My dad’s great. He’s my biggest supporter. He’s always told me that whatever I choose to do, I can do it. I just gotta put my mind to it  (Whatever Quotes) There’s something to play if there’s conflict going on. Whatever that conflict is, that’s where drama is; if the character is grappling with something you’ve got something to play, there’s layers to it  (Whatever Quotes) The truth is, you know, we need our anodynes. You know that word, anodynes? We need that in life some times. A good warm bath can be one for you, or a whatever  (Whatever Quotes) It is perfectly evident to any logical mind that when you have got the vote, by the proper use of the vote in sufficient numbers, by combination, you can get out of any legislature whatever you want, or, if you cannot get it, you can send them about their business and choose other people who will be more attentive to your demands  (Whatever Quotes) I’d like to show people that if you put the hard work in and you believe in yourself, then you can do whatever you want to  (Whatever Quotes) I’m still fighting really hard to get any role I get. If it’s comedy, I go for the laughs. And if it’s drama, I try to tell the truth, and try to play the real stakes of whatever scenario the character’s in  (Whatever Quotes) I think we know too much about actors as it is and their personal lives and it’s this information age where we’re stimulated constantly by the celebrity buzz effect or whatever it is, these web sites and blogs and different things  (Whatever Quotes) I am definitely not like the hottest young actress, the most beautiful or whatever. I have my own thing going  (Whatever Quotes) All equestrians, if they last long enough, learn that riding in whatever form is a lifelong sport and art, an endeavor that is both familiar and new every time you take the horse out of his stall or pasture  (Whatever Quotes) Do whatever rejuvenates you. It might be a cooking class, cocktails with the girls, or just private time with the hubby. We all have our moments where we run out of steam because we’ve given everything we’ve got to everyone else. Whoever decided that was a good thing? It’s not. Everyone needs to refuel  (Whatever Quotes) You cannot live to please everyone else. You have to edify, educate and fulfill your own dreams and destiny, and hope that whatever your art is that you’re putting out there, if it’s received, great, I respect you for receiving it. If it’s not received, great, I respect you for not  (Whatever Quotes) I’ve never been able to sit round on my own and play drums, practice in the back room, never been able to. I’ve always played with other musicians. It’s how I play, there’s no joy for me in playing on my own, bashing away. I need a bass, a piano, guitar, whatever, and then I can play  (Whatever Quotes) I’m very unpredictable. Very, very impulsive. Extremely. Absolutely! Sometimes I don’t know what I want to do from one day to the next. I can’t enjoy anything premeditated; I just do it as I feel it. But whatever I do is motivated by honesty  (Whatever Quotes) When you make a film, you sign a contract with somebody, and it’s not only legally binding but morally binding. You agree to give this man a certain number of weeks of your life, and you just go for it as much as possible. Because, whatever happens, the film is going to come out, so you might as well try very hard to make it a good one  (Whatever Quotes) I mean yes to act out something or take chances in the performance is one thing. But in terms of a camera, whatever’s captured is captured so that’s a little more daunting  (Whatever Quotes) My approach as an actor has always been the same, in that the greatest gift that you’re ever going to have is your imagination because you’re not going to have all life experiences. So you draw on things that are sort of close to it but you spend your time expanding on it or drawing something specific on whatever your situation is  (Whatever Quotes) The skating community is very fickle. And with me, they’re especially fickle for whatever reason. Maybe I bring it on myself, but if you don’t prove yourself and you don’t skate consistently, then they can very easily write you off and bring somebody from behind you and put them in your place  (Whatever Quotes) I think nowadays it’s so easy as an athlete to become a statistic whether or not you lose everything or having trouble or whatever it may be  (Whatever Quotes) It’s inconceivable to some people that that wouldn’t be the sexiest thing to do in the whole world: to be a movie star, and make money, and be pampered, and whatever  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever movies I sign, they have to get me out of my comfort zone. Otherwise, I would get bored very easily  (Whatever Quotes) When you first start working, you take whatever job is offered, because you have to build your resume. But you don’t think about what you’re building  (Whatever Quotes)
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